JohnnyO's Coffeeshop

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Is a split hair a vegetable?

You should know!:lol:;-)
I don't split hairs, I chop wood! :wink:

Don't mess with my force.....

Thank G*D JO, I finally found a parking space!!

It's cold here ... turn up the heat JO!

Had another hard time getting here today.....

Don't mind Davey. He's just pissed because he's getting his ass handed to him in an ostensibly vegetarian-bashing thread.
hot cup of java if you please sir, its cold outside
Coming right up. I just started a fresh pot.

It is cold. I live in the South and it's colder here than it is in New York City!
good morning johnny, its my first time in here, i see your sign but im usually in a big hurry in the i thought ide stop in and say hiya
good morning johnny, its my first time in here, i see your sign but im usually in a big hurry in the i thought ide stop in and say hiya
Good morning and welcome.

This is a pretty nice place to chill with fellow members and shoot the breeze.

And the product is pretty good here. :leaf:
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