JohnnyO's Coffeeshop

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Sorry worm. Accidentally locked you in.

Had to secure the premises from any ne'er-do-wells who might slip in unnoticed.

I'm sure it wasn't too painful for you.
Ever hear of last call? :lol:

GG, I'd put up a great pic of ur post, but the proprietor would get irate.

He already imprisons his patrons....
Ever hear of last call? :lol:

GG, I'd put up a great pic of ur post, but the proprietor would get irate.

He already imprisons his patrons....
Fine! I'll just leave the doors wide open for every troll, low-life, delinquent, and crybaby in the forum.

You have piqued my curiosity. Post the pic. Please.

U da boss man ... U dah boss.

Maybe a general "sweeping" out post before you close it.

Kick us all to the curb in the third person.
Man I've been sitting at my booth all day/night. Don't think i'm going anywhere , anytime soon lolL Just lock me in.
Man I've been sitting at my booth all day/night. Don't think i'm going anywhere , anytime soon lolL Just lock me in.

i'm just gonna post up on the wall outside, jay and silent bob style and harass all the ladies on their way in.... well... wikid :lol:
It could get cold out there. better put a hoody on.:blsmoke:

i always wear my hoodie ;)

Here you go. I think you will find the Organic House Indica to your liking.

No such thing as jacking here.

If anybody gets too far out of line I'll just pull out the Special Private Reserve from the office safe and let the Little Reefer Men have at 'em.

And I have a bat behind the counter.
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