Javadog's Next Adventure

ah ok makes sense jd. Thats kinda fun to have a mystery. My randoms that were supposed to be grape apes seem to be just shitty bag seed. I daily consider ripping them out out my garden. lol.
Yup. 5 gallon Home Depot bucket with the hempy formula from
Mo's own post in the Hempy Thread. (I hope that he is well!)

3 parts P to 1 part V

I do believe that the vermiculite is really important. without it
the water retention of these things would be practically *zero*.

If I had a reliable drain to waste system, then I would love to do
straight perlite. The roots always have is practically an
aero/hydro grow. ...but it would need to be watered daily, and
more often until the reservoir is reached.

This is the other "learning curve" item for this grow, besides the
issues with the stretch, and that is dealing with the slow run off
of a well watered hempy. (If I am just wanting to refill the reservoir
then I can just dump some feed/water into the buckets, but I try
to water them with the pump sprayer. I am really dumping it on,
at full pressure and with the nozzle fairly open, but I still get better
coverage and avoid dry spot....or so I suspect ;0)

I have added some short lengths of 1/4" pipe to the drain holes on
some of the buckets, that I take to bottles....but with the holes only
2" off the ground, plus the thickness of the bottom of the buckets,
there is not really any room to have a really catch basin.

I am thinking of putting my entire tent onto a platform, as I have
about 2' of headroom free above the tent (with I'd gotten a taller
one now!) It would be a simple plywood affair, but would allow me
to position a catch basin that I could drain.

Anyhoo. "Day" starts in 37 minutes. :0)

AHH, waiting for the day to start. Mine starts at exactly 6:48 pm so at like 620 I start really getting antsy lol. We are both at the fun times. week 5-6 is my favorite I think. They are far enough along that they look and smell great, but not so far long that I am getting chop happy.
AHH, waiting for the day to start. Mine starts at exactly 6:48 pm so at like 620 I start really getting antsy lol. We are both at the fun times. week 5-6 is my favorite I think. They are far enough along that they look and smell great, but not so far long that I am getting chop happy.

lol i aint gettin chop happy this cycle
Yea you never get worse quality weed by giving it more time lol. Takes all my will power, but I finally realized it
here goes me bein a dumb ass lol but what happens with the water/feed in the bottom part of the bucket???

LMAO...that is the problem. I have some of my buckets sitting in large (14")
saucers that can catch enough to work, but are just soft enough in their construction
that picking them up full is a bit of a pain. The others have a short (~10") of tubing
glued into the hole. I can sit 2 liter bottles on their sides, and run these lines into them.
It works, but I am again constrained in my grow. I want to give them all they need,
and am, but it is more work than it should be.

lol i aint gettin chop happy this cycle
Yea you never get worse quality weed by giving it more time lol. Takes all my will power, but I finally realized it

It does take learning. Having full jars really helps. :0)

Hey LK,

I got a giggle out of re-editing the photo, to indicate where I trimmed
the Headband to before I up-potted it into it's hempy bucket.

05 Headband.jpg

So, we were very much on the same page. :0)

What I was getting at is that when I apply any "X 2" to predict where the
stretch will end up should consider the height from the bottom of the bucket
more than the top of the hempy. (i.e. the buried stem counts as far as
the stretch goes!)

I did get a chance to take a few photos, including one that shows how I have
managed these plants so far.

Here is the top of my (very lovely) LA Confidential:
and there was the bottom.

You can see that I leave only fan leaves down where it matters.

I really appreciate your all taking the time and oversight.

While I was at it, I took a few bud shots.

I edited closeups of a few shots, that might survive uploading.



The Skywalker is a very pretty plant:

The Cannaventure PurpleBerry BX just might really surprise me with some
serious buds this time:
I mean...look at that nice dark green! The PB BX was always making parchment thin, wan, leaves.

Take care,

They look great JD. Looks like the purple berry is starting to turn purple to. Or is that just your Leds tricking me?
You have a good eye is indeed.

I might be seeing some hints of purple elsewhere as well.

Thats dope! The old timer I got the purple dreams from got it to turn purple and black. I keep hoping to see it this year on my plants but so far no luck.
ok i see what you have done jd, the only trouble with burying the stem is that roots only grow downwads and not upwards (yes some roots do grow out of the stem if given enough time in veg) so really because your placing your plant lower in the pot the roots now have less medium to grow into...and all the above medium will just be extra that will neither help or hinder.....

what i was trying to get at and used that picture for was to simply point out that if you implied slightly better veg techniques you would not have to was time growing a long stem with very small off shoots, which will later get chopped or buried.....the point of the editing was to show that if you grew the plant like the top half from the start then she would improve in flower and you wouldnt have to waste medium to bury the stem,,,,allowing the full 5 gal of medium for roots to use.

lool ironicaly one of the tga boys is saying the same thing in this vid posted this morning....


oooo that mothers mix sounds sexy i love a lucky sensing you have the lemon pheno there.....
"....learning your plants, how they set up"

There it is.

This is the problem though....I am learning Somango, as I have
grown that one out more than once, but everything else is new
to me.

Great video. Thanks for sharing.

Tons of cool ideas flying back and forth here. I've missed a lot. Making a mental note to keep up with Java's thread...

thats cool to hear man, im enjoying it also...i find when looking at other growers diarys and asking questions or making suggestions to each other from what youve both found works,,,,,and you both end up better growers!

I do not really have a Veg Area. That is part of what stops me.

It does not stop me from growing a SOG in 2 gallon pots though,
as that will work with just a couple of weeks of Veg, and I can put
the MH bulb back in the tent.

I think that I will do this, and leave aside the large plant efforts until
I both better know the breeds that I want to work with and will have
a real Veg area to allow things to proceed properly.

I just got a new box of 25 cloth pots. I think that I will do a 5X5 array.

The fun part is that this allows me 25 slots to choose breeds for,
and I will *not* be having headroom problems.

Mischief Managed!

LOL, but I have the three Hempys maturing in the closet.

Ah well, there is never a perfect answer, is there?

nope there never is. I guess my math was wrong to, I thought I could fit 30 3 gallons in a 5x5 area, but i guess its really 25 2 gallons fit a 5x5 area?