Kicking MS to the curb

Its funny I have also written multiple posts only to hit the delete key or the mouse one to many times...and somehow deleted what I previously wrote.
I get a lot of involuntary tremors or tics when mousing and of course I work on this thing 12 hours a day.
Sounds like we are in basically a similar boat with our necks . I also have my left side affected numb fingers tingling thumb.
I have been to 3 diff neuro-guys...
Its funny I have also written multiple posts only to hit the delete key or the mouse one to many times...and somehow deleted what I previously wrote.
I get a lot of involuntary tremors or tics when mousing and of course I work on this thing 12 hours a day.
Sounds like we are in basically a similar boat with our necks . I also have my left side affected numb fingers tingling thumb.
I have been to 3 diff neuro-guys...
i do the same thing .lol. i had several nuero drs. I stopped going. they wanted to make pain when they cant even deal with the problem so i quit. lol. Chiro practor fucked my neck up good ! It was funny watching my two drs ask each other if they new a lagit dude. Right in fornt of me. it was funny shit .dr. sent me to chiro without doing a mri at the start when i had 3 herniations from a semi hitting me . Took my arm pain a landed straight in my head. i had abse4ssed tooth migrain pain for over a decade. was horrid ! Sirgery only worsened it too . i have the finger with a mind of its own too .lol. even my foot does it driving sometime. used to almost break my arm on sink goiung to bathroom because it would just wip around on its own .lol. Sink is hard .ouch.One time a friends with me and i hit the gas from a stop twice really fast fast. he goes what the fuck was that ? i told him my foot has mind of its own lol. Soemtime one means two to it. each side of me is way different too. I even have to cut my hair back on my bangs because one side outgrows the other 3 to 1./ lol. the side that didnt used to sweat is slow going. For people out there on city water your drinkin mms weather you want to or not if drinking from the tap. I have an atmopsheric water generator.i dont fuck around !
i do the same thing .lol. i had several nuero drs. I stopped going. they wanted to make pain when they cant even deal with the problem so i quit. lol. Chiro practor fucked my neck up good ! It was funny watching my two drs ask each other if they new a lagit dude. Right in fornt of me. it was funny shit .dr. sent me to chiro without doing a mri at the start when i had 3 herniations from a semi hitting me . Took my arm pain a landed straight in my head. i had abse4ssed tooth migrain pain for over a decade. was horrid ! Sirgery only worsened it too . i have the finger with a mind of its own too .lol. even my foot does it driving sometime. used to almost break my arm on sink goiung to bathroom because it would just wip around on its own .lol. Sink is hard .ouch.One time a friends with me and i hit the gas from a stop twice really fast fast. he goes what the fuck was that ? i told him my foot has mind of its own lol. Soemtime one means two to it. each side of me is way different too. I even have to cut my hair back on my bangs because one side outgrows the other 3 to 1./ lol. the side that didnt used to sweat is slow going. For people out there on city water your drinkin mms weather you want to or not if drinking from the tap. I have an atmopsheric water generator.i dont fuck around !
If tap water was the problem, wouldn't everyone around you have similar maladies?
Sounds like we are in basically a similar boat with our necks . I also have my left side affected numb fingers tingling thumb.

Very similar for sure. My neck issue is only on the left side, likely caused by a few severe shoulder dislocations. I also have tendonitis in my left thumb, so signing my name has been reduced to an initial and some indiscriminate scribble, because my thumb just goes spastic. I am right handed with the mouse so I can do that fine. My left hand shakes so much sometimes that I use one of those coffee mugs from Tim Horton's with the little sip hole in the lid.
If tap water was the problem, wouldn't everyone around you have similar maladies?
i dont uinderdtand what your asking . .how would i know ? do they have acutre toxic phenol pisening from p2p and msa too ?im not thier dr. so i cant answer for shit water with flourides and barium and otjher good shit is good for you. il;l note that .lol. tap is a poroblem for me.i cANT SPEAK FOR OTHERS THAN TYHE KNOWN FFECT OF FLOURIDE.WOOPS Cant evenm shower in the shit. creates immediate red rashs and burning inching on me . I have no idea how others react to it. Luckily i moved to where nothing is added . yeah .lucked out lol.
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i dont uinderdtand what your asking . . so shit water with flourides good for you. il;l note that .lol. tap is a poroblem for me. Cant evenm shower in the shit. creates immediate red rashs and burning inching on me . I have no idea how others react to it. Luckily i moved to where nothing is added . yeah .lucked out lol.
No, I didn't say that.
Derp. :dunce:
No, I didn't say that.
Derp. :dunce:
youll have to excuse me. what are you saying ? im confused enough . i dont hink the water is giving people autonomic nuerapothies.what is derp. too . lol. yoiull have to excuse me . i can only do my drs and lawyers work with a 78 i.q. lmfao. i have to waTCH YTHJINGS 50 TIMES TO GET IT SALL. LOL.
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youll have to excuse me. what are you saying ? im confused enough . i dont hink the water is giving people autonomic nuerapothies.what is derp. too . lol. yoiull have to excuse me . i can only do my drs and lawyers work with a 78 i.q. lmfao. i have to waTCH YTHJINGS 50 TIMES TO GET IT SALL. LOL.
Are you drunk?
You sure do laugh a lot (lol, lmfao, etc).
And you are definitely having trouble typing.

PS: There's a key called "caps lock".
Learn how to use it.
That is all. funny. fuck yeah fun with ataxia juts for you , you should see me play guira. i miss notes with both hands. lmfao. The woprse shit youd ever hear. lol. lol. Should i be drpressed about my typing ? lol. im not going to correct anything i type anymore. ha. ill let it flow how it comes out.
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Very similar for sure. My neck issue is only on the left side, likely caused by a few severe shoulder dislocations. I also have tendonitis in my left thumb, so signing my name has been reduced to an initial and some indiscriminate scribble, because my thumb just goes spastic. I am right handed with the mouse so I can do that fine. My left hand shakes so much sometimes that I use one of those coffee mugs from Tim Horton's with the little sip hole in the lid.
Funny my wife threatens that she will make me use one of those cups with the hole in the lid...I opted for painting the walls in the stair well a couple of times a year.... next time I'm going for a coffee with cream color...
Funny my wife threatens that she will make me use one of those cups with the hole in the lid...I opted for painting the walls in the stair well a couple of times a year.... next time I'm going for a coffee with cream color...

LOL, I spilled a cup so violently end over end one time that I painted the ceiling. When I started painting myself the sippy cup lid was my only line of defense.
LOL, that was hilarious. My family sees me as the "quicker messer upper". That would be a good reason to start wearing socks again. We just wear our shoes in the house, parquet floor is too hard for my feet, and we all hate carpet
We are still wearing shoes on hardwood floor throughout ....or there would be coffee colored carpet as well...
it is kinda funny that lots of us...get by under similar conditions....

Lol D528...I was with you on those long posts...just did some letter scramble..and presto...almost everything made sense...
I had Chiro on Thursday and although it was a little rough I feel much more aligned and balanced. I ate steak on Sunday, and golfed on Tuesday, with a new twist. Aside from playing much better thanks to the work my chiropractor did, I had a new renewable energy source. I decided on Monday to get some edibles going again. This time I put 10 grams of Red Lebanese hash into my Ghirardelli brownie mix. I made it a 9x9 pan but instead of using oil I used 1/2lb of butter. The butter was melted in a pot and the hash was added to it and stirred around, then into the dry powder brownie mix. I cut it into 16 pieces so each dose was about .66g per piece.

I ate the first one Monday night at 6PM. I started to feel a nice body stone around 7PM and it was a little more by 8PM. My buddies figured I would get couch lock and crash. Exactly the opposite happened (as I already expected), I was super energized. I could not sit in my chair and watch TV or post in the forum. I had to do something, go, go go and I did not go to bed until midnight. Now when I went golfing Tuesday I ate one around 7AM which left me bouncy and energetic. I had a second one after the front nine and it continued to energize me Even more amazing, for the first time in about 5 years my pain in the neck disappeared for about 3 hours. Gone completely. The effects last 6-8 hours, so in spite of the seemingly high cost it is still much cheaper than what I would smoke in that time. And on that note I found I smoked less since the edible seemed to accentuate the high when I did smoke.

I have added Alpha Lipoic acid, Turmeric and fish oil (EPA/DHA) to my daily regimen. I purchased The Wahls Protocol book and I am going to stay at this until my MS is gone, literally. <<== and the crowd cheers o_O
What an amazing journey this has been for me, I feel like I have my life and some health back. It has been over a month now and although I am not naive enough to think I am cured already, I certainly believe this is going to work out. I seem to have very little trouble doing anything now, save the limitation of lifting heavy objects, like 40 lbs. or more. I can see I have lost some muscle mass but I can slowly work on building that up again. It is a shame it will come to this, but if my lesions shrink I am going to really have an issue with the MS Clinic. I do not know how much up in their face I will get, but when someone lies to me it pisses me off so much I want to call them out on it. So for now life seems to be getting back closer to normal, well my normal at least.
I decided it was time to test how well it is really going for me. Yesterday I stopped taking percocet (power up for me) and baclofen (muscle relaxant) to see how well I could manage without them. I do have to push a little harder against the fatigue now, but I can. If my muscles start to spasm I smoke a big fatty, it works just as well or better at relaxing me. Now that my strength is more built up I am going to start doing the exercises that I have from physiotherapy last year.