Well-Known Member
Ive already thought about this and have chosen to NOT change the names. If people are confused, then they should ask around or do some research. I have done my part to make it clear. Its up to the consumer to do their homework. I spent a year on those projects and I'm not gonna just sit back and forget what I made. I could easily change all the names, but thats gonna confuse the hell out of everyone too
its all good. your biz.
i've already done my homework.
got plenty of your gear. i got ALL but 2
just about everybreeder renames their stuff.
mr nice black widow. aka white widow.
loompa's headband aka yeti
just be ready from a yr from now. when peeps grow out the funk or cherry og from the tude/beedsman and looks nothing like your funk or cherry og
im thinkin they wont be happy.
U got my support if you change the names or not.
my opinion. distance yourself with anything that has kens name on it. love the name DVG totally different.
i've been waiting for something like the, bilbo series