Hey JD and everyone!Hey Bros,
I am sorry to have been so out of touch.
As I wrote when I popped in last, I lost my PC and had no private system
to post with, or even to safely read posts from.
I had to move all my stock to my bros and he is struggling to make enough
of my old favorites for any to get to me, but at least the breeds are alive.
HGK was lost though.
I did pop a slew of beans, including the three cool X's that you shared Worm.
I have missed ya mutts!
I knock one of mine out oneday and ended up doing the other intentionally.P.S. You can see my Purple Kessil 350.
Recall that I poked a stick through the diffuser of that unit.
The result is extremely potent....sort of a spot....I call it my Frost Gun.
Somewhere back in this thread there is a shot of a Fireball bud that
is literally disappearing under frost. --> I believe that The Gun was
the reason.
Yea it will be interesting to see what happens, and the judge could still take our side. One of the conditions of let us staywas to not have any weed in any form on the property and that is taking shit a little far. Payne asked if i was worried and after you have been to court as many times as i have a little civil hearing is nothing. Hell i went in once a month for two years when i got busted growing and they kept talking about prison the whole time.LOL yup.
I read of your having to stand tall before the man bro. Sorry to hear that.
I miss a lot these days, but will post results as I go along, and am really enjoying
your progress up there. :0)
Take care,
Im still here, just dealing with this crap pc till I fix a broken laptop lol.Hey Bassman. Please do let us know where and when you land again.
Good to hear from you!
That's what converted me. I am looking forward to running a plant like that in the future.I have converted a few people to sativa after trying the Mulanje![]()
I was sure you were aware of them fumes, but just making sure.My tent vents to outside and has a slight negative pressure...I am not
breathing Hot Shot Strip fumes. ...but a good call, most appreciated BM.