Jail Gets a Bad Rap

Bold men make bold statements. but that was kinda weak...
Fin thinks he is talking to stupid people I guess.

What sunshine said is correct. This dude is delusional or so stoned he doesn't know what's going on.

A deferment is not winning. It is a plea agreement. One that you admit you need to rehabilitate.
Bold men make bold statements. but that was kinda weak...
First, It is in quotes, NAS said that not me. And second, it is a song about Corrupt Police in ethnic communities and the one sided History that we are presented that ignores the fact that Africa has been front and center for most of History, including during, after and right before the Roman empire, which is what most people think of when they think History.
You didn't beat the case if they dismissed it.. If you went to court and they said you're not guilty then that would have been beating it.. They just saw it wasn't worth it to the state, you devoted years of your life to something they simply didn't care about
No, I have 1 active lawsuit in Texas. They are called Causes, I am the Plaintiff the PD is the Defendant.

I only have their response on paper, so I could tell you what they said but I don't have a link or anything.

Cool. So have they even asserted substantive defenses to your lawsuit yet? If so, what defenses were asserted? Or have they simply attacked it on procedural grounds?
Fin has no clue what he's talking about or how the jail system works, pls do not listen to him and the incomplete and false information he's giving out listening to a dumb ass like him will be the reason you sit in jail or prison.
The Detective in Austin just contacted me and said that the lab is done with testing, no charges have been filed still, and I can come pick up my Religious materials from the Station when they next contact me. So that will definitely help the cause.
Cool. So have they even asserted substantive defenses to your lawsuit yet? If so, what defenses were asserted? Or have they simply attacked it on procedural grounds?

The said that they are a Department of the City and that if anyone was going to be sued it would have to be the city, then they used the same argument in the second point and said that they are immune to lawsuits, then they asked that the case be removed to Federal court, and they didn't say this last part but I know the reason they want to go to Federal court is so they can bring up Sovereign Immunity which States can usually use in Federal court to get lawsuits dropped.

But all of that is covered in Tx Code Title 5 Chapter 110, they are suable and have waived sovereign immunity.
Someone that has been threw the system all my life and knows what he speaks of about the law is not true.
Do you believe there is no credence to a religious defense for using cannabis as a sacrament? How many of these cases have you examined? That's what I'm interested in.
Question: Why do people refer to hemp as a cousin of marijuana? Hemp is male cannabis, usually C. sativa L. If hemp is legal (cultivation is only legal in certain states, but it's not illegal to possess), how can marijuana be illegal? Are people really that dumb?
Cops invented the term marijuana, I never call cannabis marijuana.
Question: Why do people refer to hemp as a cousin of marijuana? Hemp is male cannabis, usually C. sativa L. If hemp is legal (cultivation is only legal in certain states, but it's not illegal to possess), how can marijuana be illegal? Are people really that dumb?
I think they call seed production for edible purposes, hemp also. Therefore it can also be female hemp in that case. It's all semantics