yes,but none are in favor of religion..its all poking fun of religion and you tried to twist it in your favor of argument claiming otherwise to insert false hypocrisy in @abalonehx posts.but hypocritcal actions are the base of religious pretense....Soon enough.
Correct-o-mundo. 'Sunbeam' is also covered by NOk..irvana on the same 'Unplugged' concert.
Happy Thanksgiving day to all the angry atheists who are giving thanks today to........?.........well, who are giving thanks today for......?.........well, who are getting a day off work.![]()
youve never been to alabama obviously...The thing that I dont get about evolution, where are the half-evolved races??? Shouldn't there be monkeys with campfires and makeshift houses? Art or music? Maybe, Bigfoot is it right?
see the perfect hypocritical christian,implying hate and hoping for my demise? see the fire burning evil smiley? ahh...i dont agree so send me to hell,dont help me...Soon enough.
Correct-o-mundo. 'Sunbeam' is also covered by Nirvana on the same 'Unplugged' concert.
Happy Thanksgiving day to all the angry atheists who are giving thanks today to........?.........well, who are giving thanks today for......?.........well, who are getting a day off work.![]()
Hey I'm sorry you get shit. I've gotten it myself but my family luckily accept me as the heathen I am. Living in a liberal spot also works out too.i dissagree..wheres the respect for us? if im forced to live among the crazies,im pointing it out every chance i get..shove that shit down my familys throats in politics and everyday life,making laws based on it with no consideration for non belivers..
liberty university is the ruler of my local govt.students are encoraged to vote republican/christian in the local election(and are reprimanded if found voting otherwise,i shit you not..students are encouraged to barc out other students so the school can kick em out and keep tuition!
so they vote,change the govt,economy for 2 years,but live here 5 months of the year..the 5 months my city is a conservative douche city..
i have no respect for religous fuck sticks.sorry...
Oh I laughed really hard reading that!youve never been to alabama obviously...
But that's it right there. this applies to us all--if you've ever lied, taken something that wasn't yours, lusted after a woman (or man in my case)...
I'd like to think that *if* there is a higher power, and we have to pass some test to enter the club, we'll be judged based upon what kind of person we are and the life that we lead instead of just going to church once a week and saying all the right things.
Haha! Well played!youve never been to alabama obviously...
or,realize its a story meant to scare you into molds of christian society..however you want to word it,its still an archaic form of control,based on nothing in this world thats real..virgins giving birth,talking bushes/snakes,water walking,40days of rain..But that's it right there. this applies to us all--if you've ever lied, taken something that wasn't yours, lusted after a woman (or man in my case)that is not your spouse, etc., then to be judged by those standards that would make us liars, thieves, adulterers, etc. So based off of those standards, a hint expecting sinless perfection on Judgment Day, would find us guilty. so the problem is that every person born is going to die because of sin. we not only need help from this "first" death but we need help from what Jesus mainly warned about, the "second" death--and that's hell. in fact, Jesus warned more of hell during His ministry than describing the joys of heaven. it's something that we can't obtain (the ten commandments--the law--were to show that men cannot keep them and needs help) by ourselves because of our nature, therefore a loving God made a simple Way out for us. it happens to be what Jesus did on the Cross. He defeated Death. that's why He is the only One who has said, "I am The Way, The Truth, and The Life."
even though it's hard to accept the "fairy tale" of Adam and Eve and the Garden of Eden and the curse of death being brought about by sin, it is the truth. That's why John 3:16 says "For God so loved the world, He sent His Son" because it was a great act of love in that while we were in enmity with God as sinners, He sent His Son to take the punishment rightly deserved by those who in faith would believe He is The Way and then choose to have a relationship with Him.
Christians aren't trying to shove it down your throat--they are trying to warn you.
i have to say this has been the most respectful thread discussing a difficult topic. kudos to everyone here for having an actual adult conversation! seriously-the respectful dialogue has just made this a good topic and has been nice to read. thanks for everyone making it so interestingly civil.
to the OP, you should seriously consider root riot cubes again.
ever watch the flames hockey team? they suck..but pray they win every period..never do..but ive allways wondered why the 1st period prayer wasnt enough for the whole match?Haha! Well played!
I recently visited some southern states that I had never been to. If they don't have a hockey team, chances are I've never been to that state.
So, I travelled through Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Florida...... and I was surprised at how nice Alabama was. I even stopped at a Chik Fil A to really take in the culture and local cuisine (their honey mustard sauce is amazing). Even though there was a Hobby Lobby and Wal Mart in every Podunk town I still found it kind of charming.
Mississippi and parts of Tennessee (Memphis) were much worse IMO
the story of Lazarus and the rich man in luke is told by Jesus as a warning of hell. in Matthew 10:28, Jesus warns to fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell; Matthew 25:46 warns of who will go to everlasting punishment; in Mark 43:48 it is again Jesus warning about hell; in 2 Thessalonians it talks about the eternal punishment; in Hebrews 10 it warns about the fury of the fire in hell; in 2 Peter God warns that He did not spare the angels when He cast them into hell; Mark 9:48 talks about hell "where the worm never dies;" Ecclesiastes 8:10 it warns of the grave and many other references throughout the entire Bible referencing the awful reality of hell.Actually Jesus spoke of Hell extremely infrequently. Only place it's really discussed is Revelations, which some sects such as the one I was raised in, paid it no mind.
Jesus was a dude about love and respect. The only time that directly comes to mind that he did that wasn't loving was throwing the bankers out of the temple.