Keeping Temps Down? / Sterile DWC

Short answer is no.

I run dwc sterile and my res temp is above 70.

I use a micro amount of pool shock every day and that keeps the slime away.

Hard to use pool shock in a single res system tho. You kinda want a big res. It would not be possible to dose a low enough amount in that small a bucket. Unless you find the low concentration stuff.
You can just dilute the Calcium Hypochlorate if you want.
> I just use a couple ml. per gallon of clorox bleach. I haven't had any rot since using it.

I was woried about root rot, I don't want to invest 3 months in the grow just to get root rot in the late stages.
Also, oxygenation. The higher the temperature is, the less oxygen roots get. Apparently 65f is perfect.
Although colder water temps can hold more DO, low 70's holds enough. I have a chiller for sale if you're that worried. It's barely been used.