judge this bud please


Well-Known Member
6 weeks veg ten the pic was at 7 weeks. must have been c02 lackage
im from UK 'let her grow' in my mind im in USA f**k the b*lls**t
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Well-Known Member
Looks nice, but it's not ready. I noticed your leaves are an interesting array of colors. What strain are you growing or is that from spider mites???


Well-Known Member
man id get more advice from my own asshole than you ugly muthas

your first question "what do u think of this any help please it dont smell much"

thats pretty vague yeah? dont worry if it doesnt smell yet. a single plant thats not some super strain or skunk or something isnt gonna smell to high hell.

and it looks pretty healthy, if you want advice id say hit it with some molasses it fattens up the buds pretty nice. as for smell not much i know to do. just grow it ok? grow it and be happy. and quit giving bubbles shit ok?


Well-Known Member
Are you serious? WOW! You should consider being a little more thankful for peoples assistance. I mean everyone could have just left you hanging with no response.


Active Member
if your not here to make friends and grow dope...hes just jammin 26 sticks up his ass and gettin off by talkin shit...fuck the haters