Just Thought I'd Throw Up Some Pics of Where I'm at Right Now

cobra i dont know you but - i have had people tell me my text gave them a headache - and they did not understand me - i dont care about them-but for your records im from North Carolina an came to Newark when i was 7 - lived all over newark moms an pops used to fight all the tme break up an get back together my life was hard - elementry schoolis 8 years i went to 6 diff elementrys - i vowed to be oposit then my selfish father - late 20's iwas in East Orange - then my first house in Irvington - an second in Union NJ till today -now you know as much about my life as I do - you hold the bas to start my biography - if you notice i wrote this in english not my language - but if you dont understaand my language maybe not meant for you - but if you come across two people speaking in czech maybe they are not tlkin to you - just turn an back out
i just looked back for refrence is whut all my records are kept for
i found out these three plants are 15.3 weeks old two have not budded yet is mature
dont know whut is up wit um been under 12/12 for about 5 weeks has shown pistils for about 4
much loco
my sshxgdp took around 4 wks r so to start budding after the pistils showed maybe longer idk genetics maybe thought it was low temps at nite but my sourcream was germed at the same time and its abt 4 weeks ahead of the sshxgdp dunno.....still waitin on my og ghost seeds ordered xmas eve been in the country since the 3rd hopin they get here today dont like tht bouncing all over the country shit fn post office needs to get there shit 2gether as much as they make ud think they'd do a better job ! top of the mornin to ya Pops
T - seriously doubt it never had aproblem lidis b4 usin fo years same set up

i have seen amny a tent this is tight the por holes have thin black draw string material
followed by a thicker blue material on draw string

the opening has a two inch flap over velcro wit a velcro stip arry foot or so -then the zipper

the kk started same time at first all three were draggin azz now just the GDP's

like i said it is the first time

Caj- it could be any numer of things starting wit genetics
incuding the shocks its been through i dont know what to nail on - just that its weird
eh Dr Conkey like i was sayin i have god given talent
havent called on any of it in a while though

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first acrylic ruled out
second all 2B pencil i call it time'
third a blow up of bottom right of time
forth a mama an a baby acrylic
prayer pastels on black i used to like doin pasels on dark colors
fifth NYC sky line in water color and ink
last a ink drawing of an indian sticking out top of frame is a eagl feather in line wit the feather in drawing

got more will catch them later
im from direct decendents of slaves

as matter of fact both my parents were from shar croper farms
is when farm is owned by the man an has a shack on it called house -an yo famy live there and work the farm
at whut ever season the crops are in the man is there to do the books the man is the only one that ca read and add
so you are always in the hole or behind a nd cant get ahead to save yo azz cause the man is a cheat an a thief
he would like to have slavery back so he dont have to lie

if you looked at history it would seem that they hated the slaves but the but the man would sneak out to the barn when he thought his wife was asleep
when he came in wnt to sleep the mwns wife would sneak out to the barn if she got prego shed cry rape hed be killed

is why we have so many diff shades of black sume almost white otherwise weed be all crispy black like the original man cause all come from the original land

one a lrge pastel of gren grapes on a vien

two trees up close sum open land and then more trees in background i took two pics up close a bottom and atop in attempt to catch details ink on stiff paper
when i was drafting we used thes things called rapidio graph pens they used ink we drafted on mylar a velum an sum type of fabric in Newark- in NYC we used computers an prog by Mcdonald Douglas

my third water color two parent ducks an two baby ducks in my down stars bathroom

my forth untill i bought my last house was the first time i was without a tank in about 15 years park ave apts alwys had a tank, first ousame when i moved i gave errting to neighbor
put all the fish and sum culture ina plastic bag - fish was a shittin on demselves - but i got it ovah quick- dis is a pic of one of my fish tanks i always kept a tank going sum fish came an died sum cam an stayed

my fifth a superman i did on a piece of wood i also did a smokin batman to match it dont know where it went
i also sold a few things

my last is a big headed big lipped big nosed bigeyed kinda soft african guy in war paint LOL
how funny is dat
Dwezel i thought you were from jamaica lol I was reading all your posts with a jamaican accent 27554_110889635608782_8874_n.jpg

I appreciate you explaining all that to me.. :blsmoke:
life is good if i give it a chance an stop Mitchn all da time
a Mitch is a man abitch
you know how sum times you out wit sum peeps an one ofum alway gotta be a bitch
well the man is being a Mitch
Hey,bro! Just in to say HIGH !Ill get you this H.B x Chem Sour D asap, its getting flushed and turning a nice purp color :)Deff something I'd like to keep around ( even tho its so alike my dog ) Im thinking of putting a male Caseyband x to it ;-)
hows tings CG - hope all is grand for you and yours
im up to second gear now an getting better erry day

yep yep id like to see that one when you get a chance
is two very serrious strains both heavy hitters
they hit like heavy weight fighters
not like a girl scout slapped you

enjoy them bro