Just Thought I'd Throw Up Some Pics of Where I'm at Right Now

another thing is i member mr Rdm sayin the gdp's have the purple vainse in the leaves wit the purple stems
so tomaz gona give my new found beliefs
supported by yo bubba pics as the base of my dicision

I an I
mornin yall
this is my bubbas IMG_4561.jpgIMG_4568.jpgIMG_4564.jpgplant #1 an #4 you can see the long tips like wbw's bubba on prev page

that makes these two grandaddy purple IMG_4573.jpgIMG_4574.jpg

it also means one gdp did not make it and last plant is the kosher kush (no family) IMG_4570.jpg

this is the whole gang still no pre's yet IMG_4575.jpggdp'on the right an on the left in forground is KK then two bubbas


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two things helped me to get things sorted out when Mr Rdm said gdp has the purple leaf vains to
and when i had a flashback on the long tips on Wbw's bubba pics thats when erryting fell into place
no longer a mistery of who is who only mistery when willl they show an any boys inda house

oh big up nutin but respect
to the gardeners that helped me solv this case
cause id still be inda dark witout there input
and my inner columbo

now i can see this forums true value

I an I
mornin yall
this is my bubbas View attachment 2431565View attachment 2431572View attachment 2431568plant #1 an #4 you can see the long tips like wbw's bubba on prev page

that makes these two grandaddy purple View attachment 2431578View attachment 2431579

it also means one gdp did not make it and last plant is the kosher kush (no family) View attachment 2431574

this is the whole gang still no pre's yet View attachment 2431580gdp'on the right an on the left in forground is KK then two bubbas

mornin and green this morning,.yure to modest D.yure the Man.love those colors and size takin on.
Easy D
Glad you got that sorted mate no more guessin now
They have made some recovery tho bro look sweet now just weird not showing yet
I got 3 above ground upto now looks like 2 more by the mornin.....
yo hows tings bro

yeah that chapter of the book is closed

an right they are back -went from nice to almost dead back to nice
these plants are resilient

--so you up an runnin again good
the seedling toddler stage seems so slow
oh well we all have to go through it

be easy
your garden looks very lovely. Which pots do you like better air or smart pots? I have used both in the past but have come to like the fabric ones better because i have trouble watering the airpots, the water spills over or goes through the holes and is too messy for me.
I like how smart pots absorb the water and i like how they feel when they get wet.
i topped the hot hoe too early and man am i paying a price in time. Its taking forever for recovery and growth seems like it has come to a halt. Her leaves are growing bigger and she looks healthy but she is so far behind all my others.
take care!
tanks for recognizin conk
the weed plant is unbelievable a stone cold survivor
cand fix itself
heal itself
seed iteself
grow itself
seeds can be hundred years old an germ prolly
lots more unbelievable things i cant think on at moment
just like a woman can do a all those things an still look good

wit both water will run out sides
they must be waterd slowly
i also like how you can feel sides of smart and see how wet or dry plant is

wit the air you must make a well in pot with soil -high at stem then go low -then high agian at pot walls
and must water slow especially if very dry

im un decided on which one i like best - cause i like them both never compared one against the other kinda diff
i still use plastic every now an again kinda like whutever spirit moves me to use

i hope the hoes deliver for you
i dont under estimate whut these plants can do
gotta kinda wait an see


mornin have good one yall

yo hows tings bro

yeah that chapter of the book is closed

an right they are back -went from nice to almost dead back to nice
these plants are resilient

--so you up an runnin again good
the seedling toddler stage seems so slow
oh well we all have to go through it

be easy

I'm good bro how's it your side?
Yeh slow but I like it, waitin to see what comes
I'm hoping for a lot of girls but we'l see mate
Is the magic monkey....magic Merlin x gorilla grape? Or somethin?
Care package leaves in the mornin bro!
yeah i think you nailed the magic monkey
those were done by flogrow

all sounds good
an i hope yo grow delivers yo wants

either way enjoy them
yeah the femanized one shows today LO fkn L
da Kosher Kush

im back wit dutch master liquid light an penatrator
great for lower wattage lights floresent tubes cfls
can make results of a 250 = a 400mix wet down twice a week until 1/2 of flower
wit lights an fans runnin

and it allows plants to take in more light

im also experminting again this tima extreme gardening products called azos an mykos i triied sum small packs
can get big sizes up around 150

Mykos - Pure, Fresh & Alive:? A beneficial organism, Mycorrhiza, plural Mycorrhizae, lives on the roots of plants and forms a symbiotic relationship. It then extends microscopic straw-like filaments called "hyphae" into the soil with which it extracts, transports, and ... more »

AZOS, short for Azospirillum Brasilense, is a nitrogen-fixing super bacterium that can replace 50% of the nitrogen fertilizer required by plants. This highly-beneficial bacteria, simply applied as a spray after soil temperatures reach the 60*F - 65*F range, provides an eco ... more »