Kiss my white Irish ass Trump, Obamacare is here to stay


Well-Known Member
WASHINGTON (AP) — The Affordable Care Act has yet again beaten predictions of its downfall, as government figures released Wednesday showed unexpectedly solid sign-ups for health coverage next year.

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services said nearly 8.5 million people had enrolled as of last Saturday's deadline, with about a dozen states, including California and New York, still left to report. The preliminary number was down about 4 percent, when a much bigger loss had been expected.

Different factors combined to make for an unpredictable sign-up season this year for former President Barack Obama's health care law, commonly referred to as "Obamacare."

On the plus side, premiums stabilized and consumers had more coverage choices.

On the negative side, premiums for the health law's comprehensive coverage remained unaffordable for many people who don't qualify for financial help. Also, Congress repealed a requirement for Americans to get health insurance, and President Donald Trump's administration sharply scaled back advertising and opened the way for competition from lower-cost insurance that covers less.

Then last Friday, a Republican-appointed federal judge in Texas declared the whole law unconstitutional on the eve of the enrollment deadline. Health law supporters are planning to appeal.

Experts said the new numbers show staying power for "Obamacare," even with its continuing political problems and premiums that remain too high for many middle-class consumers.

"Despite everything that has been thrown at this market, politically, with premium increases and also regulation changes, there is still a core group of Americans who want this insurance and buy this insurance every year," said Chris Sloan of the consulting firm Avalere Health. "They are a hardy group of people."

Yea, damn right we're a hardy group, and will outlive the GOP and Trump.

Two more years, take back the Presidency and the Senate (we got the House), and continue on the path for Affordable Heath Care for all Americans. and join the rest of the civilized world in taking true care of it's citizens.

Fuck Trump
WASHINGTON (AP) — The Affordable Care Act has yet again beaten predictions of its downfall, as government figures released Wednesday showed unexpectedly solid sign-ups for health coverage next year.

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services said nearly 8.5 million people had enrolled as of last Saturday's deadline, with about a dozen states, including California and New York, still left to report. The preliminary number was down about 4 percent, when a much bigger loss had been expected.

Different factors combined to make for an unpredictable sign-up season this year for former President Barack Obama's health care law, commonly referred to as "Obamacare."

On the plus side, premiums stabilized and consumers had more coverage choices.

On the negative side, premiums for the health law's comprehensive coverage remained unaffordable for many people who don't qualify for financial help. Also, Congress repealed a requirement for Americans to get health insurance, and President Donald Trump's administration sharply scaled back advertising and opened the way for competition from lower-cost insurance that covers less.

Then last Friday, a Republican-appointed federal judge in Texas declared the whole law unconstitutional on the eve of the enrollment deadline. Health law supporters are planning to appeal.

Experts said the new numbers show staying power for "Obamacare," even with its continuing political problems and premiums that remain too high for many middle-class consumers.

"Despite everything that has been thrown at this market, politically, with premium increases and also regulation changes, there is still a core group of Americans who want this insurance and buy this insurance every year," said Chris Sloan of the consulting firm Avalere Health. "They are a hardy group of people."

Yea, damn right we're a hardy group, and will outlive the GOP and Trump.

Two more years, take back the Presidency and the Senate (we got the House), and continue on the path for Affordable Heath Care for all Americans. and join the rest of the civilized world in taking true care of it's citizens.

Fuck Trump
Nwo4life is gonna cry now you asshole
Medicaid is fake gov't health insurance or long drawn out illness and death. I really feel for anyone that has to be on this free gov't handout crap. Medicaid is a complete FRAUD!