Journey of the Newb [Shroom Grow]


Active Member
Something to look forward to:

Gifts of Nature.jpg

And make up with your GF before harvest. Shrooms and be *very* erotic 8)


Active Member


Numero DOS

Numero 3

One of them has a bit more colonization than the other three. These are my best 3 jars. Of the four I had put away two are showing mediocre growth, as are the 5 others that are near my heater. I am slightly worried after reading over other people's growlog that they had the majority of theirs completed in a little over a two week timeframe. The ones lagging behind lead me not to believe I will meet this. A cube is a cube is a cube. I'm worried about contams, I saw a small spec of green but I think that's just uncolonized verm on the glass. One thing that could contribute to the apparent slow growth of many of the jars is that I started colonizing not on the glass because for some reason I thought I was doing damage to the needle. Plus I used less spores for them.

I have decided to go with a monotub, a 17qt tote. I don't know if I have enough substrate for the casing, but oh well... It is less work afterall. ;)

Sorry I didn't take all the pictures, still worried about contams. :'(

Day 7.