Joe steals Nancy's purse

There is that “not all, so none” fallacy on display.
Dude, tons of people get paid minimum wage for hard work around here, and then have to figure out how to land a rental which takes most of their money on day one. Discount it if you like, but it doesn't change the reality for the multitude of people struggling out here, and the fact that housing costs are thousands of dollars higher each month compared to other states.
Dude, tons of people get paid minimum wage for hard work around here, and then have to figure out how to land a rental which takes most of their money on day one. Discount it if you like, but it doesn't change the reality for the multitude of people struggling out here, and the fact that housing costs are thousands of dollars higher each month compared to other states.
This is hilarious.

A tax cut is letting someone keep money they earned.

Loan "forgiveness" is transferring debt to others who did not contract in it.

There could not be a less relevant comparison.
debt relief is debt relief no matter how you want to spin it. It's ok give the little guy a break once in a while, we don't have to act like republicans all the time. I'll bet your a lousy tipper.
I hear you, but at least with that, all of the people at the bottom of the totem pole did get it. It was also disproportionate due to massive cost of living differences between states. In California, that won't cover a months rent, but in Oklahoma, it would cover your housing costs for half a year.
But there a price for have to live in Oklahoma. I'll pay to stay in California
It's not only migrant farm workers who work in the local ag industry for low wages. Nice try though.
The poor don't generally pay taxes....nice try
UNDER $75,000<0%
$500,000-$1 MIL20.80%
OVER $1 MIL25.80%
Dude, tons of people get paid minimum wage for hard work around here, and then have to figure out how to land a rental which takes most of their money on day one. Discount it if you like, but it doesn't change the reality for the multitude of people struggling out here, and the fact that housing costs are thousands of dollars higher each month compared to other states.
move to Missouri...
Really reaching trying to be trolly?

Again though, what's that have to do with the issue at hand?

Why do you think this harms poor people? The way you are trying to frame your argument doesn't make sense.

You said "I do think we should have college available and free with some sort of limitations. An educated population is a good thing. It's tempting to have some sort of testing as the basis".

And we do for admissions. What are you proposing?
It's not only migrant farm workers who work in the local ag industry for low wages. Nice try though.

Right? I harved olives in Corning and worked at DelMonte in Orland. I have hopped in the back of pickups at Home Depot for cash paying laborer jobs that I under bid migrants for.
clear as milk is no improvement over clear as mud. You propose no plausible method.

Are you joking? Try my method: buy $50k of gold eagles at $30/Oz.

Inflation suddenly not hard to understand. Muddy the waters indeed. It's you currently squid inking the agua pretending that inflation between states costs of living don't exist and that all rural jobs are minimum wage.
