Kens GrandDaddy Purp seeds!

looks real good. those are from dna?

what are the chances of gettin them this size in airation pots.63 days in lemon og.
also i have 3 gdp flowering couple 3 weex in.1 far right yellow bucket.
thanx ,they were purchased attitude seeds,all6 germed,but i mange to trip and kill one early in life,lol,.i done thier chocolope and its unbelievable if yu like toffe dank weed....that holy grail on my list...gettin og18 and purple og18 and another 6 pac of choice this weekend.
i also have 4 chocolope from reg. seeds to harvest soon
2 are a nice mixed pheno. 1 is a choc. thai dom pheno, and 1 is a cannalope haze dom pheno

that holy grail is nice, but of all 14 strains i'm testin now, the choc. kush is looking like it might be the best of the lot. they are dank as hell and has a great yield. would def suggest these has started since friday gone. have been cutting since.
i'm at about 20 plants trimmed up atm
about 55 to go
i jus hang it up fans oscilate across...i pulled it sunday morning i hope its dry friday.i have some purps ready to pull but be disrespectful to post it here.
Could you post some pics of the Choc kushs? Thats the next strain on my list along with Martin kush

that was 3 yrs ago ,that computer got messed up and lost the data.but i am tempted to do a pac of choco kush.maybe its here riu i'll look ....
Glad I found this thread, ken's genetics are the tits. Im in the middle of week 5 with some ken's kush. I'll have to post some pics up later today to share the beauty.
I'm just hitting week 7 12/12. As u can see not much purple and nothing like yours (this is at week 6). Were yours darker at 6 weeks?

week 6 gdpc.jpg

what week they at?
i flowered 7. got a range of phenos. and all got purple like this
so i believe all should get purple, once grown right
Some Ken's Kush around middle of week 5 bloom. About to hit them with some high doses of phosphorus and potassium for a little while before they get flushed and harvested. Great strain to work with, easy to grow and beautiful.

which kind of purps? mendo?
i've also grown that, but can't compare to the gdp

its a dutch purps .from amsterdam.gdp twice purple than my present 65 day flower purps..has 3 phenos in mine the good,the bad and the ugly,lol.but yield hafass..switchin my approach wen this finished have some good strains.may get a pac or 2 gdp...