JB's New Growroom with Graphics


Well-Known Member
I've got quite a bit more planned out in my room. I'll add some brief descriptions, but the images themselves in the collection have a lot more info. There's still a whole lot more to do, so if you don't see something, chances are I just haven't gotten to it yet.

I'm going to have an active intake and I was curious about something. As recommended, I'll be running the intake fan a little slower than the exhaust to create a little negative pressure in the tent. For noobs, you do this so that you're not blowing up your tent like a balloon and pushing odors out of the seams. You want ALL the air to leave through the scrubber.

So I'm going to have 2 fan controllers. What I was thinking was that I could plug the intake controller into the exhaust controller, and then set the intake controller to 75% of max. I can control both fans from a single controller and the intake fan will always be 1/4 less than the exhaust fan. Is this a common practice?

Check out the collection:


Exhaust fan and noise suppressor (muffler):

Replaced COB shells with glass domes:


Active air intake with foam "mushroom" filter. The aluminum duct was really tricky, but I think I made it pretty accurate:

Whole room:

One of several night shots I'm working on. I made the hoses "glow" a bit. There's a lot more technical description for what's going on here, but I'll just stick with "glowing" to keep it simple :-) :

Chiller, Air and water pumps. Added glowing labels:

Air pump and line:

A little eye-candy :-):

Air tube and RDWC pipes:
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Well-Known Member
One of the things I did was add the extra tent extension Gorilla sells for their tents. The room has 9' ceilings, so I wanted to take advantage of that. You can't have enough height, right?

Well, looking at the images, I don't see where I would ever need that much. Especially since I'll be using lower heat components. So I'm probably just going to cap it at 8' (actually 7' 7").


Well-Known Member
may want to raise your air pump a little higher, might get some water in the line if its that low. i don't trust check valves.
Re-read this and realized you mentioned raising the pump. I'll make the platform a couple inches taller. That should help.
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Well-Known Member
Re-read this and realized you mentioned raining the pump. I'll make the platform a couple inches taller. That should help.
The idea is that you want the air pump above the level of the water it's stones are sitting in, because sometimes the pump will pull a vacuum when it gets shut off and the lines cool. This draws water up the air lines and possibly siphons into the pump itself if the pump is below the waterline.


Well-Known Member
Great Thread, I am following along! I am in the process of designing my first RDWC UC system and am looking forward to your parts list. The bucket link you provided was just what I have been looking for. Thank you! I am leaning towards a 9 or 12 site system in a 12x12 room.


Well-Known Member
Great Thread, I am following along! I am in the process of designing my first RDWC UC system and am looking forward to your parts list. The bucket link you provided was just what I have been looking for. Thank you! I am leaning towards a 9 or 12 site system in a 12x12 room.
Very cool! Thanks :-)

I actually do have my parts list with links and prices. I'm going to do that very soon.

Let me know if you have any questions or advice.

See ya :-)


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
The idea is that you want the air pump above the level of the water it's stones are sitting in, because sometimes the pump will pull a vacuum when it gets shut off and the lines cool. This draws water up the air lines and possibly siphons into the pump itself if the pump is below the waterline.
I sort of remember that from when I was growing years ago. Thanks for that.

This is one of the reasons I'm laying this out graphically. It allows people to help me analyze the room and correct problems before it's built.

I appreciate all of the advice!


Well-Known Member
Does anyone know if I can put code in here? I'm going to start posting my parts list and it'd be great if I can format some of it. Maybe make a table.

I meant HTML tags


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Well-Known Member
The Price List:

The price list is fairly complete, but there are a few small things that I didn't bother with. There are also a couple things I'm still up in the air about.

I wish I could posted a block of html here at RIU, but I tried a number of different things with no luck. So I'll just post pics of the budget and put all the links down below. I'm looking at around $4,000 to build this. It was about $1,000 less when I was going to be using an HPS and t5 for the mums. However, the cost savings will add up in no time! And the lights will last for a really long time (10 years or more, with no loss of intensity, from what I remember). Plus I won't be fighting nearly as much heat, and wasting all that extra electricity to do it.


Tent COB Array:
COBs - CXB-3590
Drivers - HLG-320H-C1050B
COB Glass Lenses

Mothers COB Rail (single rail with 4 COBs):
COBs (same as above)
Driver - HLG-185H-C1050B
Bar Heatsink
COB Glass Lenses (same as above)

Main Grow:
Grow Tent
Active Intake Fan
Active Intake Filter
240v timer
240v Extension cord
Water Pump
Air Pump
Inline Y-Filter
Air Stones
Buckets and Lids
Controller Reservoir
Incremental timer 120v
Pipes, adapters, bulkheads
Mother Keeper
Mother lights timer 120v
window AC
Pest Control
Sulpher Burner

Sulpher Prills

I'm also going to buy a 110v and 220v breaker, 14-3 and 12-3 Romex, gang boxes, outlets, etc...but that's just for my room and not necessarily what everyone would do.

I know everyone's going to have their favorites, but I've chosen my components based on the popular opinion here at RIU. So point the finger at yourselves before you point it at me LOL If there's a component here that's prone to fail or an absolutely horrible choice, then please let me know. Otherwise I'm pretty happy with my selections.

I know this goes without saying, but your feedback is welcome.

Now open the floodgates!!!
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Well-Known Member
I just realized I'm not using a tent for the mothers anymore. That was for when I was planning on using the shop. The grow room has a 2x4 closet, which couldn't be any more perfect.