January 6th hearings on Trump's failed insurrection.

"There were 21 Republican state lawmakers who participated in Jan. 6 events, according to a DLCC report. Among those 21 lawmakers, only one has been censured by his home state and that was only after he was arrested after live-streaming himself breaking into the Capitol".

Institutionalists are currently a danger to the very institution they seek to preserve.

Mueller is the model for this sort of hesitancy. They are so fearful of appearing partisan that they purposefully ignore the fact that this time an entire party is looking to overthrow the country itself.
Worst of all, this time, this incident, democrats have already demonstrated that if the culprits were also democrats they will have been swiftly punished, few other democrats would have turned away or even defended them.

This doesn't mean dems are fundamentally "superior" it means only that this time they remain closer to reality, more comprehending of the peril.

But this is also why they are so damn reticent to act decisively.

THROW the filibuster out, Republicans would have. Don't accept the threats or promises of the opposition, Republicans wouldn't.

This is our country we are talking about.

Should things go south (bad joke), the right will celebrate for a bit until they themselves be compromised by the same authoritarian tendencies they now seem to embrace. It will then be too late.

They will of course have finally managed to "own the libs". God love'em.
Congress Contemplates Criminal Referrals For Trump and Company for Crimes of January 6

The New York Times reported that the House select committee is considering making criminal referrals to the Department of Justice of Donald Trump and others who may have criminal liability for the insurrection. Here is a review of what criminal referrals are, how DOJ has handled prior criminal referrals by Congress, and what it signals that the committee is contemplating referring Trump for a criminal investigation.
Trump Plans Jan. 6 Press Conference At Mar-A-Lago

Donald Trump just can’t stop spreading ‘the big lie.’ Glenn Kirschner discusses Trump’s latest plan to hold a press conference at Mar-a-Lago on January 6th, 2022.
Trump Plans Jan. 6 Press Conference At Mar-A-Lago

Donald Trump just can’t stop spreading ‘the big lie.’ Glenn Kirschner discusses Trump’s latest plan to hold a press conference at Mar-a-Lago on January 6th, 2022.
Florida does not have an extradition treaty.
Florida does not have an extradition treaty.
He could hide out in Florida with Desantis's help from the NY charges, for awhile, with federal indictments it doesn't matter, federal marshals or the FBI will come and get him. His best bet would be to jump on a private plan to Europe, then Moscow, provided he can offshore money and Vlad will have him. He'd better make his move soon though, before indictments drop, right now he's free to do as he pleases and I'm surprised he hasn't done any foreign travel since he lost.
Trump Plans Jan. 6 Press Conference At Mar-A-Lago

Donald Trump just can’t stop spreading ‘the big lie.’ Glenn Kirschner discusses Trump’s latest plan to hold a press conference at Mar-a-Lago on January 6th, 2022.

My God. And there are millions who are still incapable of divining this man's abominable nature.
Lawrence: Trump Will Never Admit What He Did On January 6

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced how the one year anniversary of the January 6th attack on the Capitol will be commemorated by Congress. Donald Trump has also made plans to get in front of a microphone that day and, as Lawrence O’Donnell puts it, share the “rantings of a mad man, spewing incoherent, pathological lies.”
Steve Schmidt: Even If He Runs, 2024 Election Isn't About Trump

Steve Schmidt reacts to Donald Trump's plans to try to steal the focus away from a solemn Capitol Hill commemoration on January 6th, and tells Lawrence O'Donnell he believes Trump may have his sights set on the 2024 election.
Flynn sues Jan. 6 panel to block access to phone records, testimony
Flynn did not appear for his scheduled deposition Monday, filing the late Tuesday suit challenging the committee’s subpoena for his Verizon phone records. The suit also notes that Flynn planned to plead the Fifth.

The suit details a breakdown in communication with the committee after months of negotiations, with the Flynn team frustrated by a refusal to narrow the scope of its request, with Flynn’s attorney arguing litigation is needed to stymy any criminal contempt of Congress charges the committee might pursue.

“Committee counsel responded that the Committee’s preference would be for General Flynn to invoke his 5th Amendment privilege before the Committee, even if it was effectively the only thing he could do, and that the Committee could refer General Flynn for prosecution for contempt of Congress for not doing so,” Flynn’s attorney, Matthew Sarelson, wrote in the 42-page filing.

While the suit challenges the seizure of Flynn’s phone records, it claims subpoenas were also sent to members of his family, “issuing one or more subpoenas to their telecommunications and electronic mail providers.”
Flynn sues Jan. 6 panel to block access to phone records, testimony
Flynn did not appear for his scheduled deposition Monday, filing the late Tuesday suit challenging the committee’s subpoena for his Verizon phone records. The suit also notes that Flynn planned to plead the Fifth.

The suit details a breakdown in communication with the committee after months of negotiations, with the Flynn team frustrated by a refusal to narrow the scope of its request, with Flynn’s attorney arguing litigation is needed to stymy any criminal contempt of Congress charges the committee might pursue.

“Committee counsel responded that the Committee’s preference would be for General Flynn to invoke his 5th Amendment privilege before the Committee, even if it was effectively the only thing he could do, and that the Committee could refer General Flynn for prosecution for contempt of Congress for not doing so,” Flynn’s attorney, Matthew Sarelson, wrote in the 42-page filing.

While the suit challenges the seizure of Flynn’s phone records, it claims subpoenas were also sent to members of his family, “issuing one or more subpoenas to their telecommunications and electronic mail providers.”
Law suits are expensive things and people like Flynn are not rich and he's already tapped out defending himself in court. Trump can fuck around in court using other people's money, but most of his henchmen like Rudy can't. There is a limit on delays in criminal cases however and that's what many of them will be facing in 2022 and 2023. There will be many deals and and lot's of rats, along with guilty pleas and sentencings in 2022. The guilty have little choice but to plead not guilty, if they can't cut a deal with federal prosecutors, because they would be looking at long prison sentences.

This is just delay, smoke and mirrors by the guilty, once a federal judge gets a hold of them and they are on trial, things will change. I figure the judges will throw the book at the ringleaders and have indicated as much from the bench.
That Saudi/Russian/Racist money is basically bottomless as they take it from their citizens and flow it into these insurrectionist RINO's pockets to keep our nation on it's heels.
Law suits are expensive things and people like Flynn are not rich and he's already tapped out defending himself in court. Trump can fuck around in court using other people's money, but most of his henchmen like Rudy can't. There is a limit on delays in criminal cases however and that's what many of them will be facing in 2022 and 2023. There will be many deals and and lot's of rats, along with guilty pleas and sentencings in 2022. The guilty have little choice but to plead not guilty, if they can't cut a deal with federal prosecutors, because they would be looking at long prison sentences.

This is just delay, smoke and mirrors by the guilty, once a federal judge gets a hold of them and they are on trial, things will change. I figure the judges will throw the book at the ringleaders and have indicated as much from the bench.
Of course it is just delay. Have to make it to the 2022 election.
Of course it is just delay. Have to make it to the 2022 election.
They hoped for that in 2020 too. Once it hits the courts it will be too late, they won't own the DOJ, even if they take the house. The election is a year away and it promises to be a spectacularly eventful one!
Of course it is just delay. Have to make it to the 2022 election.
Speaking of delay, I figure a lot of the slow down in justice was so the democrats could drive the insurrection aftermath into 2022, an election year. Also Donald going down in NY state freaking, howling and lashing out in all directions will be useful for the democrats too. Who knows, Donald could run to Russia this spring and leave the republicans holding the bag... One thing is for sure though, 2022 will sure be interesting, grab some popcorn.
They hoped for that in 2020 too. Once it hits the courts it will be too late, they won't own the DOJ, even if they take the house. The election is a year away and it promises to be a spectacularly eventful one!
One other thing, federal trials are not on TV, however state trials in NY are at the discretion of the judge I believe. So if Donald goes on trial in NY, it might be on TV, another benefit.
Another aspect of the timing of the public hearings is they will be televised in January and February, perhaps longer, this is primetime TV for much of America during the winter and when the most TV is watched. They want a big audience and the legal consequences will begin to flow from there with those willing to make deals going first in 2022 and keeping the story in the news. Americans need to be reminded of the danger these lunatics pose to the nation and democracy. If they go for mail fraud over the big lie used to raise money, it will mean heavy prison time I believe and perhaps paying back money.
He will brag about the ratings :lol:
He won't like the things the prosecution will say about him when they present the case, I figure they will have to tie him to his chair and ball gag him, if they needle him just right! Also Donald will call the justice system and judge into ill repute and might inadvertently end up on TV in court for his public humiliation. Justice must not just be done, it must be seen to be done and if Donald blathers about corrupt courts etc, the public might just see justice done. I hope he has a hard ass black female NY judge who will put him in his place on TV and drive him nuts at the same time. I also hope she orders him tied to his chair and ball gagged on TV. I can see him now, his eyes bugged out, squirming and grunting in the chair, with a nice orange ball gag in his gob from a local sex shop, a dirty sock won't do for a former POTUS! He will probably have a mask over his face though, cause covid will still be around...