Javadog's Next Adventure

I see on their site: Recommended 24" x 36" for this light

Honestly, with a 2' X 3' how does one fill a 4' X 4' tent?

I would want four to fully cover my tent.

It is funny, but if you make a grid, you can see that exactly
four 2' X 3' lights can cover a 5' X 5' tent with just
the center square uncovered.

Now *that* would be SWEET!

They do look very well made.

Good luck,

I am betting that they effectively cover way more...
...but check in the LED threads to confirm.

If you find a cool one, let us know here.

Take care,

I am betting that they effectively cover way more...
...but check in the LED threads to confirm.

If you find a cool one, let us know here.

Take care,


yeah i was looking at that tonight and i think for my 4x4x6 tent i'd need at least 2, 3 would be better. so now we're looking at a thousand bucks. i'm sure that would pay for itself over the long run but ......
Soon will be the time. Not yet for me.

It would be cool to be moving weight, to invest, but
that is not my scene. I am Steve Miller's Midnight Toker.

yea they are still just to expensive. give it a few years and they will cost the same as a hid setup would cost to buy
Yeah, at first the box was odd...then I recalled getting an email
from Burpee. I ordered these ages ago, but it was not their season
yet. I am also trying to get berries from seed. This is not easy,
though I have two types of strawberries going. One is the Alpine
Strawberry. It is amazing, but will take a long time to be ready.

Onward and upward,

my great grandparents before they passed had I think upwards of 40 acres up in Oregon, by tigard if you have ever hear of them. so many types of berries, like 20 different types at least. He hoarded berries like we hoard strains :) God I miss those days spending hours picking berries. Come back to the house all sticky with baskets of berries. I would kill for one of my great grandmothers huckleberry pie or boysenberries pie.
Oh, I am nutso. The latest Attitude package arrived and I have
already popped Green Crack, Bubba Kush, Trainwreck, and my
other Purple Wreck bean.

I am happy to have a zoo Vegging. It is good to have big mothers,
as I want to do another SOG for fun. I bought a box of 25 Yield Pots
to do a 5 X 5 with.

I will do a Breeder's Boutique Crop before these though.

Take care all,


you need a seperate tent to run say 5 big pot plants, strains such as blue dream and green crack imo seem more suited to big pots proper veg...and taken to the fullest were as some strains prefer a sog.....what are your feelings on this?? do you feel you can see each strains stengths and weaknesses in a sog?? how many strains have you grown to-date??
Well LK, at this point everything is pretty much new to me.

I have grown about 12 or so breeds out.

I have had mad success with a SOG but even there I would
say that it was dumb luck more than skill and experience.
(I should add that a great deal of study precedes my actions)

My SOG win is a great example. I lucked into a very strong
growing and well-behaved-for-SOG plant in the AK-47 I used.

But, this being said, the Somango that joined it in the SOG is
not as well designed for a SOG IMHO.

But, this being said, the buds that I got off the Somango were
not tiny or anything, it just grew wildly compared to the AK, and
they were far tastier to me than the AK too.

So, I act judiciously, and then luck into good results in spite
of all my ignorance.

I think that that is how it works. :0)

As to the issue of some breeds preferring longer Veg times....

This is one of those issues where there does not seem to me
to be a clear answer and so I am happy to rely on what seems
to be the consensus for now. The consensus is clear: larger
tubs means more root, more plant, and more bud.

BUT when one takes the extra time and space into consideration
then it is not so clear.

A 12/12 from seed, in a massive array of beer cups, harvested
perpetually, might end up out producing a tree over a fixed
period of time.

It is like the argument for/against main-lining. I am betting the
it results in more yield weight being focused in bigger buds,
but at the cost of a longer Veg time.

I am happy to blunder along. I did not really *enjoy* hearing that
my 10 days of Veg in the hempys was not going to amount to much,
but I am happy to be wiser.

I will think of a great line from "Lady Chatterly's Lover" where the Lover
is confronted by the Lord who says him "I'd rather be a Cuckold than a Fool".

Well, I want the truth too.

Take care,

Hello all,

I took a few shots before lights on this morning.

Some of my ladies are really starting to set up.

I think that the early harvest plants are starting to show.

Check out this PurpleBerry!

The LA Con, from above:

The LA Con, from the side:

The Kosher Kush is just getting going:

A Group Shot:

Onward and upward.

Ha ha ahhh...thanks bros. Yeah, it is delivering.

I need to write to my friend....or freakin remember his name here!
It was at his recommendation that I hit this pack. It was pretty expensive.

Thanks again,

I also just took this one a bit ago.

I noticed that there was an interesting and potentially useful
lighting situation just as the HPS was coming on.

I wanted to get some shots a few seconds earlier, and will try
again, but this came out OK:

I believe that that is Headband that you can see along with the PB, center frame.

Take care,
