Well-Known Member
Hey everyone,
The little clones are looking good. They are all developing nice little roots and devoleping new growth on top all the time. There are a couple lower branches that are 3" long with 5 or 6 nodes on them (is a node one leaf, or two leaf 'sets').
Here are some pics
"The growing portion at the apex of the shoot is the terminal bud of the plant, and by the continued development of this bud and its adjacent tissues, the stem increases in height. Lateral buds and leaves grow out of the stem at intervals called nodes; the intervals on the stem between the nodes are called internodes. The number of leaves that appear at a node depends on the species of plant; one leaf per node is common, but two or or more leaves may grow at the nodes of some species" ~ Britanica Online
Those roots look great. Looks like covering of the reservoirs made the difference. I tried just having two sites open on my cloner to raise the humidity in my room, but then the small amount of light that entered those two open sites stunted my clones and caused them to stop forming roots. Even the tiniest bit of light is harmful to roots. That is a good lesson learned.