Just sent out payment for 500mg 2c-e!

well damn that was a most interesting experience. um visuals were surprising low. um body load i just felt really twitchy and restless and yes the thoughts where racing one could say. still a little out of it but definitely coming back to. i just got a little to far inside my own head i'm not use to tripping that hard for so long by myself. normally have some company.
coo, thread being older im guessing alot of this i have never heard of. a couple ?s is the 2ce stuff is that what they r putting in the rolls these days. and what would be the closest to dropping a 10 strip and doing a big rail of k? and shit i know im new her but pm were i can order this stuff from or at least point me in the right direction

You weren't satisfied with the trip.... and the visuals were weak? I'm stunned!

Twitchy and restless... I don't like those two, especially lacking on the visual side! There's no fun in a rabbling brain without visuals... at least you can entertain your thoughts with them?

The 2c-i experience was a +3 with very promising results!

You weren't satisfied with the trip.... and the visuals were weak? I'm stunned!

Twitchy and restless... I don't like those two, especially lacking on the visual side! There's no fun in a rabbling brain without visuals... at least you can entertain your thoughts with them?

The 2c-i experience was a +3 with very promising results!

yea its the first time i snorted it. i'm gonna stick to oral doses from here on out. kinda weird though ever since the trip i have had a hard time focusing my vision and it kinda looks like when you press on you eyes when there closed. it comes and goes.
yea its the first time i snorted it. i'm gonna stick to oral doses from here on out. kinda weird though ever since the trip i have had a hard time focusing my vision and it kinda looks like when you press on you eyes when there closed. it comes and goes.

a slight HPPD issue, already!

I say never sort any rc... the burn alone is a big reason why I don't insufflate... besides the agitated and fast come you receive too! Taking it orally is much smoother and there is not as much body tension and muscle rigidity!
a slight HPPD issue, already!

I say never sort any rc... the burn alone is a big reason why I don't insufflate... besides the agitated and fast come you receive too! Taking it orally is much smoother and there is not as much body tension and muscle rigidity!

i was hoping that that wouldn't be the starts of that. you think i should stop taking psycadelics? this shit kinda has me worried. it's been coming and going. it really just starts acting up when i think about it. i wonder if its just in my head. maybe i'll just forget all about it one day and it be done with. who knows.
I would wait a considerable amount of time until venturing on 2c-e again!

I would also avoid insufflating at all cost... this is not cocaine or speed! This is a chemical that needs to pass through the digestive tract to be filtered properly!
I would wait a considerable amount of time until venturing on 2c-e again!

I would also avoid insufflating at all cost... this is not cocaine or speed! This is a chemical that needs to pass through the digestive tract to be filtered properly!

filter smilter.. i did most of this half gram by insufflation. good times.

i still have maybe 40mg im guessing. im planning on taking a first worthy oral dose soon, like 12-14mg. i still havent tripped fully on it.

you all think its still got its potency? been stored in a glass jar out of light the whole time.
filter smilter.. i did most of this half gram by insufflation. good times.

Ya that is exactly what I love about you my spider friend !!
Bump that biatch till u feel it ... then do some more .... !!

Boi !!
i bumped 10mgs of 2ci last weekend before a round of disc golf. shot my best round in 2mos! it seems its something u get used to. the first is the worst. also if its been awhile. i find the come up exhilarating. im lucky that ive never gotten hppd. even from a heroic dose of 85mgs!
i bumped 10mgs of 2ci last weekend before a round of disc golf. shot my best round in 2mos! it seems its something u get used to. the first is the worst. also if its been awhile. i find the come up exhilarating. im lucky that ive never gotten hppd. even from a heroic dose of 85mgs!

how was that 85?
at the time i did have a decent tolerance. i was doing it twice a week regularly at 20mgs and sometimes 40. i woke up ate a big breakfast and bombed the 85 in a gel cap. i wasnt expecting the extreme amount of time it was gonna take to peak. it took about 4-6 hrs before it kicked in fully. i went from a weak + to +++ in less then an hour. soo many colors warping in the sky. i laid there and watched the sky for probably 2-3 hours only getting up to move to a different spot. i dont think i got the full experience due to eating so much :( for me the body load is much easier to handle on higher doses 30+. surprisingly no nausea at all. the rest of my time was spent conversing with company that stopped by and getting distracted by the beautiful visuals. all in all it was a good time 8-10 hour trip. went to bed around 11pm and was working at 5am!