What is going on. Is it neut burn or deficiency?? 1 month into flower, 2.5 gallon pots, 750watts of fluorescent light, not to hot and about 2 feet from the light. I'm using inert growing media with canna coco (started flower at a+b 25ml) now at A-50ml + B-50ml, 25 ml canna boost, and supplement 30 ml of cal+mag for 5 gallons of water ph 5.8 . All the meaty parts of the leaves (not the veins are turning brown/brittle and dying). All the tips and serrated edges of leaves start to curl upwards, brown and die. The entire leave structure is beginning to curl up towards the vein like a taco instead of laying flat. eventually the tips of the white hairs will start to brown and curl. This seems to happen every grow and im sick of being forced to harvest early to salvage anything before the plant dies. THROWING IN THE TOWEL!!!! Please help.