Just Thought I'd Throw Up Some Pics of Where I'm at Right Now

pic number 4 is shit an number 6 is weak rest is ok

2 outa 10 is like 80 %
so i get likea B+

still passing no A
story of my life
remember these bad memories -before i trimed them up of the dead and discolored











I added some mycors for the 1st time this grow bro think its called rootgrow, the penatrator stuff interesting...

you would never believe there the same plant..........A+
i got so much stuff ferts an addatives an suplaments
never know whut im gona use on each grow one day gana take a pic of all my shit =mucho
i really do have a problem this grow the three part fox farm an bud candy
so makes start up a real pain in da azz -whut to grow then whut to use on it
sumtimes i enjoy the decision making sumtimes i hat it
Yeh he is bro that's where the UK clone onlys come into the mix from....you got some of his test gear from me and he got some of your crosses to play with too...anything I sent you with BB initials on is dons new gear mate or breeders b stuff. .....
Its dst, mr.west, donny mainly rich. and then there is hemlock curious old fart and maybe a few more. it is more of a collective of breeders from the u.s. and europe who are getting out dank genetics for an affordable price. they made their first appearance at the cannabis cup this year.its mostly guys from the 600.
plant number 5 showed itself friday i think it was
but it was femanized from jump

an i just did a therough frisk of the rest ofem
and two more showed themself
one bubba ku
an one gran dad purple
three out of five showed

leaves two to go i hope one ofem is swinging balls
so i can capture sum of the genetics
an spread them around
morning yall
dang another wet an dreary daybeen a few in a row here
an im running out of sunshine to roll up

oh well
pres just showing
got a long way to go
good thing ima survivor

this old world of ours is not 1/2 bad ifyu juss give it a chance

forget the puf puf pass
an just puff puff pufff

middle part of this existance has to include wokin hard stackn it up -bankin hard
an last part can be relaxin hard
i lke the relakin hard much better
although did the workin hard
an im glad im done wit dat

but its pennance you gotta pay ifyou wanna be relaxin hard when you old
but whoever if you choose not to- the other chice is to be workin all yourold wrinkle but gotta pay the bills life
right up to when you get dirt inda face cause SS aint shit
but if you got a pension to go wit it you straight - ya feel me i wish sumone wuda liad it fo me

oh well enjoy yoself
but set up for tomorrow

you are gona be here tomorrow arent you ?

I an I
I've been making a habit recently to fill my res with nutes and water with that (unusually through about a 1/2 res). Then I use water to get the res full again and have enough for 2 more watering. So I full/half/half strength. This way I can spike the res with whatever when needed during the half strength nutes