Jw how much did u yield 1st time around?


Active Member
My first 'flowering' plant I got all the way through, was in the winter in the rockies and I got about a quarter ounce of some really neat purple bud (at the time it was the first purple bud I ever saw or heard about)... This was almost 4 decades ago though and I didn't have access to a lot of resources/how to, or even the benefit of CFL lighting..

Anyway, over 3 months to produce a only at the most a quarter ounce.. but I was hooked.. It was like 'I did this, it's mine, I didn't have to 'hunt' it or pay for it, it's as good as/better than anything else out there.. fuckers lied to me, you really really CAN grow this shit in the USA and it is not an imported exotic plant. Heh, we've come a long way.. Keep growing.. encourage all your friends to do the same (just don't tell anyone you do it)..