Joe steals Nancy's purse

Why do they need help with school, why is it so expensive? Why could people afford it in the 50s with a $1 min wage when the top tax rate collects the same receipts at 90% as it does at 40%?
Make student loans eligible for bankruptcy again and see how fast the cost of tuition goes down. Right now loan companies will loan you money knowing that you cannot file bankruptcy on the loan. It wasn't like that in the 50's. The cost of college went up in the late 70's when the laws were changed & loan companies could make loans for almost any amount because they had bankruptcy immunity.
Make student loans eligible for bankruptcy again and see how fast the cost of tuition goes down. Right now loan companies will loan you money knowing that you cannot file bankruptcy on the loan. It wasn't like that in the 50's. The cost of college went up in the late 70's when the laws were changed & loan companies could make loans for almost any amount because they had bankruptcy immunity.

And for what reason were they immune from bankruptcy?
Did you just see Roe overturned? What's the reason?
Where is Agriculture in the Constitution?
Where is Immigration?
Where is Education?

Where's the emotion?

Navy v Egan is current law.
President cannot be charged with espionage.
Judicial Watch v NARA 10-1834 is current law.
President determines what are his records. No criminal actions can occur.

Laughed out of court you say? It was for the exact opposite reason you are trying to peddle with propaganda or ignorance.

Such is life if you don't read.
I'm guessing its Asperger's

You didn't read the transcripts of the court case, you just believed what you were told and vomited your words out in a post to me. Read the transcript. The judge mocked the lawyer because he had no case. NARA specifically empowers archivists acting under it's powers discretion. The judge very clearly said so and also said he doesn't have authority to overrule them. Then he threw the case out due to lack of standing.

The case was laughed out of court. Figuratively speaking, that is. The judge had the wisdom to laugh after he left the court room

I've pointed this out to you several times, yet you cling to the notion that your belief is greater than fact.

The Constitution is a framework, it gives latitude to future generations who are willing to work within that framework to govern as it sees fit. That is democracy. If you don't like the laws, change them. Instead your MAGA GOP, which can no longer muster the votes to enable them direct change, your MAGA GOP is working hard to overthrow the Constitution.

OK, so go ahead and bleat out another fact free appeal to emotion. I have no expectation that you can surmount your mental illness.
1978 - Bankruptcy Reform Act
Congress overhauled the Bankruptcy Code and added Section 523(a)(8). Under that section, education loans owed to a governmental unit or a nonprofit institution of higher education were nondischargeable for 5 years from the date the loan entered repayment unless the debtor was experiencing undue hardship.

1979 - Act on August 14th
The 1979 Act did two things. First, it made it so that a student loan made by the government or made under a government-funded program or a nonprofit institution was nondischargeable. This change made sure that a loan made under the Federal Perkins Loan program received discharge protection.

A Perkins Loan is a federal student loan made by a school to a student. The funds for the loan program come from a pool contributed to by both the government and the school.

Before the 1979 Act, it was arguable that a bankruptcy court could decide the section didn't apply to a loan made under the Perkins loan program. This change closed that loophole.

Second, the Act also changed the Bankruptcy Code by extending the 5-year period when the student loan borrower took a deferment or forbearance.

This change made it more difficult to tell when 5 years had passed. No longer could you look at when the last loan entered repayment and add 5 years.

You had to pull the actual payment history for the student debt to see if there were any deferments or forbearances.
I’d add to that this article too.
WASHINGTON (AP) _ President Reagan is asking Congress to reduce financial aid to college students by $2.3 billion - a 27 percent cut that would force more than 1 million students to fend for themselves.

The biggest cuts in Guaranteed Student Loans and Pell Grants would be at the expense of middle-income students. They would be denied the heavily subsidized loans if their families’ adjusted gross income exceeded $32,500, and they would be knocked out of the grant program at $25,000.

Students from the poorest families would feel the pinch of a Reagan proposal to put a $4,000-per-student annual lid on total federal aid from loans, grants and subsidized campus jobs.

Sen. Claiborne Pell, D-R.I., father of the Pell Grant program - which would lose 808,000 of its 2.8 million recipients - said half the 430,000 students that would be affected by the $4,000 ceiling come from families with incomes of less than $12,000.

″It is hard to believe the administration could seriously propose such draconian changes,″ he said. ″How can we build an ‘opportunity society’ if we deny so many young people educational opportunity?″

Acting Education Secretary Gary L. Jones said the cuts were part of ″a major philosophical shift″ to return ″to the traditional emphasis on parent and student responsibility for financing college costs.″

In his proposed fiscal 1986 budget, to be sent to Congress on Monday, Reagan asked for a freeze on the Education Department’s main elementary and secondary education programs, including a $3.2 billion remedial program for the poor; a $532 million block grant; $1.1 billion to teach handicapped children; $838 million in vocational and adult education, and the $143 million bilingual education program.

The department’s outlays, $17.4 billion this year, would drop to $16.9 billion in fiscal 1986, or $1.2 billion less than the total if no cuts were enacted.

The department’s budget authority - a statutory ceiling on appropriations - would take a steeper dive, from $18.4 billion to $15.5 billion, a 16 percent drop.

Jones said the 1985 spending includes almost $750 million to pay for prior year overruns in the Pell Grant and loan programs. Putting that sum aside, the proposed 1986 budget is down $2 billion or 11 percent, he said.

Reagan also wants to rescind $169 million from 10 school programs for fiscal 1985, and to scrap 38 programs - including several in student aid - to save $1.1 billion next year.

Some 5.3 million students, or one of every two attending college half-time or more, now get help from one or more programs - Pell Grants, Supplemental Grants, Work-Study, National Direct Loans, State Incentive Grants and Guaranteed Loans. Reagan’s blueprint would aid 4.25 million students, or 1,027,000 fewer.

All students would have to come up with $800 on their own before they could get a grant or loan.

Students with family incomes above $25,000 would be denied National Direct Loans and Work-Study jobs, as well as Pell Grants.

All students could borrow from an auxiliary program called PLUS, but at much less favorable terms than the regular guaranteed loans. PLUS charges interest and requires payments while students are in school.

The maximum annual PLUS loan would climb from $2,500 to $4,000. Also, borrowers would pay a 1 percent guarantee fee to help cover defaults.

Students under age 22 would be considered dependent on their parents, unless they were orphans or wards of the court.

The so-called TRIO programs to groom minority teen-agers for college would lose $93 million of their $175 million. A $24 million school desegregation advisory program would be phased out over two years, and $75 million for magnet schools would be rescinded.

Libraries would lose $125 million in aid. Migrant education would be cut by $41 million. Impact aid for school districts with heavy enrollments of federal employees’ children would be cut by $152 million to $543 million. Other rescissions would knock $79 million from higher education programs.

Reagan vowed to press again for a tuition tax credit that would start at $100 in 1985, costing $359 million, and a modest tax break for parents who save money for college. They could put $1,000 into accounts each year and avoid taxes on the interest.
I'm guessing its Asperger's

You didn't read the transcripts of the court case, you just believed what you were told and vomited your words out in a post to me. Read the transcript. The judge mocked the lawyer because he had no case. NARA specifically empowers archivists acting under it's powers discretion. The judge very clearly said so and also said he doesn't have authority to overrule them. Then he threw the case out due to lack of standing.

The case was laughed out of court. Figuratively speaking, that is. The judge had the wisdom to laugh after he left the court room

I've pointed this out to you several times, yet you cling to the notion that your belief is greater than fact.

The Constitution is a framework, it gives latitude to future generations who are willing to work within that framework to govern as it sees fit. That is democracy. If you don't like the laws, change them. Instead your MAGA GOP, which can no longer muster the votes to enable them direct change, your MAGA GOP is working hard to overthrow the Constitution.

OK, so go ahead and bleat out another fact free appeal to emotion. I have no expectation that you can surmount your mental illness.
It is important to remember that the Constitution was written to accommodate slavers. It was a condition for getting it past the legislators.

It is a reason why I think of strict constructionists as a slaver legacy.
It is important to remember that the Constitution was written to accommodate slavers. It was a condition for getting it past the legislators.

It is a reason why I think of strict constructionists as a slaver legacy.
Liberalism in the US sense was ginned up by wealthy white people as an alternative to the New Deal. When it failed, wealthy white people rallied to Reagan's style of disinformation that cast the New Deal as an attack on family, religion, freedom and gave favor to the undeserving "poor" (a dog whistle for black and brown people). 60 years of GOP disinformation have morphed into the GOP MAGA, which I agree is unsettlingly similar to the post Reconstruction South, which was an outgrowth of the Antebellum slave plantation economy in the South. The point being, yes, strict constructionist legacy comes from the Constitution of the slave plantation society. To them the 13th amendment and others after it don't exist. But also, it is funded and supported by wealthy white people who are willing to accept any ideology as long as the can continue to enrich themselves over and above all others. So MAGA GOP is an unholy alliance between would be slavers and agnostic billionaires.
I'm guessing its Asperger's

You didn't read the transcripts of the court case, you just believed what you were told and vomited your words out in a post to me. Read the transcript. The judge mocked the lawyer because he had no case. NARA specifically empowers archivists acting under it's powers discretion. The judge very clearly said so and also said he doesn't have authority to overrule them. Then he threw the case out due to lack of standing.

The case was laughed out of court. Figuratively speaking, that is. The judge had the wisdom to laugh after he left the court room

I've pointed this out to you several times, yet you cling to the notion that your belief is greater than fact.
But the judge in the case was a woman. I can even tell you her name and her conclusions if you like. They are as I stated. I'm not sure why you are larping like you actually read it but it's really funny watching you pretend.
Liberalism in the US sense was ginned up by wealthy white people as an alternative to the New Deal. When it failed, wealthy white people rallied to Reagan's style of disinformation that cast the New Deal as an attack on family, religion, freedom and gave favor to the undeserving "poor" (a dog whistle for black and brown people). 60 years of GOP disinformation have morphed into the GOP MAGA, which I agree is unsettlingly similar to the post Reconstruction South, which was an outgrowth of the Antebellum slave plantation economy in the South. The point being, yes, strict constructionist legacy comes from the Constitution of the slave plantation society. To them the 13th amendment and others after it don't exist. But also, it is funded and supported by wealthy white people who are willing to accept any ideology as long as the can continue to enrich themselves over and above all others. So MAGA GOP is an unholy alliance between would be slavers and agnostic billionaires.
I suspect the billionaires of not being quite agnostic.

We spend more than that on wars when republicans are in office but your ok with it

what did Bush’s war cost and how long did it go on? So you’re ok with bombing kids just not helping them with school?
Who the fuck said I was ok with it? I voted against bush and participated in multiple anti-war marches back when he was in office. Not sure how you somehow came up with that assessment of me.
I wish we could just throw money at homelessness to make it go away.
It takes a lot more than just throwing money at the problem. It takes hard work, but hard work takes money.

Screenshot 2022-08-27 12.21.22 PM.png

Why can't you highlight the obvious answer to what I asked, it's in your quote? I'm just asking to see if you can draw the line yourself:

"1978 - Bankruptcy Reform Act
Congress overhauled the Bankruptcy Code and added Section 523(a)(8). Under that section, education loans owed to a governmental unit or a nonprofit institution of higher education were nondischargeable for 5 years from the date the loan entered repayment unless the debtor was experiencing undue hardship.

1979 - Act on August 14th
The 1979 Act did two things. First, it made it so that a student loan made by the government or made under a government-funded program or a nonprofit institution was nondischargeable. This change made sure that a loan made under the Federal Perkins Loan program received discharge protection.

A Perkins Loan is a federal student loan made by a school to a student. The funds for the loan program come from a pool contributed to by both the government and the school.

Before the 1979 Act, it was arguable that a bankruptcy court could decide the section didn't apply to a loan made under the Perkins loan program. This change closed that loophole.

Second, the Act also changed the Bankruptcy Code by extending the 5-year period when the student loan borrower took a deferment or forbearance.

This change made it more difficult to tell when 5 years had passed. No longer could you look at when the last loan entered repayment and add 5 years.

You had to pull the actual payment history for the student debt to see if there were any deferments or forbearances."
We spend more than that on wars when republicans are in office but your ok with it
I've been anti-war all of my life. I've never voted for a republican in a major election. In the past decade however it seems that the war mongering role has somehow shifted, with Democrats being the party to more support war. I was a democrat until the past decade, when I pulled my card, and am now registered with no party affiliation.

This is typical of Asperger sufferers. They can't exclude unimportant minutia so that they can focus on what is important.

Yet you failed to highlight any important bit to back up any of your assertions. You read the whole saga but failed to note the main character the rendered the decision is a female that is a liberal Obama appointee?

Noone believes that.


Michael Bekesha, Paul J. Orfanedes, Judicial Watch, Inc., Washington, DC, for Plaintiff. Daniel Schwei, Elizabeth J. Shapiro, U.S. Department of Justice, Washington, DC, for Defendant.

"Under the statutory scheme established by the PRA, the decision to segregate personal materials from Presidential records is made by the President, during the President's term and in his sole discretion, see44 U.S.C. § 2203(b), so the Deputy Archivist could not and did not make a classification decision that can be challenged here."

"Since the President is completely entrusted with the management and even the disposal of Presidential records during his time in office, it would be difficult for this Court to conclude that Congress intended that he would have less authority to do what he pleases with what he considers to be his personal records."

"Because the audiotapes are not physically in the government's possession, defendant submits that it would be required to seize them directly from President Clinton in order to assume custody and control over them. Def.'s Mem. in Support of Mot. to Dismiss at 1, 15–18. Defendant considers this to be an “extraordinary request” that is “unfounded, contrary to the PRA's express terms, and contrary to traditional principles of administrative law.” Id. at 1. The Court agrees."

The DOJ was the Defendant. See header.