

Well-Known Member
nice info man, + rep, yeah i guess growing would be best way of aquiring it, must be good if its illegal ;)


New Member
Nah i swore i read on wiki cocain comes from khat plant.

But then again i think adter wiking cocain i wikied khat so i might be confused. Oh well

Im hitting they hey. Nite riu

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
Look towards the horn of Africa ..... and inhabitants of that region ... and you shell find khat !

Nothing spectacular ... as per my experience .... but I used to speed ...!


CANN ... u know that shooting in TO last wk ... my part of town ... lots of khat !


Well-Known Member
Look towards the horn of Africa ..... and inhabitants of that region ... and you shell find khat !

Nothing spectacular ... as per my experience .... but I used to speed ...!


CANN ... u know that shooting in TO last wk ... my part of town ... lots of khat !
The stairwell shooting?
Creepy story.. As you're aware, nearby the scene a black leather jacket with a skeleton embroidery was found.. with the slogan: Dead Men Tell No Tales.


Well-Known Member
so it was pirates?
how'd they get from the caribbean all the way up there
LOL, we actually have quite an infestation of swashbucklers up here, flying their flags from their car windows..
Not Maple Leaf flags, no.. but these:


And to answer your other ?, they ride the Gulf Stream... YAR


Well-Known Member
You can grow it quite easily from cuttings, I'm not much of a stimulant guy, so I don't enjoy it that much, my mind is allready as active as a kindergarten class without ritalin.
P.S, I hope you like green teeth and stained lips...


Well-Known Member
Nah i swore i read on wiki cocain comes from khat plant.

But then again i think adter wiking cocain i wikied khat so i might be confused. Oh well

Im hitting they hey. Nite riu
Nah, completely incorrect. It contains the chemical cathinone, which is similar to alpha-methyl-phenethylamine (amphetamine), but with more empathogenic effects and less jitteryness. It is very similar in structure to methcathinone and 4-methylmethcathinone (mephedrone)


Well-Known Member
I have friends who love the stuff, haveing had a stimulant addiction problem in the past, I just don't enjoy the emotional baggage that comes with winding up my clock.


New Member
What do you mean by winding up your clock?

Methylone has the worst emotional damage on me. Literally makes me depressed. Its so horrible. However no other stims do that.


Well-Known Member
What do you mean by winding up your clock?

Methylone has the worst emotional damage on me. Literally makes me depressed. Its so horrible. However no other stims do that.
I think he may mean that it stimulates the CNS system and causes it to start going faster because of release of norepinephrine and other related neurotransmitters.


Well-Known Member
stimulate in the way coke, speed, etc... does... like winding up an old toy....

these are khat stains, not gold...


Well-Known Member
so its bad for your teeth??? i was gonna chew it... I dont imagine any of the synths made from it are easy or simple to make??? im not really into most stimulants but recently i've found i need a little something, also i imagine it has appitite supressing abilitys, which i wouldn't mind. plus i like to try new things especially things i can grow! if nothing else it will make a nice addition to my garden..

it would only be an every now and then kinda thing..


Active Member
so its bad for your teeth??? i was gonna chew it... I dont imagine any of the synths made from it are easy or simple to make??? im not really into most stimulants but recently i've found i need a little something, also i imagine it has appitite supressing abilitys, which i wouldn't mind. plus i like to try new things especially things i can grow! if nothing else it will make a nice addition to my garden..

it would only be an every now and then kinda thing..
I would think making tea would be your best for keeping your teeth clean. I also would be intrigued to grow a small amount. I know exactly what you mean about needing a small amount of stimulant in your life. It helps keep you grounded, atleast for me it does.


Well-Known Member
I would think making tea would be your best for keeping your teeth clean. I also would be intrigued to grow a small amount. I know exactly what you mean about needing a small amount of stimulant in your life. It helps keep you grounded, atleast for me it does.
I have alot of down time, i just need some UP time.

not to mention i write much better and faster on stimulants, and im trying to write a 90-120 page script and just the format you follow alone is alot to put up with. and i hope to know out a few scripts this year.. and i have barely started.. lol