Joe steals Nancy's purse

i felt the same way about the stimulus checks. many didn't need $2000 but they still got it.
I hear you, but at least with that, all of the people at the bottom of the totem pole did get it. It was also disproportionate due to massive cost of living differences between states. In California, that won't cover a months rent, but in Oklahoma, it would cover your housing costs for half a year.
Honestly, College doesn't make sense for a lot of people, and it doesn't help many who do attend. So, from that perspective, I'm not sure that I agree it should part of the mandatory public school system. In fact the public school system sucks a lot already. State and Community Colleges are already underwritten by the states in effort to make tuition affordable. To me, the key principle is to not borrow above your ability to repay. My only real issue with this, is that it seems that we are rewarding folks who made poor planning choices.
Yeah but the problem is when people don’t understand how college works they “think” things that don’t make much sensein real life.

So sure, 2 years at a community college is reasonable to get the pre-read done, and easily paid off. Then you need to transfer to a solid university to graduate with a degree that will get you into a solid grad degree, that bumps you up to about $20-40k in loans, and if you want to get it done in a reasonable amount of time you do need to be full time, which means for every hour of class time you have about 3 outside hours, meaning time for a real job is nonexistent. So paying out of pocket without wealthy enough parents is a nonstarter.

Then to really get the skill set for a good career, you are looking at graduate school which is when shit gets really expensive, and you can easily add on another $60k+ while working your ass off. Then for a great career, getting a doctor will add a couple years and it is hard to get out with less than $150k in loans, while again putting more work in than most people do at regular jobs.

So yeah someone who doesn’t have a family that can afford to pay their way, and since the Republicans killed affordable college back in the 80’s when they killed public funding of colleges, all that is left is for people who want to make a better life using their brain is to take out loans.

And people who are acting like giving $10-20k off their loans is the End of the world (like the troll in this grads op) when it is really designed to mainly help out the kids who got jammed up when something happened that stopped them from graduating after a couple years are just wrong. It is immensely helpful for the people who desperately need this to get them out from under that monthly bill, and the people who graduated are on average more than paying their fair share of taxes to offset the difference.

I do agree colleges need to get a lot more reasonable now that the last couple generations have paid through the noses to build them up. One thing I really think needs to end is college sports. Make school about school, and save a ton of money and resources.
you are worried about 300B when the gop just increased our debt by almost 8T during a "booming" economy.

you should really re-examine your beliefs.

I wasn't here then but I had a lot of shit to talk about the GOP for that. They took us right to the edge of over 1.5-2% inflation then the Dems jumped right over. Every President signs off on more debt than the last, its like a right of passage so but Trump! And but GOP! On this issue I fully agree with you. I'm not going to limit agreeability to half of Politics.
I dont disagree with any of this. I do think we should have college available and free with some sort of limitations. An educated population is a good thing. It's tempting to have some sort of testing as the basis, free college to develop our best and brightest...but eh, obviously theres issues with that line of thought and you shouldn't exclude people that have the drive to make it in whatever field.

Idk, being able to pay back loans and end up with marketable skills was a major driver of my decision making, so I get where you are coming from there. I look at this as the best option for the current situation we are in. Free college...but basket weaving majors aren't really what we need.

The government can foot the bill, I don't think it's really shifting responsibility onto anyone. Debt just sorta works different on that level.
Like the current admissions "test" where Asians are penalized purely because of race?
Do tell how loan forgiveness for struggling people and families is worse than Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk COMBINED, paying less taxes than a single mom who makes 38k a year?? Please, do enlighten us. Fucking sponge ass single moms, how dare they need a fucking break, what a burden.

Damn dude. What does trump's loafers taste like?

What a great example. That poor single mom who paid her student loans or did not go to college is now saddled with debt incurred from upper middle class "kids" who are adult enough to enter into financial agreements.

Thank you for that.
I hear you, but at least with that, all of the people at the bottom of the totem pole did get it. It was also disproportionate due to massive cost of living differences between states. In California, that won't cover a months rent, but in Oklahoma, it would cover your housing costs for half a year.
six times $904 > $2000
and that is rent only; no utilities.

six times $904 > $2000
and that is rent only; no utilities.

Rental rates are going up all over. It's still super cheap compared to my county.


You’re including rural (no jobs aside from minimum wage) locations. Oops.
And Santa Cruz is one of the biggest agricultural communities in the state. According to the local chamber of commerce, 1 out of every 8 local workers is an Ag hire. Do you really think they are paid above minimum wage?





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migrant labor does not advance your argument.