Khashoggi wasn’t murdered,he died in a fist fight!

100 years???? Late 50s-70s aint 100 years. I was born in the 50s dude. I aint 100.
He, and his day-o were successfully sued for housing discrimination in the 70s. They payed off, and admitted nothing, but they got it dead to rights, and had to pay all kinds of money.
1927 was almost 100 years ago. We're in 2018.


Well-Known Member
I'm with you man. I don't condone any racism. I don't know of any actual nazis here though. It's relatively safe from nazi attacks.
Trump called Nazis very fine people last year and you’re still supporting him so you very much do condone racism and much worse

Why doesn’t anyone like you? Not even your fellow trumptards are lifting a finger to defend your delusions
Trump called Nazis very fine people last year and you’re still supporting him so you very much do condone racism and much worse

Why doesn’t anyone like you? Not even your fellow trumptards are lifting a finger to defend your delusions
He never called nazis very fine people. Again, if you can't show actual proof, then you're bullshit. Did he also call all Mexicans rapists and drug dealers? Do you have proof of that one too?


Well-Known Member
1st off there were 2 types of people at the rally in C Va

KKK, and Anti KKK.

tRump said theyre are fine people on both sides.o_Oo_Oo_Oo_Oo_O:shock::shock::shock::shock::wall::wall::wall::spew::spew::spew::spew::spew::spew: Plain and simple. The 1 side was KKK/NAZI, the other wasn't. It was Good vs Evil. Its that simple. People have a Constitulnal Obligation to stand up to KKK, Nazis, and anyone else that spews hate.

And yes, people will go to war over this. And the Trumptards will lose badly, as 80% of the population don't agree with them. Period. End of story.

So there are Good KKK NAZIs by his own words.:finger::finger::finger::finger::wall::wall::wall::cuss::cuss::cuss::cuss::cuss:


Well-Known Member

Defying the parade of businesses that are cutting ties with him in the wake of his inflammatory comments about Mexican immigrants, Donald Trump defended his remarks in an interview with CNN on Wednesday.

When Trump declared himself a Republican candidate for president last month, he warned that the U.S. is becoming a "dumping ground" for the world's problems.

"When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best," he said. "They're sending people that have lots of problems...they're bringing drugs, they're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people."

Asked why he used the term "rapists" to characterize Mexican immigrants, Trump pointed to recent reports that as many as 80 percent of the female immigrants crossing the U.S.-Mexico border are sexually assaulted during the trip.

CNN's Don Lemon then pointed out that those reports document immigrants being raped during their journey across the border - not the immigrants raping people after they get here.

Trump replied, "Well, somebody's doing the raping, Don. I mean, you know, somebody's doing it. Who's doing the raping? How can you say such a thing?"

The comments have already led Macy's, NBC Universal, and Univision, and others to cut their commercial partnerships with Trump. On Thursday, mattress company Serta became the latest company to jump ship.

"Serta has a licensing agreement to provide mattresses for the Trump Home mattress collection, which are manufactured in our North America-based facilities and sold at select retailers throughout the United States and Canada," the company explained in a statement. "Serta values diversity and does not agree with nor endorse the recent statements made by Mr. Trump. We will not be renewing our license agreement with the Trump Organization when it expires at the end of this year and are in the process of unwinding our relationship."


Well-Known Member
Anyways sweethearts, I need to go for now. I have some much bigger issues at hand that I need to attend to. I have a cross burning in an hour and I'm taking the train home from there so I'll have time to complete my pussy grabbing duties for the day. Seriously though, there's some serious problems with the way you all think. You've been told to react to certain things and here you are reacting. I sure hope you all had the same anger when 4 real americans were killed in Benghazi. I'm sure you'll find a way to make that one okay though. I will be here after the elections to hear you guys cry more. It will be fun to see. Let's wait for word from cnn to make our game plan of what we need to fight about.
Trump, aides on tape laugh about Niger ambush that left 4 US soldiers dead - News - - Providence, RI
Providence Journal › news › trump-aides...


Well-Known Member
He never called nazis very fine people. Again, if you can't show actual proof, then you're bullshit. Did he also call all Mexicans rapists and drug dealers? Do you have proof of that one too?
After nazis in Charlottesville held a torchlit mob rally in which they chanted “Jews will not replace us” and “sieg heil” one of those nazis drove his car into a crowd of peaceful protesters, killing one and injuring dozens

Trump then said there were very fine people on both sides. That includes the nazi side

Do you believe there were very fine people in the torchlit nazi mob?


Well-Known Member
You're an idiot. You know exactly what he was saying. The people that were marching shouting Nazi shit were a small group of the larger group that was protesting. By your logic then, if he called all nazis very fine people then you agree that all muslims are extremists since a small group of them are. Or would you say there's some fine muslim people?
How can you march with nazis and not be a nazi?

Defying the parade of businesses that are cutting ties with him in the wake of his inflammatory comments about Mexican immigrants, Donald Trump defended his remarks in an interview with CNN on Wednesday.

When Trump declared himself a Republican candidate for president last month, he warned that the U.S. is becoming a "dumping ground" for the world's problems.

"When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best," he said. "They're sending people that have lots of problems...they're bringing drugs, they're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people."

Asked why he used the term "rapists" to characterize Mexican immigrants, Trump pointed to recent reports that as many as 80 percent of the female immigrants crossing the U.S.-Mexico border are sexually assaulted during the trip.

CNN's Don Lemon then pointed out that those reports document immigrants being raped during their journey across the border - not the immigrants raping people after they get here.

Trump replied, "Well, somebody's doing the raping, Don. I mean, you know, somebody's doing it. Who's doing the raping? How can you say such a thing?"

The comments have already led Macy's, NBC Universal, and Univision, and others to cut their commercial partnerships with Trump. On Thursday, mattress company Serta became the latest company to jump ship.

"Serta has a licensing agreement to provide mattresses for the Trump Home mattress collection, which are manufactured in our North America-based facilities and sold at select retailers throughout the United States and Canada," the company explained in a statement. "Serta values diversity and does not agree with nor endorse the recent statements made by Mr. Trump. We will not be renewing our license agreement with the Trump Organization when it expires at the end of this year and are in the process of unwinding our relationship."
He said some of them are fine people. He never said all mexicans. So yeah, he never said all mexicans are rapists.


Well-Known Member
But he said MEXICANS. Period. He classified a whole race of people. Why didn't he say whites too? He Targeted people.

People, are People, and Targeting has no place in modern society.
No Race has the monopoly on stupid.

Assuming is OBFUSCATION.


Well-Known Member
You're an idiot. You know exactly what he was saying. The people that were marching shouting Nazi shit were a small group of the larger group that was protesting. By your logic then, if he called all nazis very fine people then you agree that all muslims are extremists since a small group of them are. Or would you say there's some fine muslim people?
Yeah, he wanted to ban all muslims from entering the country too, df.