Javadog's Next Adventure

Ah ah!

I do already have an even more exotic entheogenic cacti in the garden,
but have not started a Peyote grow yet.

I can make Psilocybin whenever I want to. That is a good start. :0)

I am an experienced amateur mycologist.

I have about 200 species/strains as prints, dried spawn,
petri dishes, and culture tubes.

This included most of the genus Psilocybe and Gymnopilus.

I have prints for psychodelic species from other gena (genuses?)
but have not gotten them to fruit yet. (ie. C. smithii)

Onward and upward,


The best route to go is agar culture -> grains -> G2G -> Bulk Spawn

(G2G == Grain to grain expansion, where you add colonized grains to new jars)

Take care,

I have to admit team: This is a stressful time.

We are past the midpoint of Week #8 and every now and
then I get a serious dank smell away from the cave.

It is not a deal breaker yet, but I am getting less comfortable
with time. I will end #8 and #9 unless I am forced to act.

I am still open to a Week 10 and even 11 if I can control things.

I might also just buy a new carbon filter too. We will see.

It is a good problem to have, I know, and I want this to grow.
...but not out of control!

BTW: I begin to think that it might be my Veg area that I am
whiffing, as it is not filtered and the plants there are just getting
old enough to smell.

I made a point of adding ducting to make the Veg closet an intake
area for the tent, but the clone/veg table has no such support.

I will think about this.

I just had an idea.

Many switch to their MH HID bulb at the end of flowering, to increase
frost (or so they believe....I see logic in the concept, but there is push-back).

I am thinking of doing this as well...maybe after week #9, but my reason
is in part that I want to be able to better see how my buds are maturing.

There is a great deal of color change in the bud leaves, but it is really
hard to see under the HPS. The LA Con's top leaves are getting
practically black, but I can hardly tell.

I will post some shots if/when I switch.


have you tried this?

> Hydroponic Supplies > Environmental and Odor Control > Odor Control > Ona | Odor Control > Liquid, Gel, Block

$36.74 ea




Additional Media

[h=1]Ona Gel Pail - Fresh Linen - 1 gal.[/h][h=2]Use with Breeze Dispenser - Odor Neutralizer - ON10040[/h]

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Ona Gel ON10040 Fresh Linen 1-gallon odor neutralizing agent is released in a controlled manner so that every drop of this product is fully optimized leaving behind a clean, fresh linen smell. This odor neutralizer can be used in indoor gardens, garbage storage, bathrooms, kitchens, smoking rooms, workshops, offices, warehouses, aeration vents, or anywhere odors are present. For general use, simply open or drill holes in the lid and place where odors are prevalent or use with the Ona Breeze dispenser.

Gather your stuff!


STEP 2: Remove the base of the fan.

A. Remove the plastic caps covering the screws that secure the base into the main fan body.


B: Unscrew the base from the main fan body.


STEP 3: Measure the circumference of the fan on the cardboard, so you can easily make a lid. If you have a lid you may need to cuy away a portion of the lid to fit the fan body into. If you're making your lid out of cardboard like I did then cut at an inward angle toward the inside of the fan assemble to create a secure hole for the fan. Remember we'll be folding the cardboard over to double it up so cut accordingly!



STEP 4: Cut away any excess from the cardboard. You may consider putting cardboard between the folded-over cardboard to reinforce it. Next completely duct tape the entire thing. Mummify it! Go nuts! Make sure the cardboard is sealed away from the moisture in the bucket. The finished product can also double as a DIY - hemmorhoid pillow.



STEP 5: Line up the fan with the hole in your lid. Tape the lid onto the front of the fan as shown below. The fan will be blowing INTO the bucket! You can have it blowing out if you like. I tried it both ways and I like it sucking the air into the bucket.



STEP 6: Time to drill holes into the bucket! My bucket was a medium sized bucket, but you generally want the holes on the top 1/3 of the bucket. No more then half way up. Make the holes between 1/4 and 3/4 inches thick. The smaller you make them, the more you'll need. The SoilMoist Polymer will expand to 50 times its own size.
I recommend marking off a section of your bucket and drilling a bunch of random holes. I lost count of my holes after 40-something.



STEP 7: Now it's time to mix our solution and make our gel! Depending on how much you want to make and how strong you want this to be, you will need to adjust the recipe accordingly. I started with a small amount and worked my way up to a good level.
Start with 5 cups of water (1 cup=8oz) and a quarter cup of O.N.A Concentrate. A quarter of a cup might be too much as it is. It's REALLY strong.
After you mix the water/O.N.A solution, mix in the polymer. Half a cup should be good enough. Like I said start with a small amount and add more as you go.
- If you make it too strong, wait a few hours and it should die down as the Soil Moist absorbs it. If it's still too strong mix 1 cup of water & 1 tsp Soil Moist until it's weak enough for you. You can also add just water if you like.
-Soil Moist has NO SMELL and resembles a clear gel when expanded. In the dry state it's the size and texture of a grain of rice.


After about an hour it should look like this:


STEP 8: Last step! Put the fan lid on top of the bucket with the O.N.A gel you just made and turn it on! Listen to the fan on and off of the bucket.Does it sound like it's struggling a lot? You might need to drill more holes! Don't worry about a small amount of difference. The bucket itself will buffet the sound and not to mention the purpose of the bucket is to force the air against the surface area of the gel you just made.
Stick it in a corner, grow room, closet, etc... and enjoy!

Ah, the "Ona Bucket". That is a great write-up. Thanks for taking the time!

I have gotten some of the pre-made gel before. I found that it massive
"drier cling free sheet" smell screamed "I am hiding smell!" worse than
the original smell.

I believe that there is a truly unscented variety...I will look for this.

Anything that can help. I have no bugs. I could go looooong!

Thanks bro.

Make sure to have the whole garden building smell the same... if you do get ona gel or whatever make sure to spread it out evenly through the house so people get accustomed to scent being in your house. you could do the fan thing or you could have ONa gel or Ona gel knockoff divided between many party cups and then space those throughout the house.. the more points of smell the more even the smell will be (just like light).
or you could seal off your veg garden and have it directly ducted to the grow room.

(intake) -> veg room -> ducting -> flower room -> carbon filter -> ducting -> (exhaust) -> glade plugin or airwick (best value)
wouldn't be a bad idea to have a backup carbon filter and fan.... if you can deal with the added noise...
Thank you for the time Beast.

You went through it, by the numbers.

Check this out:

I did just as you suggest, for the Veg closet.

I may try to add a section of ducting, to make the clone table a new intake area.

(the "push fan" did not work...pressure balancing issues...BTW that is the
Whisperline that I am always yelling about ;0)

This is a very stressful time. LOL!

I have an idea.

The people of Toronto love their Raging Mayor.
(from what I hear, I like him too)

He did cross the line, as a public servant.

So, his punishment:

He will be required, for the period of one year... live In A Van, Down By The River.

He could even do Community Service. He could visit the families
of trouble kids, in their homes, and he could warn the kids that if
they do not clean their act up, that they will end up in a van, down
by the river.

Just a thought.

Ah, the "Ona Bucket". That is a great write-up. Thanks for taking the time!

I have gotten some of the pre-made gel before. I found that it massive
"drier cling free sheet" smell screamed "I am hiding smell!" worse than
the original smell.

I believe that there is a truly unscented variety...I will look for this.

Anything that can help. I have no bugs. I could go looooong!

Thanks bro.


Hey JD, I puchased two ona blocks, they are only 3 inches big, I uncap one when i open the tent, or even after i smoke and within minutes the smell is completely neutralized. The Ona pro has more of a commercial clean smell I can put up with. I haven't tried the Linen but I hear it smells like laundry, I really want to try the new ona apple crumb....perfect for the car right lol? All in all I can't believe how well the Ona pro works, but it is not scent free, but i don't mind it either, lets me know its working.

the new apple crumb --
That was a DIY from another thread, not mine.
I cant take credit for others handywork.
I havent personally tried it, but if you say the smell is obvious then I understand why you dont do it.
Next thing I would suggest is an ozone generator, or ozium spray with the timed spritz
ozone generator, or ozium spray with the timed spritz

The ozone generator just isn't safe and good for your overall healthy to be in contact with so I stayed away from them, as many "air cleaners" such as them produce harmful ozone.

I tried the ozium with the time spray, I just couldn't deal with it, may be the aerosol...

This ona really is the only thing that neutralizes the air that I have experienced, Im sold on it, Simply because it works instantly.

Of course the first line of defense starts at the fan and filter so you should be fine sir.
The ozone generator just isn't safe and good for your overall healthy to be in contact with so I stayed away from them, as many "air cleaners" such as them produce harmful ozone.

I tried the ozium with the time spray, I just couldn't deal with it, may be the aerosol...

This ona really is the only thing that neutralizes the air that I have experienced, Im sold on it, Simply because it works instantly.

Of course the first line of defense starts at the fan and filter so you should be fine sir.

Yeah the only way I would use ozone gen is inline exhausted outside or into attic, not into plant or living space.