Wow you must have a kick ass set up... rn Im debting whether to go scrog or sog! And well more space is better and the price difference between a 3 x 3 and 4 x 4 isnt a big difference to me so why not.. now I feel sog would be cool for that because more plants and faster yielding ( I hope ) cause in a nuttshell thats what I want. I will be steering towards moms and clones later when the money allows me to for now I just want to pump something out fast so I thought sog was the green light
SOG is good but due to the nature of it outside of a hydro set up you can have real problems getting to each pot to water it
plus plant heath with the extra plants and extra dark spots its easy for mould or bugs to not get notice
people do well with scrog
I just like to veg up and train some sometimes topp, I trust in the power of good air exchange and good lights been tempted to do scrog but never been fooked to get a net and set it up
I always seem to have so much to do
when you run a perpetual with a fucking idiot who`ll think they know better till they start killing plants
What I would not give for my own 10msq to 100msq spot with water and power
I mean to me the area we use is pretty small 1.2m x 2m is the veg area and around 2.4 x 2m for bloom then some space for the water butt and fans and such
Off that I get all I want for personal use and my buds 50% cut seems to make him more than his day job even after he`s paid his car insurance and electric bill
It`s sad that with a relatively small amount of extra space how much more I could do and how much my life could change I`m space hunting have been for 4 years now I find stuff for like 2 to 10 trees but never a good spot for 100 or more
just due to being in the city, but it`ll be another 3 years or so till I can afford to get the fuck out of here to some where with good air and nice water and less people