Ok heres my 'hacks' I use to get fast roots. I'm sure I'll get flack for it but it's how I've rooted cuttings for years and I can root some strains in 5days so... Ya.
1 dummy plug. That's right throw an empty plug in the tray and shove the temp probe from the controller into it. Now you have an accurate reading on the actual rootzone temp. Not the temp of the air if you hang it in the dome. This is how most people cook their clones. The bottom will continue heating to keep up to the rapid cooling in the top of the dome. This is not what we want. It could be 85° in the tray to try to keep the top at 75.
Measure the temp in the zone you want to know the temp of.

Now. My last 'hack' is sort of a hybrid theory of aeroponic rooting. Filling the bottom with water and using an airstone to create a layer of saturated air within the root zone. Using an airstone in the bottom does a few things.
A: it circulates the water around keeping a more steady temp.
B. Creates more humidity in the rooting zone and in the dome itself.
C: keeps up clean airflow. Pump in air and it's gotta go somewhere, so keeping a steady stream of clean air going through keeps the plants from going fuzzy because of stagnant air trapped inside.
D: oxygenates the roots once formed. Keeps those roots growing and getting a nice base before planting. Sort of like starting them off in dwc.
Again. I'm not saying this is the best way to do it or that you should do it this way... Just a way I sort of figured out myself and have used for many years. And I used to cut up 5-6 trays every spring season for outdoor planting and rarely ever lost cuttings. Its the best/fastest way I've ever used to root and I've tried em all.