Jact55's current harvest and ongoing grow journal (already in flower)


Well-Known Member
so i have been thinking about how i can really make my next grow move up to the next level. there are obvious things such as grow my plants bigger, fill my new box more, ect. but i think that i am on to a really good idea to basically double my space with the same space. i got the idea from the topsy turvy tomatoe pots, that grow tomatoes upside down. this would basically be a double scrog, from the top and the bottom. i would design my own upside down pots and hand them with some space for watering from the top of my box. i would still have the same plants on the bottom. i would probably need another 400 watter. but basically i would put the 2 400's in the middle with no reflectors so the plants hanging and standing would get the same light. i would install a screen above and below the lights to protect the plants and keep them under control. i think that i would need a cool tube for this, i would probably just make one long cool tube for the two lights, if i can figure this out. my only concern is that the rising heat may have a detrimental effect on the hanging plants, oh and the hanging pots falling and ruining everything. also water dripping down onto the buds and lighting when i water the upper plants. here is a pic, i havent used paint since highschool, so sorry for the terrible art.

any suggestions are greatly appreciated.




Well-Known Member
i could do my pots just like this i guess. this idea would also cut my veg time as well. i was gonna veg for a couple months to fill my box, but with this i could veg for half the time basically



Well-Known Member
Haha, you been reading to much of my stuff.... you have crazy ideas now.

I don't know about that one man. I mean I love it, but like you said there are some issues that may make it not worth it. I think the biggest problem would be the water above. I think that is just asking for moldy buds. The electrical is a concern, but I'd be more worried about the plants. I don't mean to discourage you making it work.

I don't think the heat rising would be an issue at all.

One thing I've read about the topsy turvy thing... you have to do the whole grow with it, becuase if you start the plants regular, the root mass will be toward the bottom of the pot, then when you turn it over those roots wont be sitting in the wet soil anymore, as the water would collect in the new bottom of the pot, what used to be the top, do you see what I'm saying.

Nice picture you drew in paint... looks like one of mine.

What the hell is that lizard thing bro???


Well-Known Member
haha, you are 100% right about reading too much of your stuff. that is what got me thinking.

to make this work, granted i actually would do it, i would have to probably clone, then transplant once rooted so the roots were towards the bottom initially. i think that the electrical issue could be solved. but ya the rotting issue is a big stumbling block.

i might try it out with one of my freebies in the back of the box, not directly over the light or plants. just to see. this was a high, spur of the moment idea. i get stoked on shit and run off with it, hehe

it think that the lizard is a fat tailed gecko, or something like that

iBlaze DrO

Well-Known Member
haha, you are 100% right about reading too much of your stuff. that is what got me thinking.

to make this work, granted i actually would do it, i would have to probably clone, then transplant once rooted so the roots were towards the bottom initially. i think that the electrical issue could be solved. but ya the rotting issue is a big stumbling block.

i might try it out with one of my freebies in the back of the box, not directly over the light or plants. just to see. this was a high, spur of the moment idea. i get stoked on shit and run off with it, hehe

it think that the lizard is a fat tailed gecko, or something like that

haha i believe the high spur of the moment ideas are the shit with just a little work and more highness and it turns into a genius plot :weed: but hows the Thai Super Skunk goin?
cant wait to see your finish product


Well-Known Member
haha i believe the high spur of the moment ideas are the shit with just a little work and more highness and it turns into a genius plot :weed: but hows the Thai Super Skunk goin?
cant wait to see your finish product

hey man, how u been? i just checked out your journal, its been a while since i was there. congrats on the first lady!! now it is just the long wait. my thai skunk is doing good. tomorrow is 10 weeks for her and she is still growing. i will post some pics of the new tips, they have shot up maybe a half inch in the last 2 days. the main cola is getting thick as well. thanks for stoppin in.





Well-Known Member
thanks for checking out my garden ninja. i'm sure you blackberry kush will put mine to shame, lol


Well-Known Member
subd for this one......this grow looks like it will be a fun one.

On your idea of a topsy turvy scrog.....I would be worried about the water running through the soil, and down the plant, then dripping on the hot bulbs or wires below it. This could turn out bad, hot glass+cold water= cracked glass and short circuits.


Well-Known Member
hey little mafia,

i also have this concern. as of right now my only solution would be to spend alot of time each watering making sure to prevent drips or to catch them above the light in some way. also i could water during the dark period so the lights are not hot. but ya, if i try to make this work there will be alot of problem solving to do.

thanks for checking out my plants


Well-Known Member
maybe a layer of glass, caulked around the edge between the light and the plants on top. That way water that would run through would land on the glass, and eventually evaporate back up to the plants.


Well-Known Member
ya that is a good idea, even if it was something that i could put in and take out easily. just to catch the water and then i could wipe it off and take out the glass. i am not sure that i would want something permanent. thanks for the input. feel free to shoot any other ideas my way as well


Well-Known Member
ya that is a good idea, even if it was something that i could put in and take out easily. just to catch the water and then i could wipe it off and take out the glass. i am not sure that i would want something permanent. thanks for the input. feel free to shoot any other ideas my way as well
Jact what's going on have we done anything new to the babies? Have we harvested? Please let me know I'm patiently waiting LOL.


Well-Known Member
hello to the few followers that i have. sorry that it has been a while since an update, my parents stayed with my for almost a week so i had to stay away from my grow for a bit. i have had heat issues this entire grow so i leave the door to my small grow room open usually. but with my parents at my place it had to stay closed. i would peak in when i would get a chance and almost start crying when i was seeing the thermometer say 110 degrees. so for the past week i have been nursing them back to health.

ok enough babbling, pics are coming up


Well-Known Member
this is the amnesia lemon. it is the crystaliest bud i have ever grown. it smell like tropical punch. it is just over 8 weeks. i will probably cut her around 10 weeks




Well-Known Member
heres the update on the two blue cheeses. they are also just over 8 weeks. i am going to start the flush on them as of today and cut them in around a week. the one, as i mentioned earlier in my posts, smells like the mustiest cheesiest blueberry smell possible. the other smell really similar to a grapefruit. i am pretty excited to be cutting these in a week, although i will probably get only like a dub to an eigth from each baby plant, haha




Well-Known Member
now the thai x super skunk. she is will be at 12 weeks on monday. i was hoping that she would be done at 14 weeks, but i dont think that will be near enough time. she will probably need 16-18 weeks. damn this is a long wait. she is still growing, and shooting out foxtails everywhere. the buds are still very immature but fattening nicely. the smell is nothing to brag about. in fact i dont think she smells that good. cant really explain what it is though.




Well-Known Member
if you guys dont mind i am going to throw up some pics of some veggies i have been growing. i suck at growing fat buds, but i can grow a mean tomatoe or zuccinini. the tomatoe is still on the plant and is still growing, unfortunetely a bug has fuck up the top, but still, this tomatoe is fucking huge. the picture really doesnt do it justice. the tomatoe plants are 6' tall. the zucinni shown is actually one of the smaller ones we have picked, we have just chopped up and frozen all of the biggest ones.

we have a whole garden of different veggies, these are just the giants. now if only i could get my buds like these




Well-Known Member
if you guys dont mind i am going to throw up some pics of some veggies i have been growing. i suck at growing fat buds, but i can grow a mean tomatoe or zuccinini. the tomatoe is still on the plant and is still growing, unfortunetely a bug has fuck up the top, but still, this tomatoe is fucking huge. the picture really doesnt do it justice. the tomatoe plants are 6' tall. the zucinni shown is actually one of the smaller ones we have picked, we have just chopped up and frozen all of the biggest ones.

we have a whole garden of different veggies, these are just the giants. now if only i could get my buds like these

Wow nice fruit and veggies. I might have to take some pics of mine. Mine didn't do too well this year. Weather sucked too much. But the Chronic you are growing is looking sexy. Check out my page I replied back to you. Oh yea I took a couple of pics of the Malawis today. You can see the hairs really well here goes the link https://www.rollitup.org/outdoor-growing/226723-slims-outdoor-sativas-09-update-post2953098.html#post2953098


Well-Known Member
I know what you mean man, i can grow some big fat maters and veggies, but cant get my buds to swell like that!

Its very frustrating!!LOL!