Joe Biden's political missteps

I always thought that was a stupid statement repeated by stupid motherfuckers.
You winning or losing no if. That's like saying if your mother was a man would you call her dad ?
I dont know. Was it billionaires and media that made bernie lose?
I dont know. Was it billionaires and media that made bernie lose?
I say South Carolina changed shit. Then all other Dems dropped out and moved to Biden. I think people will soon come to regret their vote, but like it is said.
"The people deserve the government they get "
Hey I support men who enjoy sucking cock, just want them still to be there own man. I personally don't enjoy sucking cock. Not my thing
I know you want to support bucks dick with your throat. But its 2020 and you're still using gay as an insult. It's just so progressive of the bernie bro. I'm not gay and I dont bash people who are.. but you got dick on your mind and you're calling me gay? Lol
oh ok now I get it.
Bernie lost Biden won. Now we hope and pray Biden does not say something stupid and can take on Trump. My only thoughts now is why people were against free shit but now eagerly await that free check from Trump
I'll admit, your logic is tortured - but not in any way that I find remotely compelling.

This whole conversation with you is kind of unsatisfying. I'm not sure what it is lacking but it certainly lacks something. I kind of want to give you pointers but there isn't really much to build on.

Please don't take it as an insult. Maybe you aren't crazy enough. Or maybe your comebacks aren't very good and you just keep doubling down on them without making them more outrageous. I guess I get bored easily. Either way, I am un-following you. I will still respond if I am really, really bored though. Keep white-knighting for @schuylaar and @Flaming Pie though - that had a little promise.

But don't feel bad, it's not you - it's me.
I say South Carolina changed shit. Then all other Dems dropped out and moved to Biden. I think people will soon come to regret their vote, but like it is said.
"The people deserve the government they get "
So if South Carolina didnt go that way bernie woulda won if he didnt lose?
I'll admit, your logic is tortured - but not in any way that I find remotely compelling.

This whole conversation with you is kind of unsatisfying. I'm not sure what it is lacking but it certainly lacks something. I kind of want to give you pointers but there isn't really much to build on.

Please don't take it as an insult. Maybe you aren't crazy enough. Or maybe your comebacks aren't very good and you just keep doubling down on them without making them more outrageous. I guess I get bored easily. Either way, I am un-following you. I will still respond if I am really, really bored though. Keep white-knighting for @schuylaar and @Flaming Pie though - that had a little promise.

But don't feel bad, it's not you - it's me.
Maybe because I make sense when I talk and keep it real and don't go off on wishful thinking. Of course you would view it as unsatisfying because it leaves you with no comeback. Bernie lost end of story. None of that stupid shit about how he would have won if he had not lost. That's a dumb as statement repeated by dumb ass people. I rather move forward and talk about Biden and hope that he is not in the early stage of dementia or say something so fucking stupid it cost him the POTUS. Having Trump pick another SCOTUS would be a disaster for the progressive movement. and don't we all want to move to become progressive in our thinking and lives. I do more so I was willing to lose money to do so
Will you be getting a free check ?
@londonfog has gone off the deep end.

There is no way Sanders could have beaten Trump in the General election. Why do those Bernie Bros cling to that idea?

Then they go off topic just to prove what kind of jerks his cult is. If Bernie were not Bernie maybe Bernie could have won but his followers are a drag on his chances all by themselves.
Maybe because I make sense when I talk and keep it real and don't go off on wishful thinking. Of course you would view it as unsatisfying because it leaves you with no comeback. Bernie lost end of story. None of that stupid shit about how he would have won if he had not lost. That's a dumb as statement repeated by dumb ass people. I rather move forward and talk about Biden and hope that he is not in the early stage of dementia or say something so fucking stupid it cost him the POTUS. Having Trump pick another SCOTUS would be a disaster for the progressive movement. and don't we all want to move to become progressive in our thinking and lives. I do more so I was willing to lose money to do so
Will you be getting a free check ?
Sure, whatever.