Kentucky Drug Sentencing Reform Bill On The Brink Of Passage


Well-Known Member
H.B. 463, a wide-ranging drug sentencing reform bill, was drafted by the Task Force on the Penal Code and Controlled Substances Act. It would reduce personal possession of less than eight ounces of marijuana from a Class A misdemeanor, with a penalty of up to a year in jail, to a Class B misdemeanor, with a maximum 45 day jail term, if the judge ordered incarceration at all.
After H.B. 463’s passage in the House, 97-2, a full Senate vote may be coming Monday. Please call your senator today and Monday morning to urge its passage. Also, you can ask your senator to amend the bill to reduce marijuana possession to a violation – like a traffic ticket – without threat of arrest. If Mississippi can do it, so can Kentucky!
The bill would reduce the penalties for several lower level drug offenses and establish presumptive probation for some offenses rather than prison. It is expected to save $147 million over 10 years. This reform is long overdue and will redirect corrections resources to dangerous criminals: 25% of Kentucky’s prison population is serving time for drug-related offenses.


Noah Mamber
Legislative Analyst
Marijuana Policy Project

Thought I'd pass that along to those that care.

Question: Am I right in thinking/assuming that if half the states pass a law for medical marijuana that the other states also have to follow suit? I ask because I know there's 15 medical states plus D.C. w/ another 13 states w/ pending legislation:


Active Member
im callin and havin my friends call. even if i have to go let em use my phone.!! the drug laws are why i am AFRAID to come back to ky. had to leave my family, all because of fear of the police state it is becoming. hope it changes, i would love to see my family again


Well-Known Member
It gives me hope (which turns out usually as a bad thing lol) that if the KY govt. is willing to take this step, then maybe as the states around it (Ky) become medical and Ky. legislator's see the income it brings to those states that they'll be willing to take that next step.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Yea that's wats up!.........ya lucky fucker lol

West Virginia Summary History (last action date) House Bill:
HB 3251
(100 KB) "A qualifying patient shall not be subject to arrest, prosecution or penalty in any manner, or denied any right or privilege... for the medical use of marijuana, provided that the patient possesses a registry identification card and no more than six marijuana plants and one ounce of usable marijuana."

Also allows for affirmative defense, immunity for registered primary caregivers, protection for physicians, and the creation of compassion centers. Introduced by Rep. Mike Manypenny (D) and referred to House Judiciary committee (Feb. 21, 2011)

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Yeah and New Mexico's new Texan governor is backing a bill being introduced this week to repeal the medical marijuana law. One step forward and two steps back. She's one of the "teabagger" candidates. A program that takes absolutely no money except from the licensing fees. It isn't costing the state a dime so this has nothing to do with being fiscally responsible. The legislator that penned the repeal states that the medical marijuana bill is, "sending the wrong message to young people" and that there are plenty of "alternative medicines" i.e. pharmaceuticals.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Good luck to my friends in Kentucky. Until the laws get changed everywhere don't forget that good jurors can nullify bad law !

Go to these web sites to learn how ------- --- This one chronicles an old guys fight for justice, pretty interesting guy that started pot protests as a college professor years ago.

Don't bogart this knowledge ------PASS IT ON.


Well-Known Member
No offence man but watching Marijuana USA on msnbc last night Kentucky will prolly be on of the last ppl to approve MEDM


Well-Known Member
Accept everyone there are Hardcore haters look up that show and watch it. its very interesting


Well-Known Member
bill just passed into law yesterday drug offenders get home incarceration instead of jai
That's great to hear, got a link?

my boy is out by richmond.. he will be pleased to hear this... kentucky grows mad outdoor nugget!
Yea, alot of ppl have forgot how good the smoke is comin out of Ky! Key words "coming out". Most of the shit grown here gets exported and then the locals get stuck w/ nasty brick weed!


Active Member
Yea, alot of ppl have forgot how good the smoke is comin out of Ky! Key words "coming out". Most of the shit grown here gets exported and then the locals get stuck w/ nasty brick weed![/QUOTE]

argh, yes i remember those days, knowing im buyin mexican while the states biggest export is funky. when i go back i'd like to just get a few friends growing small ops indoors, just 400 watter, no real electric bill spike, easy odor controll and no one knows youre growin. its when the small town cops start noticing the kids are suddenly gettin busted with chronic instead of schwagg. thats when life gets rough.