in your sig..see..written in a that promise...
that lets a man down after a few thousand years..
I'm not trying to be difficult here, but I don't get your point with this post....but that's fine.
If I were putting forth a criticism of say....Martin Luther using words and actions of Al Sharpton, Malik Zulu Shabazz, or Jeremiah Wright, you'd have grounds to say that none of them should be considered valid criticisms. Perhaps you'd even suggest if I criticize, I stick to the words and actions of MLK, rather than using charlatans and heretics to falsely represent MLK. And I'd agree that would be fair.
The Pope? Did you know that there's many who see the papacy as the first 'beast' in the book of Revelations, and the head [pope] as the anti-Christ?

The church of rome [catholics] tortured and murdered more Christians than anyone in history - and in the name of God. [see signature] And Tammy Faye?

"Their worship is a farce, for they teach man-made ideas as commands from God.'" - Matthew 15:9
Do what you want, amigo - I've no right to get on anyone's case for personal beliefs that don't negatively affect me and mine, and I'm fairly sure that I don't do that. Conversing amicably is an entirely different matter.