Joe Biden's political missteps

@Buss Relville

Hey Puss,

It's time for you to admit that Bernie is lying about the bailout bill he voted for this week.

In case you forgot, here it is, Sanders is lying to try to save his campaign. The desperate little do-nothing wasn't even there when Democrats blocked Republicans from handing a 500 billion dollar slush fund to Trump without oversight.

@Padawanbater2 inb4 you propagate Sanders lies:

Here it is, Sanders is lying to try to save his campaign. The desperate little do-nothing wasn't even there when Democrats blocked Republicans from handing a 500 billion dollar slush fund to Trump without oversight.

The transcript is incomplete and doesn't contain his lie, Here is what he said:
At 2:09 in the audio, Sanders says this bald faced lie about the stimulus package that passed yesterday:

"I have very little doubt that there will be a massive uh stimulus package within the next month. Given the nature of this crisis, what the Congress did yesterday is a step forward. I would have gone a lot further, I'm disappointed that we put 500 billion uh into corporate welfare without any accountability or transparency but I think given the nature of the healthcare crisis and financial crisis, Congress will be back again"

In the same series of news stories from Morning edition, 3/27, is this:

At 28 seconds in the audio file, this:

(Bill Mack) So, the bill creates the Pandemic Response Accountability Committee, it's made up of Inspectors General from various government agencies who will conduct investigations and audits into these programs. The legislation allocates 20 million dollars for the accountability office and also includes an office for special Inspector General just to focus on that 500 billion dollars that the Treasury Department has in order to uh work with corporations. And finally there is a Congressional Oversight Commission that will be reporting to Congress every 30 days. "

in addition, the bill contains provisions that block corporations that accept bailout money from buying back shares until one year after they've paid it back. Also, those companies will be barred from giving executives bonuses.

So, Bernie, once again, rides Democrat coattails, letting them do the hard work while he stays home. Then after he votes for the package, lies about what is in that package to self-aggrandize.

Bernie should end his campaign now. He's only going to hurt this country's chances of healing.
......Are you seriously asking if we are going to vote for a rapist to stop a racist?

What do you think, dumbass?

That article was the top upvoted tidbit in the political section.

Biden is gunna lose HARD

OMG, like it was totally up-voted, and totally not by Putin's armies of trolls!
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OMG, like it was totally up-voted, and totally not by Putin's armies of trolls!
They keep going to the well on this up-vote bullshit. It is literally the easiest thing possible to fake. Remember that massive amount of Tulsi Gabbard Googling that took place whenever she was in one of the debates? @ttystikk and @Padawanbater2 nearly pissed their pants in joy. Know why? Because any evidence, no matter how fake or ginned up, that supports their conclusions is reliable evidence in their pathetic worldview. That unbiased show of public curiosity sure paid of in the long run. Those two delegates don't lie.

Hey @londonfog - I thought I would give you a shout out since you seem to have joined the ranks of idiots lately. I just didn't want you to feel left out or accuse me of picking on girls only. Your thought process is as muddled as the rest of them - which is fine - -but then you decided to be a petulant dick about it. I kinda regret doing it since you have been around a long time and I have never really had a bone to pick with you until you decided you have one to pick with me.

Bidens Wall Street donors weighing in on his VP pick

Also, Newsweek picked up his sexual assault allegations story. Meanwhile, CNN, MSNBC and other ostensibly 'left' news outlets continue to ignore it to protect his campaign


Bidens Wall Street donors weighing in on his VP pick

Also, Newsweek picked up his sexual assault allegations story. Meanwhile, CNN, MSNBC and other ostensibly 'left' news outlets continue to ignore it to protect his campaign

It's time for Bernie to drop out. Whaddaya say?

Bidens Wall Street donors weighing in on his VP pick

Also, Newsweek picked up his sexual assault allegations story. Meanwhile, CNN, MSNBC and other ostensibly 'left' news outlets continue to ignore it to protect his campaign

shoulda made a thread about Bernies political missteps

ya know, since he lost again

Bidens Wall Street donors weighing in on his VP pick

Also, Newsweek picked up his sexual assault allegations story. Meanwhile, CNN, MSNBC and other ostensibly 'left' news outlets continue to ignore it to protect his campaign

Weak sauce. You must have stocked up on it.

Hey, have you heard? @schuylaar wants President Cuomo now. They don't get more neo-liberal - whatever the fuck that means.
We could start with detailing Bernie's lies about the recent bailout bill.
It's getting to the point of abusing a political corpse, Bernie needs to drop out ASAP for party unity and the good of the country. A united front and a landslide is what America really needs, these assholes must be swept from power completely, a clean slate for a new start. America must cleanse and renew itself, and will become stronger than ever. It's still hope and change, just with a detour into the ditch for a spell.
Bernie could be waiting for Joe to catch the virus and die... I've noticed they have Joe locked down pretty tight lately, like a national treasure.
We'd just pick somebody else at the convention.

Bernie's not even listed as a Democrat in the Congressional record.

From Sunday, when Democrats were holding off Republican Senators' attempts to just hand Trump $500B to use as a slush fund:

Sanders (I-VT), Not Voting

He wasn't there. But that's not the point. Note the "I" for Independent. He's not a Democrat. He shouldn't even be considered for our nomination. 75% of all Democrats agree.