Justified Shooting or Not?

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I have a degree in a medical field and just like the police we are trained and paid to make decisions that could if made in haste cost someone their life.
We MUST be held acountable for these decisions or the people loose faith.
I have a degree in a medical field and just like the police we are trained and paid to make decisions that could if made in haste cost someone their life.
We MUST be held acountable for these decisions or the people loose faith.

The faith has been lost in both fields imo unfortunately :(
You're right the medical industry is just as bad as law inforcement,the two we should be able to depend on most.
Half of the surgeries being done are for money they are not necessary.

i'm just EXTREMELY pissed off that i can pop a shit-ton of pills and be ok with a UA but if i smoke 1 joint a night to relieve pain and muscle spasms i'm unemployable.

Today was a VERY painful day at work and i popped WAY more than i should've and barely made it through. Frustration doesn't even BEGIN to describe what i'm feeling tonight.
They will give you all the pills you want they don't want to fix you they want you addicted the Med & Pharm. industries make their money on the comeback.
My wife who is a nurse and my brother are both on suboxen trying to get off pain meds prescribed by their DR.
If sergeons don't operate they don't get paid.
Start another thread and we'll all bash the Med and Pharm. industries.
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