Just Thought I'd Throw Up Some Pics of Where I'm at Right Now

yo danks for the well wishes bro

danks to all whos hearts are true i got nutin but luv for ya
for you an for yo families

ill tell ya i need sum well wishes i have had a rough go at it - sumtin=mes i just want to go inda corner an cry
but in my life I have had good N ive had bad an the good out weighs da bad

but bottom line is iant going no where not sayim im gona ve it smooth as glass
noooo but i get to keep my azzz


how far are you gona mekeit i ask
cause im her to ninty sumtin

i heard um talkin on me

stay ficused
stay strong

yo dr conkey anotha reson i got da dino light
was Dino was my name in high school
see we had dis like renagade gang made of fouyr high schools
we gave dances at da Y M C A we gave bus rides we raised big $$$
my name on sweater was Dino

mostly we got girls
we were sum of da coolest guys in da newark
an we learned dta girls did not want to go wit boys from dere school day wanted dere meat from another school
so we ablidged dem
a couple of da guys had wives and babys mamas
but at da dances day got girls to
we got girls in Rho Kappa Rho
though we were in High school we learned the greek alphabet an regesterd as a pherternaty
i was the assistant tresurer
an me an da treasurer
we got big pocket money for high school days to not be working

a long long time ago
we got $$$ we got girls oh an we got high

erry sunday a mmeting at sumbodys house an we got high

IMG_4648.jpglists about a 1/4 to go must lidt the red ben
IMG_4657.jpggifts tub still has to to be listed
IMG_4653.jpg madeall i made through the years lots more but all gone
IMG_4654.jpgtop rated gifts
IMG_4655.jpgfrom fems list - femsIMG_4649.jpgallIMG_4656.jpgregs

T i need to thank you my fuken lists was so far outa shpe i worked on it all day an i got about a hal day to go

but gona do it no more excell takes to lond made aform prited a few all in pencil ecel took me a week
you know how i type

much thanks now i ow you to bad ha ha
almost up to date

saw i few specs of PM dis AM bombared errting good
i hate PM if i see i spec i bombard errting
not surew which i hate more PM or BUgs

good peeps have good day

well the Dr GT is back in my favor
i do thnk he lied to me saying i dont want to sell them cause an occasional male has showed up in ths batch of seeds
me saying occasional i can live wit dat we sumtimes get herms almost the same
when i saw 2 out of 2 males it made me think i was lied to and the odds of the rest being male was gona prove itself in time

so rather then wait the time i decided to lie to him back i think he had lied to me
an whut goes around comes around

so i called him monday wit my case an it was that thaey all turned males
i was not surprised when he did not argue saying i told you -youd see a accasional seems you had bad luck

so hesent me 3 supposed to be true fems recieved them today -an hes selling them now at 2 for 2 bucks
when i bought them they were 5 for

well one good lie deservs another

an the replacement ibettern him telling me to take a hike

im slightly happy now

stay up
doub hood.jpg

this is whut im interested in at moment a double hood plan to use same bulbs eye hort for hps
an da phillips for cmh
wit my uvb hangin off to the side
i need to get the hot light out of the tent my original light has ballast and light made to gether
other has a ballas t kit i put together never even caughed
might just get another kit
they work fine

called growzilla

  • ynxsRRk0DQUgS4ZL18XsP1ltkk0yXfWV-9sUIFfxkYDUoBTxsDbrEPG2dNnNdAPWbxNDSkTpUTLeq_w5sUbqUX4=s50
  • YuV-mpsNEvv9YHAzEdWSYKZIZyUlbEb3dEB8TBhLCrf3bvmoJCKyOC8leRAxHRGS5HnJyau9qJwIF3I3jshLID2S=s50

Growzilla Dual Bulb Reflector with Cordsets

+ $24.51 shipping to New Jersey


Product Information

You want the fullest spectrum, the most lumens, the higest PAR and the greatest flexibility in wattage and bulb type? You've got it with the GrowZilla Dual Bulb Reflector. Allowing you to use BOTH HPS and MH bulbs in the same hood with multiple wattage lights used side by side! Create the awesome spectrum your plants have always dreamed of and push yields to the limit!

i cant wait to move my rig up an down insted of plants up an down stackin them on sit knockinthm over

what apain in da yams

ill stick wit the same bulbs eye horti for hps phillips fpr cmh an attach my uvb to its side
i got a bud y dat manages a leslees pool suply where o get my pool gear
he sell all my overs out of there
when ever i have large yeal more then i need till next harves he takes care of that

any way he is coming by tomorrow to get cash im buying a 1/2 Z toldhim to get it split in 1/4 one for each

my true bud a guy kendawg at my other place said he is gona meet me an give a load
he is one big time grower i think he uses a gurage like 20 square

at this point i dont car whut it costs
i got plenty money no weed
an bettern going in da hood where i know is top nitch shit but only dime bags can get as many as you want 2 or 25

no breaks in a store front run by thugs thy go get bags all made up from brooklyn
come in wit sealed paper bags about 1/4 pond all bagged up
that runs out the make a and another bag is droped off

an dont fuk witum
yo wind up in a dumpster


the blue Y joint on the top stays the scrubber stays all attached below that goes away an in cumes the grozilla
with tubing to reach the floor an to the bottom of the scrubber

from stable sanford and sons rig
to moble movable grozilla double bulb

my concoction is raggedy
my first light the hps far side has a buit in ballast= heat

wil still have my fav bulb
eye horty -hps an a phillips-cmh
500w mlty spec
wit my uvb hangin off the side

will be much neater
Sounds like a plan dweze good luck mate.....I never new they did them twin hood things look good man would be good for me instead of havin to swop bulbs over...