Just Bought A Pound Of Morning Glory Seeds.....

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New Member

It's In A Paper Shock Resitent Bag. Somewhere Below A Foot Tall. Probably 10 Inches. I Weighed It. 1.213 Pounds. :-) Im Going Thru To See How Many Seeds To Make Measurements. Soon My Prettys. Soon.


Well-Known Member

It's In A Paper Shock Resitent Bag. Somewhere Below A Foot Tall. Probably 10 Inches. I Weighed It. 1.213 Pounds. :-) Im Going Thru To See How Many Seeds To Make Measurements. Soon My Prettys. Soon.
Dude I can't wait to hear about your final product too, i plan on doing this depending on your outcome so tell me some good news lol.


New Member
Took 250 Seeds To See The Trip. Not Exactly What I Expected. Pretty Stoney. But I Took Them At Around 10.00 PM. About An Hour Latter It Was Like Shrooms Without Any Visuals. Groovy. 1.00 PM I Heard Some Slight Audio. Fan Sounded Peculiar. Went To Sleep At 2.00 PM And Saw Blue Sparks For A Bit.


Well-Known Member
1.00am? you mean... surely it didint last from 10.00pm until next day 1.pm like through sleep? im confused


New Member
This Is From American Meadows. The Cheaper Morning Glories.

Hello xxxxxxxx,
The variety we sell is "Heavenly Blue". Hope this helps!
Mike Lizotte Jr.
Sales Manager
877-270-5187 ext. 12
"Wildflower Seeds, Bulbs & Perennials for Creative Gardeners"
From: American Meadows Help [mailto:helpdesk@americanmeadows.com]
Sent: Wednesday, May 27, 2009 11:37 AM
To: Mike Lizotte
Subject: Fwd: Done Some Research
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: xxxxxxxxx <xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, May 23, 2009 at 8:19 PM
Subject: Done Some Research
To: customerservice@americanmeadows.com

Ok. Done Some Research Since I Last Emailed You And My Conclusion Is Your Morning Glory Seeds Are Either, Blue Star or Heavenly Blue. I Decided Either Way I'm Buying Them But If You Could Please Confirm Either One I'd Be Very Pleased.

Thank You.

Sgt. Floyd

Well-Known Member
I thought they removed neg rep for non paying members a couple of months ago. Has the extraction started.


Well-Known Member
That would hbe a hell of a capital punishment. Tied by the legs and then flash dipped in a vatt of pur acid. Could you imagine how freaky that would be....i bet even ufos wou;d woop down to look at that bit of f-ed up human nature.


Well-Known Member
sucks i got a neg rep. oh well. If you get good weeds than thats about what its like. i just chewed them and spit out the shells and ate the stuff inside. Got a couple growing......theu are a vine so you will have to grow them up a pole and screw on some cross members. Once they get growing they drop seed purfusely and if u like them youll have enough year round. You ll probly end up cutting them back....they like sun....kinda treat em like grapes.

Sgt. Floyd

Well-Known Member
Awesome. Depending on how this turns out, I'm hoping to pick up a pound of those seeds in the very near future.


New Member
You Should Phreaky.


If You Mean Have I Ever Done The Chemical Refinement Process (i.e. The One With All The Chemistry) For LSA Containing Seeds Than Yes. It Worked Out Perfectly. Just A Bunch Of Red Crystals. But Definitely Not Worth The Trouble.


Well-Known Member
Sorry for not specifying in that last post... I was pretty stoned and pretty sleepy :) . I meant did you ever make a batch of your "LSA soup" with the pound of MG seeds you got. I guess I'm just curious how strong it ended up being and if your 3ml dose turned out to be a good amount.


Well-Known Member
Yeah he finished it and he posted a trip report, however i dont think it was on this thread...i dont know why...sure he will post it or something. From someone elses POV seems pretty cool he said he experienced breathing and stuff, sounded like a decent trip, ya know.
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