Well-Known Member
Can anyone pm me a good reliable source of jwh018 for the u.s? I really want it but dont want to get ripped off. thanks!!
its a chemical and only a "drug" if I claim im going to use it as one...which i have not! c'mon man, seriously?It doesn't matter that it's legal, it's that it's a drug.
It's a drug.I've done all those things mentioned (apart from calling which I may try next), and I just wanted to hear if there was a friendly person on here who knew a CONFIRMED place, as im not trying to send a bunch of money to no where..if anyone can actually help me please do so? Im looking to obtain jwh-018, (not for human consumption), which I read works great for bonsai plant roots...and things. im not asking for drugs. stop telling me I am. I have done my research. I love this site and 99% of the people on it, if ANY one can help me It would be more than appreciated, and if not please just be nice. hell ill even pack one up and leave it on this little table for you guys ::sets vape on table and walks away::
I do not argue.Whoa BREVITY is actually arguing... you know everyone that's his main cornerstone, so don't try to stomp on it too much