just getin started


Active Member
hey guys im just starting a bit of a closet grow and figured ide ask a couple questions because im still a newb. but am trying to learn as much as i can in order to maximize wat ive got. i just planted 8 seeds about a day or 2 ago and i think i may of over watered them, i was watering about twice a day but read up on some threads saying that i should water once a day at least for the moment. im waiting for them to sprout be4 putting them in a veg room i made with 4 t5's for light. will the over watering be a problem? and if so wat should i do. and how long should the seeds take to sprout? i planted them all about half an inch down.


Well-Known Member
The danger of overwatering at this stage is you could drown the seed.

You should sow the seed, then moisten the soil and leave it.

You should have sprouts after about three days.

Half an inch in the soil is a little too deep aswell, about 5mm below the surface of the soil is ideal.

No more water! As long as the soil is moist thats enough.


Well-Known Member
The danger of overwatering at this stage is you could drown the seed.

You should sow the seed, then moisten the soil and leave it.
I use plastic cups to start with and have a pretty bad sprouting rate. I try too hard NOT to overwater i think. I use a spray bottle but just dont think its enough and drys up REAL fast.

Should I just pour the water on until I get the run off?


Well-Known Member
I use plastic cups to start with and have a pretty bad sprouting rate. I try too hard NOT to overwater i think. I use a spray bottle but just dont think its enough and drys up REAL fast.

Should I just pour the water on until I get the run off?
This is how i start my seeds.

I soak/rehydrate the jiffy pellets.

Squeeze out excess water.

Put my seed in the jiffy.

Put the seed and jiffy into a propagator.

Put the prop, jiffy and seed into a warmish dark cupboard until they sprout the surface.

Once sprouted i pot them up into seed and cutting mix, under propagation lighting and start my wet-cycle immediately.

Get 100% success everytime.

It couldnt be simpler.



Active Member
a few of them have started to sprout but if i leave the other ones and let the soil dry out a little cause its still a bit to wet. will they be fine? if i just make sure to watch how much i water em.


Well-Known Member
Just soak the soil till run-off. then leave till its nearly bone dry, wet to dry cycle.

Start this after the seed has sprouted, soak then walk away till nearly bone dry, you should only have to water once in the first week or two after sprouting.


Well-Known Member
When you sow the seed the soil just needs to be moist, if the soil completely dries out before the seed sprouts(highly unlikely) then just re-moisten the soil immediately around the seed.

If you soak the soil before the seed has sprouted theres a good chance youl starve the seed of oxegen and it will die.


Active Member
alright thanks for the advice, 3 of the 8 are above the soil now and the other ones are almost there. im going to water them in a bit and the ones that have sprouted ill water till run off then leave for a week and ill just wait till the other ones sprout until watering them


Active Member
hey guys im just starting a bit of a closet grow and figured ide ask a couple questions because im still a newb. but am trying to learn as much as i can in order to maximize wat ive got. i just planted 8 seeds about a day or 2 ago and i think i may of over watered them, i was watering about twice a day but read up on some threads saying that i should water once a day at least for the moment. im waiting for them to sprout be4 putting them in a veg room i made with 4 t5's for light. will the over watering be a problem? and if so wat should i do. and how long should the seeds take to sprout? i planted them all about half an inch down.
generally with any seed you plant it 1.5x the diameter deep


Active Member
yea this time when i put them in there not deep at all, i had just put them in too deep before.