Javadog's Next Adventure

3 parts perlite to 1 part vermiculite.

Taken straight from Mo's post at the beginning of the hempy thread.
(hope he is OK).

Take care,

I have seen a few hempy runs, but to be honest I have never really looked into it. I would imagine that's something similar to hydrophonics correct in the sense that you have to supply all the nutes? Do you just water it with nutes all the time or do you have some sort of auto pump? The plants look really good, maybe will have to look into that. Being able to wash and reuse the grow medium would be really nice.
Yes, the medium supplies no nutrients.

One driving factor is the increase in air to the roots.

My biggest problem is that I do not have a full drain
to waste system set up. I have to water each by hand,
which I do not mind, but I find that it can take a very
long time (half an hour at least) for all the extra water
to shift down and drain from the bucket.

No worries. I am learning a lot as I go.

Take care,

Hello all,

Well, I got the stakes into the buckets.

I also got some 14" saucers at Home Depot that are nice.
Dealing with the hempy runoff is something that I am still
figuring out.

Here's a funny one. I thought that I had lost my Super Lemon Haze
bean and so I relabeled the cup and put a Psycho Killer bean in there.

Ruh Roh!


I am sure that the Haze will show in time, but if I happen to get a good
lemon pheno, and the PK blesses me with the "Lemon Pledge" pheno at
the same time....then I might need some help in IDing these.

Ah well.

Take care all,

Yea I dug into my applejack cup and found it had a massive root system but hadn't broke the surface. Took some of the soil out the top hopefully she can push throw. Just goes to show, even when you think its dead and gone, sometimes you get a pleasant surprise. Congrats man! You thinking of trying to separate those 2 or just grow them together?

stay lit my friend,

LOL I have no idea yet. I will want to separate them, but will want
to wait until they are well matured....they will not like it!

Good luck with the AJ.

Yea the older they get the harder separating will be and the more stress it will cause. once they make one root ball you probably wont be able to anymore. Were you planning on these being mothers or flowering them?
Well, I will likely Veg them to flower, but will take clones.

In fact, the Purple Wreck that is doing so oddly in the tent
may perform better once I have Vegged it out more. I have
two nice clones in the Veg area.

No, I will grow out mothers to make SOGs again, and soon,
but I am still wandering, and will likely be building a RDWC
system next.

I am also thinking about a second, smaller tent to allow for
more experimentation. I need to get back into the workforce first.

Take care,

purple wreck should stetch abit when flipped,wouldnt recommend veging too long unless fimming training ect
Yea mothers from seed give you such good clones. Thats my intent for all the seedlings I have. They will be mothered till next june or july and then put whatever ones I decide not to keep running will be flowered outdoors. Think we are both praying for some good phenotypes lol. Come on lemon pledge PK!
purple wreck should stetch abit when flipped,wouldnt recommend veging too long unless fimming training ect

I appreciate your taking the time.

See the photo of my PW in the is a runt. I am not giving it
something that it needs, but am hitting it with Cal-Mag hard already.

I will heed your advice regarding the stretch, but this will seem a luxury,
after I figure this one out. LOL, if for some reason I get it right and they
start to explode, I will act to control them, or will just shove them into
the tent.

...and thanks for the Pledge thought Papa. :0)

BTW: Check out next months freebie from Attitude!

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I sure do hope that they get the mail issue worked out.
Rarebreed just lost another pack. This has already happened
to me...and I have the September deal still in the Post.....

Attitude made it right before, and I am sure they will again,
but it is unsettling.

Take care,

those are some damn good freebies. Might be time to call some of my patients get them to get some seeds! I really wanna get a pack of Blue Cheese to pheno hunt on that one. Green crack and trainwreck are definitely some killer strains to. I probably wouldn't plant the diesels though as I already have 3 diesel strains and I generally don't like the way OGs grow. I have tried all the "main" names in OGs. Og kush, og 18, fire og, white og, rascall og. They are good, but they get so fucking lanky and yield isn't there.
I think that the Green Crack probably caught my eye first.

...but I am in a different position from you. For me yield is
a matter of (pseudo ;0) scientific interest. i.e. I need no specific
weight. I have really liked the skunky stuff that I have grown so
far, especially taste-wise.

This allows me to consider funky breeds, like Dr Grinspoon, that
are known to have poor yields.

I would also like to try the Bubba Kush and the Trainwreck.

Take care,

Yea since I grow for patients my yield matters quite a bit. I wish it weren't so, but truthfully I couldn't afford to run a setup like I have without the patient support. When weeds legal, that will be a different story, would just run a 150 watt hps and do like 16/24 oz SOG with 1 being done a week or two.

Yea the GC is what caught my eye to. GC has such a unique smell to it, to me it smells more fuelly then many diesel strains. I been tryin to source a good cutting of GC but haven't had much luck. One patient had brought me some GC clones but the grower had managed to get a PM and a spider mite infestation so I refused to take them into my grow space. Was the first time I have ever seen mites and PM infested on the same plant, usually mites don't infest if the humidity is high. Let alone in veg lol. Its one thing if things get out of control in flower since there's only so much you can do without hurting your quality.


stay lit my friend,

In all fairness I've only done the one pheno.i guess mine had a fair bit of train wreck in her..
You guys tried mkultra? G13xogkush.. I'm impressed and really looking forward to this one..