
Day 43
Noticing the flowers grown under the 660nm diodes are looking better. Will prob use the straight white led as veg light in future. Added another fan too. They def dont make them like they used to! Honeywell used have a lot more power it seems.

Have a better idea about the trellis nets, thanks for the helps 'guys'. Nah, kidding. Live nd learn.. The nets seem to be too low on the plants, so next time will set them higher and create a larger gap inbetween the top and bottom nets for flowers to expand into.

Midnight Cowboy

Vietnamese x Afghan

Meat Breath x (MM F5)
Fuxk it- it's growing into the ducting, just gonna let it happen. Chuckle each time seeing it.

Pai Gow

Next batch of clones getting ready. 2x2 is a pretty decent space for starting seeds and clones. But not big enough for vegging 9 plants, ha!

For future cycles, since space is limited, planning on decreasing the 5x5 tent to a 4x4 and pickup a 2x4. So, 5x5 replaced w separated 6x4 grow space + 2x2 seedling area for seedlings.

May you have a beautiful day, thanks for stopping by ~ stay hydrated :peace::blsmoke:
Day 4620210929_134154.jpg

Pg x Mc seeds @ 22 days

Mc f2 seeds @ 25 days

Plants are alive & Seeds are forming! If there was a favorite part of growing to choose from, it'd have to be chucking pollen and watching seeds grow.. Each containing the potential for good and great things. Soon to be phenohunting and other projects.

Thanks for watching. :peace:
Day 52 596.jpg
Decided not to lower ppms but instead adjusted for lower N, dropping calnit from 2 to 1g adding .3g gypsum to retain calcium levels.

Will be running pg and the mb cross again. Pg should be showing off her purple colors soon. :peace:
Their days have been numbered..... seriously, if you look through the posts, each have a number. :bigjoint: but really~ gotta couple/few weeks left on these gals. Looking forward to fresh buds! Praise the weed gods for they continue to bless in abundance, the joyful-enlightening herb! Happy growing :peace::blsmoke:
Day 61
At the point where clones are getting big enough to flower, current flowers are flopping over each other and the desire to chop is becoming a real thing. Greatful for the weather cooling down these last couple weeks, helping with the heat. Stays between 79°/am-84°/pm.

Seeds still forming ~ the mc pollen was potent. Maybe it was layed on too thicc, either way there's lots of new seeds. Will be reversing using sts for some pollen next round. :D
Meath breath x (mm F5) @ day 67.
This pheno has been growing on meh. Meaty pasta sauce stems and grape cough syrup buds make it unique. Earlier in its cycle, it throws off weird stomach turning terps, but while mature ~ smells dAnk! A lot more attractive as it matures.

Next cycle of clones have been topped in preparation for bloom, soon..
Clones were taken a couple weeks into flower and kept in small containers. Transplanted into 1gal containers 9/17. Lights were run at low watts.
Idea was to keep plants growing minimally throughout the flower cycle, so they dont get super cramped in the 2x2 by next bloom cycle. :leaf:
The smoke:20211112_104400.jpg

Onto the next~
Today is the first day of 12/12. No automation, yet. Keeping eyes on runoff ppm. Feeding half strength jacks321 (~450ppm) until ppms get back down to around input level, then will bring ppms back up. Staying in 1gal pots to help keep things manageable.

No nets this round, those phuckers were a pita to deal with last time. Going with good ol' bamboo to open and support plants. Pinching tops, bending branches and supercropping for training.

Ac infinity fan set to tension +2 temp @ 72°f, max 8. Outside 4" fan bringing in air through a carbon filter. Replacing old filter material with carbon filter cloth to cover side vents.
Just brought in humidifier, set to 59-65%

D1 Flip/D0 Bloom.
(Same strains, L2R: mb, va, pg, pg, pg and mb)
11/11 - 16hrs/on.....8/off
11/12 - 12hrs/on...12/off
Thanks for posting your grow. I noticed you have bern growing the viet x afghan for a while. Are you growing different ones from seed or clone? Can i ask you to say a fews words about the effects you are finding in the line. How long are they flowering indoors?
Thanks for posting your grow. I noticed you have bern growing the viet x afghan for a while. Are you growing different ones from seed or clone? Can i ask you to say a fews words about the effects you are finding in the line. How long are they flowering indoors?
Thanks for stopping by! Clone was taken from 1 of the original 3 seeds that popped. The rest came squished in the paper packaging. Plenty of F2s to explore as time, space/opportunity allows.

This pheno was chosen over the other for it's strong smell of lemon, resin production and 'sativa shaped' buds, compared to its wider leaf, chunkier sister. Buds cure with an added layer of spice. Effects have been...(brb)
Opening the jar, got a huge wiff of lemon spice. Rolled a j, took smooth hits of light sativa flower, exhale w/ no cough. Energizing, smooth, airy, was inspired listening these jams.

Haven't been vegging for too long/big, so stems have been a bit lanky~ requiring lst/hst training to help strengthen branches. Using bamboo to support in later flowering. Seems to grow foxtails inside; outside it produces some decent-sized chunkers. Last cycle the tent was harvested 75 days from flip. But they all could have gone longer.

Will you be growing some Eden Transmission @Warpedpassage?
Blessings :peace: :eyesmoke:
Day 4 Bloom

Reversed meat breath x (mm f5) looking studly

Down to one humidifier, set to 58% rh (52-63%). Scheduled to turn on/off with the lights, just gotta refill~ Ez!
Collecting runoff water in quart sized yogurt containers. Been nice keeping an eye on run off. EC has evened out after being in the tent/LEDs for about 12 days. Containers are usually filled by the end of the day. :leaf:
Vietnamese x Afghan Update:
@Warpedpassage, My god, man! Grown outdoors, this chick rips. Had forgotten about these buds that were dried, trimmed and placed into this mylar bag w/ rehydrated ~62% bovitas beginning of November.. Opening the bag almost was like a Christmas, but in fact it is Danksgiving!!!

First hit..coughed like a mofo. Light headed, I get up for some water, walk past a mirror and see my eyes have become red (○°○). Yess! Rehydrated and resuming the spliff, I cough a bit more but it's very palatable.
A few minutes after smoking, I relax, sense the lightness and subtle energies of my body. Expanding awareness, noticing tensions, desires, reactions, thoughts. Feeling Grateful, Happy~ Warm. Racey, but enjoyful.

This was a small plant harvested end of oct but has great effects(it will take you there, lol) with full flavor. Definitely recommend anyone thinking about growing his Vietnamese sativa crosses out, especially if they have the space outdoors! :D Some of the new crosses sound pretty nice! :bigjoint:

Sadly i missed out on that release. I was hoping to get the viet 7 x watermelon hashplant, no luck, but very happy to report i did manage to get ZAP, which has some viet.