
Come on go go kid my gran got to earn I was jus taking her to beat cus it was cold. Remember there’s only and eliminate of truth to any story. It was v v very exspensive phone 6 bags in all but got all need t get it back it’s not bin washed yet so shun end up being total lose ya no. As for the gelato and royal cookies got few maphs but smokes wicked ye ther some seed but bout not to db. Wot the first tings any you ol chaps would say main coarse ?
About a pound.
Ya close it was one pound 50 and some copper coins but hey how all sorted lol
Ok try again had quite a lot of nanners maphs and it has affected end product it still look the bollox and most smokes lovely jus few fucking seeds wot would ya guess was main problem. Oh pulled 2 males very early on and they had opened to pollinate. Also knew clones I got have got fucking thrips I tink they must have been freebees well freethrips lol. Wot best way to treat now I understand I’ll never iradicate but best way to control. I’ve jus used canna cure seems to have helped but ? Appreciate any jokes and HELP PLS lol. Nice one ery one
Oh Danny boy
Borat's accent
Pmsl ( this in borats accent) oh Danny boy the pipes are calling , from glen to glen , and down the mountain side . Lol then wi off to throw bricks at feds. I’ve got a stall set up like the film iLife Of Brian , ye I sell bags of pebbles for under 12 good size stones for 12 to 18 year olds , then here’s the best catapults for adults and the odd RPG especially designed for buses pmsl :fire::fire::fire::fire:
I've seen (on TV) youths throwing stones/bricks etc at the fire brigade, what the fuck is that about?

The police I could understand but ffs the fire service only help, usually when you really fucking need it like trapped in a mangled car or in a burning house ffs why would anyone give them shit?