JohnnyO's Coffeeshop

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When you've smoked freshly hand rolled Charis you wont want any other hash, believe me. I get a nice lump every xmas from my traveling friend. Never had your strains either...

You're right man, this tops any other hash i've had. Is you're traveling friend Santa? :lol:
Dont worry, there's no actual dogshit in there. Just maui wowie. Dont worry bout bogarting, I got plenty to go around :bigjoint:

Somebody should play some sublime...
Well i'm glad. The paper's prolly muckin up the taste. Here, try this bongsmilie

Prolly taste better now.
Its dogshit. Yea my dog ate my stash man. Had to follow it around for three days with a little baggie before I could get it back. (Anyone picking up on the reference?)

I got it from the first word of labrador. I saw cheech and chong on tour last year. Funny as shit :hump:
I'm watching. The Big Lebow$ki. Love this movie so much I had to purchase it on Dvd,,,
Thanks for putting me on to this movie JO. I also bought. "Stand By Me" on Dvd for $5.00 at Walmart.
The best $5.00 I ever spent!!!
How about standing next to me and passing that bowl. It smells damn fine along with the cinni bunnies :hump:
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