Jessie Ventura, Conspiracy Theory

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
`very deep sir, u almost lost me though. limits to all states of energy. that really makes good sense. i probobly shoulnt say this but it has to do with the discussion. i think jesse v. did a show on 911. im not sure if he talked about cover ups or shit like that, but people have. my belief is there was no cover ups. we were attacked by inhumane people. i dont think our government knew nothing. am i being to nieve, or do i not know enough ?


Well-Known Member
prolly dont know enough... remember the old expression follow the money.....

Bin Ladin was a primary asset during the afghan russo war. Paid for by the CIA. Now all of a sudden hes the head of a large terrorist organization?

Either we REALLLY fucked up and gave a mad man money weapons and the means to do something or we have our self quite a coincidental occurance,

Another head honcho on the original card list was Anwar Alalaki (sp?) , was pow wowing with the heads at the pentagon.

Some really SHADY stuff that happens.

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
prolly dont know enough... remember the old expression follow the money.....

Bin Ladin was a primary asset during the afghan russo war. Paid for by the CIA. Now all of a sudden hes the head of a large terrorist organization?

Either we REALLLY fucked up and gave a mad man money weapons and the means to do something or we have our self quite a coincidental occurance,

Another head honcho on the original card list was Anwar Alalaki (sp?) , was pow wowing with the heads at the pentagon.

Some really SHADY stuff that happens.
i probobly dont know as much as u guys, but do u really think the government knew about the planes?


Well-Known Member
Example: I am a pilot, I therefore am studied in methods of navigation. There is a magnetic North & South pole that we use to navigate with. Most people don’t know that the North pole just shifted 10 degrees over the last year or so. So much so that the FAA is forced to re-paint the magnetic headings on the runways.
I'd heard this but not that it was "over 10 degree's" What impact will this have on the oceans and land masses? What about the length of seasons in certain parts of the world?

I don’t think the impact of man is any worse than some of the natural disasters of the past and we’re still here.
Mouse Poop & Yen and Yang. S
I've heard (somewhere) that cows alone give off more pollutants (methane) than all of mankind. (googling it now!)
I believe people that matter, the ones w/ the majority of the world's wealth, have alterior motives when it comes to wanting us to believe that we're "destroying our own world". They want os to get spooked about it, because a spooked populace is easier to control. Easier to "steer" toward a belief that will ultimately give them (the NWO/Illuminati/Bilderberg's/whichever secret society it is running the show. AND THERE IS ONE! WRAP UR MIND 'ROUND THAT FACT PEOPLE!!!) more money!

okay... i used to be HARD on the c02 bit because yes the carbon cycle is a real thing but... to the extent at wich the information is being presented to you its trumped up. Embellished, its a tool for a agenda just like half the shit today. Now, Im no cynic. To prove so did you stop to think about ALL aspects of change that are going on. What about the fact that the global temperature in percentage is rising equally among all planets in the solar system. Coinciding with the increase in solar activity....
I did not know that, but it just solidifies my belief stated above really!

repped ya both!!


Well-Known Member
It's the stuff of legend now.

I remember President Bush II saying about something I can't remember that "By the time people are something or other it will all be over .. End of discussion.." As in the Politics were irrelevant. Such as revoking decades of collective bargaining rights.
Anyway.. I have a wonderful assortment of Bush, I, II and with Walker III stories.

Touches wet fingers to the keyboard and listen to that Sizzle .... Sssssssssssss...

Seriously, What is true to any event is not as substantial as the pattern it creates.
We are in the Hindsight of 911 but when one does the math it points at deception, In my opinion.


Well-Known Member
lol tbh no not EVERYONE in the government knew what was going on on that note that are are something like 25 levels of security in the government... there are something like 12 levels over the president.... the most high ranking positions are more than likely held by pentagon officials

if you had to take a wide view of things id say the millitary bassicaly sold it self out to the international banking cartel and you wanna know what the banks think about the grunts

Military men are just dumb stupid animals to be used as pawns in foreign policy. - Henry Kissinger

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
lol tbh no not EVERYONE in the government knew what was going on on that note that are are something like 25 levels of security in the government... there are something like 12 levels over the president.... the most high ranking positions are more than likely held by pentagon officials

if you had to take a wide view of things id say the millitary bassicaly sold it self out to the international banking cartel and you wanna know what the banks think about the grunts

Military men are just dumb stupid animals to be used as pawns in foreign policy. - Henry Kissinger
sorry, but i dont understand any thing u just said. so u do think atleast 1 person knew about the planes?


Well-Known Member
Yes, a hand full of people.

To help you understand, Do you know anything about the Fiat System, Fractional Reserve Banking, and in general How banks work?

Do you know where money comes from (fractional reserve banking)?

Do you know the federal reserve is a private bank not a part of the government. Only getting the right to control the monetary means of our country through a Act signed in 1913?

Most do not so try not to feel discouraged but please please please look up the history of our Government Country and why we have a Constitution in the first place.

Most people who blab about this do not do the research... and it only takes a little effort and a lot of time.

"I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated Governments in the civilized world no longer a Government by free opinion, no longer a Government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a Government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men." -Woodrow Wilson, after signing the Federal Reserve into existence


Well-Known Member
and there are sercurity levels throughout the country you know the term security clearance you got to hold a certain position to get a peice of the big picture...

the highest ranking security clearence people KNOW the big picture

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
thanks, i know nothing about all that high leval banking and shit like that. i do understand the level of security sort of. i just have a hard time believing the big picture as u call it.

so if i was to say i think the country went to war was ok cuz those fucker hit us on our turf. would u say im wrong in thinking that?


Well-Known Member
lol thats why the american people went to war because they were provoked into it by our own media


Well-Known Member
the american people were told the bad gay is bin laden GO GET HIM we all yelled out GOD SAVE AMERICA and ran in fists raised and its good to have pride for your country but sensless blind thoughtless pride is what gets people into situations that we should not be in


Well-Known Member
nope i hold no political rhetoric i look at all sides and if you step back and think with a clear though process with no holds for biases and only facts and whats infront of you


Well-Known Member
Unnk is right about this....the whole thing is like a movie script and the powerful and super rich are writing the script...and their international regardless of where they live, they will move place to place and don't care about patriotisim. they use nationality and custom and language to play us against eachother


Active Member
All I'm saying is that mother earth is abundant in healing herself and that crooks and cons will invent ways to make money.

I think that the earth is fine, she will react in a way that will heal herself. She always has and will. There are eons of proof to that argument.

Crooks are looking for ways to separate you from your money, they always have. Don't be duped into thinking they are out to help anyone or anything but themselves.

The trick is to see corruption, to see its agenda, to see its goal. The simple truth is, corruption wants power above anything! S