Kitty's Commercial Grow Op-Bigger & Better Every Day!

lol my pussy hurts, well put lol. Breeding is something ive always wanted to get into, and plants grow way quicker from seed IMO. it seems that a 30 day old seed is way bigger then a 30 day clone. Setup is lookin like its gettin rockin along! Good work!
in my group op, im the breeder, and cloner. im what you call a
everyday i take like 16 more. its the hot comot out here mediscnal wize.
fem seeds too!! omg. like 150 a pack of 6.(mostly indicas and indi dom strains though) i dont think people really understand how simple
these online seed banks are. Thats were i started, g-13 labs, nirvana, thseed.
love you guys, rep if i could to the fullest. i would love to start my own bank SCS (So Cal seedz)
kinda chezzy??

But kitty, im gonna fwd you my link on proper breeding techs and creating 99% fem seedz.
as well for anyone that would like to follow. but ill send you a priv link of the stuff i spray
on my budz to enduse and introduce stress, consider you live in canada. ill send you link for the product.
its from hollond. its the only way iv NEVER experinced a clutch of herms.
1000s of seeds not one collective came back with ANY hermis.
Feminized seed production…

v Ok, this might seem weird, but theres load of ways of making feminized seeds

First ill tell you how it works, you first need to understand the science of it first.
When a DEDICATED female plants(cannabis of coarse) are stressed, (Lights, heat, water, etc.) it forms her own pollen. Just like male parts. The difference is that this pollen
Is holding female traits. So when a female forms here banana, that female pollen
Pollinates the female cylax. J
In which forms a feminized seeds. BUT not always, if that plant herms COMPLETELY
Then odds is hermi seeds lol.

You could also over flower, that the most stable way without the solution I figure.
The plant is done flowering and if was not pollinated shell begin to pollinate herself.
Cause that’s mother nature, plants are meant to breed. Esp. when there a female and male gene to one species. That’s why iv always pollenated all my plants, not crazy like, here me out. Pollinate individual cylaxs to only produce 4 total seeds, maybe 5-10.
But the oil the plant brings out. Esp. when the oil glans is filled with a baby lol.
Makes the plant happy. And that’s all about botany. That plant has to be comfy and
Happy. Male plants make females happy, Just not growers haha.
Now don’t go growing males in the grow room ether, that wont be good.
That mutha fucker will pollenate everything. EVERYTHING!!!
What I do is dedicate a 4 by 8 by 12 tent for males only.
1. Gather items, large spoon, lite lite paint brush(best quality preferably)

2. Tap mature male at bottom of branch with most pollen.
3. Place spoon under nutz and gather it as it falls.
4. Place in jar(while you are still in male grow area)
6. Very very lighly apply paintbrush in jar gathering just a tiny bit.
7. While moving so slow, I mean slow like slug, very gently apply pollen to cylax. Not bud
8. 4-6 weeks seeds will mature and if you used a healthy female looking stud, you will have plump great quality seeds, I promise.

Now the complicated part. lol make the girls.

colloidal silver. Yea, you mix this with your solution, its what I use.
When you use this you cannot make hash or consume any of the plant.
But the seeds are 100% safe, no worries.
You have to start right when you go to 12/12.

And you can buy the source strait up or make, with a colloidal silver generator
Of this method im about to show you.

  • 9 volt battery
  • 9v Battery Connector (less than $2 at a hardware or electronics store)
  • Pure .9999 or 999 Silver (yes it must be pure)
  • Distilled water (yes it must be distilled)
  • Alligator clips (Optional: but will make things much easier)
  • Soldering Iron (Optional: only needed if you want to use alligator clips)

I buy it though

. Colloidal Silver is created by submersing two pieces of pure silver in distilled water, and then running an electric current between the two pieces of silver. The electric current will cause silver ions to be deposited in the water which creates a colloidal silver solution.
Buy Colloidal Silver: You can actually buy colloidal silver which has already been prepared and is ready for use. If you're purchasing colloidal silver, try to find a solution that has at least 30 PPM (parts per million) of silver. However, buying Colloidal Silver that is already prepared can get expensive.

1 attach 9 v battery connecter to alligator clips
2 connect alligator clips to the or pure silver, like pure silver wire or silver coins.
3 Place in small cup of distilled water
4 Then connect to battery and leave over night, the morning
You should have a silver rezin film in the water.

Heres the link to the best info

I forgot to mention, harvest the pollen let them dry and sift it a bit.
And pollinate other girls with that. There will be a shit load seed, all fems too.
maybe one herm out of 1000 plants. Remember to start spraying once you switch over to 12/12

How to Feminize Seeds Using Rodelization
· All-Natural
· Very Simple
· Unreliable
· May not produce many feminized seeds
The Rodelization method is all-natural and is the simplest method to create feminized seeds, but it is also unreliable and may not produce much pollen. Basically, the premise is that some female marijuana plants will start growing male pollen sacs / sex organs if they've been left in flowering too long (past the peak point of harvest). This is a last-ditch attempt by the marijuana plant to pollinate itself so that it at least produces a few seeds. You can collect these male pods and use the pollen inside them to pollinate other female plants. You pollinate female plants by evenly covering their buds with the pollen after they've been in flowering for 2-3 weeks. Females that are pollinated in this way will start growing all-female marijuana seeds. If you're very careful, you can pollinate only some of the buds on a plant which will produce seeds, and leave other buds alone so they can still be used for consumption.
This issue with this method is that some strains of plants never seem to grow male characteristics naturally. Additionally, with this method, you're selecting for plants that have a natural genetic tendency to show male characteristics. This can possibly produce offspring that are more likely to show male characteristics themselves which may or may not be what you're going for. Lastly, even when you do get male pollen sacs from a marijuana plant in this way, there tends to be a lot less pollen than from a typical male plant.
The one great thing about this method is it's completely all-natural so you can implement this strategy with an organic grow.
I hope this helps
And be carful, don’t smoke any of the plants used
With the silver, but it works, not one collective came back unhappy

The link here is the most reliable. enjoy :)
NICE! i would rep if i could lol. Im very excited to try this i have an exile clone that just rooted so im gana get some of this silver stuff and put the clone straight into 12/12 and start spraying it and hopefully make some expensive seeds lol i paid i think $115 or something so to make a tone of them would be amazing! How many seeds would you expect of just a small 1 to 2 footer using the silver spray?? And agian THANKS!!! lol i hate cloning
Do a little more research on it you can kill your plant if you spray too much CS on it. Also MOST stuff you can buy that is CS is not strong enough for our purposes. There is a whole thread on here somewhere that gets SUPER in depth i mean to the point of telling you the proper ppm to have your CS at to induce. That being said i would stay away from using that method it works, but i prefer soma's way aka rodelization as mentioned above. That being said you still run into this problem. No matter what you do, there will be varying pheno's coming out of those fem seeds just the same as with a regular seed. So whats the point. I like seeds better than clones too, but what happens when you get an amazing pheno, your not just gonna chop it it down after harvest, if you werent smart enough to pull a clone before it went into flower you would reveg right? Then clone right? See what im saying cloning is just as much a part of gardening as seeds you cant get rid of one because without both its hard to find a consistant variety of dank. Seeds give you the variety clones give you the staying power so you can keep that good pheno around for breeding. IMO if your going to produce seed produce regular seed and give back to the MJ community by making something new when you find that extra special male that is lurkin in the gene pool.
I have to supply 3 diff collectives with seeds and clones.
when i give them femanized seeds, THEY HAVE TO BE FEMANIZED SEEDS
no hermis. if they get a patient that returns with a herm, i lose my job.
rodelization seeds are females and herms.
not big hermis i noticed, usally just bottoms have pollen.
but i use CS and if you do it right it works 99.9% of the time.
and kittys grow is more than big enough to try.
she has the plants to practice with. and ppms very on how much you want
nanners forking out. low ppm for high nanna ratio, high ppm for low nanna ratio.
i would not rec somas method FOR KITTY being she wants garenteed fems.
somas i highly prefer for thoughs with needs of medication and cannot lose that much smoke.
but you must dedicate the entire plant to this. the CS that is. and isolate it as well.
and i love getting involved with diff phenos of the same strain, thats my shit there.
thats where breeding gets fun. to study the history of kush, indica, and sativas. Why does this indica strain have sativa leaves?
going into the roots of the plants family. backcrossing strains with there orignal ansestor.
making them pure indicas or pure sativa. or even changing the dominate gene to indica rather than sativa
but keeping the same strain, thats were it gets tricky. I love it. Again remember that the CS is a entire plant dedication method.
Buy the right kind, dont add to much. And stay persistint. no lagging. NO SMOKING,
iv done it so many times, i promise it works like a charm :)
thats a nice set up. at least theres people that still do things right. somewhere back like 35 pages it said you were gunna chop some of the ladies on christmas eve. i know its a lot of work, but when yall finally get done n tally shit up let us smaller people know how things ended. this is the kind of shit that inspires people (like me)... mad props.

now if only i didnt live in a state that nailed people to the wall for growing.

(edit-mr kitty is lucky as all hell.i wish i had a wife who knew her shit so i didt have to do all the work. this being said in all respects)
Feminized seed production…

v Ok, this might seem weird, but theres load of ways of making feminized seeds

First ill tell you how it works, you first need to understand the science of it first.
When a DEDICATED female plants(cannabis of coarse) are stressed, (Lights, heat, water, etc.) it forms her own pollen. Just like male parts. The difference is that this pollen
Is holding female traits. So when a female forms here banana, that female pollen
Pollinates the female cylax. J
In which forms a feminized seeds. BUT not always, if that plant herms COMPLETELY
Then odds is hermi seeds lol.

You could also over flower, that t.......

Learn how to write. I made it this far before I couldn't stand your punctuation, or prose.
As long as everyone can understand it.
and if you guys cant, im sorry let me know, ill rewrite it. gladly.
yesterday was christmas eve and i was busy wrapping gifts at the same time,
Sorry rasputin71 ill correct my self more properlly next post ok. just dont rep me
or follow my threads or posts, i dont deserve your graditude. by the judge of your rep to posts ratio
vs mine. well just say people like what i have to say, puncuation incorrect or not.
once again sorry i made you so mad you had to troll me. off just what i said to help others.
no negativity i hope, merry merry christmas brother.

sorry, bah humbug ftmfw
The whole rep system is retarded for forums. I have never, and will never, give anyone rep. I didnt even know anyone had ever given me any until just the other day. :D

I apologize for bagging on your grammar. I was pretty drunk. :p

merry xmas

sorry for jacking this thread
Thanks for the guides, regardless of WHO wrote it. :) Any negativity you want to have amongst another member though, please see a moderator rather than calling them out and taking up 10 posts in here with back and forth............ Merry Christmas to all!
Thanks for the guides, regardless of WHO wrote it. :) Any negativity you want to have amongst another member though, please see a moderator rather than calling them out and taking up 10 posts in here with back and forth............ Merry Christmas to all!

I like this chick already. Her grow op? Lets just say pure seks.....................
if your refering to me your welcome.
sorry if it was hard to understand, after that guys post
i re read it, and some just didn make sence. them commas are important. lol :/

Thanks for the guides, regardless of WHO wrote it. :) Any negativity you want to have amongst another member though, please see a moderator rather than calling them out and taking up 10 posts in here with back and forth............ Merry Christmas to all!
Its cool bruv. did make me feel hella stupid.
here i am tryin to hand out a bit complexed info and my spelling and puncuation
is off. wow, thats my bad. and as far as rep goes, some people just deserve it...
so i love the rep system

The whole rep system is retarded for forums. I have never, and will never, give anyone rep. I didnt even know anyone had ever given me any until just the other day. :D

I apologize for bagging on your grammar. I was pretty drunk. :p

merry xmas

sorry for jacking this thread