Well-Known Member
Most certainly!
Just wondering about how many dose is 500mg.
You weren't satisfied with the trip.... and the visuals were weak? I'm stunned!
Twitchy and restless... I don't like those two, especially lacking on the visual side! There's no fun in a rabbling brain without visuals... at least you can entertain your thoughts with them?
The 2c-i experience was a +3 with very promising results!
yea its the first time i snorted it. i'm gonna stick to oral doses from here on out. kinda weird though ever since the trip i have had a hard time focusing my vision and it kinda looks like when you press on you eyes when there closed. it comes and goes.
a slight HPPD issue, already!
I say never sort any rc... the burn alone is a big reason why I don't insufflate... besides the agitated and fast come you receive too! Taking it orally is much smoother and there is not as much body tension and muscle rigidity!
I would wait a considerable amount of time until venturing on 2c-e again!
I would also avoid insufflating at all cost... this is not cocaine or speed! This is a chemical that needs to pass through the digestive tract to be filtered properly!
filter smilter.. i did most of this half gram by insufflation. good times.
i bumped 10mgs of 2ci last weekend before a round of disc golf. shot my best round in 2mos! it seems its something u get used to. the first is the worst. also if its been awhile. i find the come up exhilarating. im lucky that ive never gotten hppd. even from a heroic dose of 85mgs!