Kitty's Commercial Grow Op-Bigger & Better Every Day!

Should have said another light, not a light mover. :)

Yeah another light would be nice, I'm running 1 1000 watt right now on 12 plants. I'm ballin on a budget and working with an 8x8 room. Not everyone can afford to go BIG like you Looking to buy a bigger house next summer and then I'll be able to expand. I'm a year into growing now and I've learned a lot. Gotta take baby
Yeah another light would be nice, I'm running 1 1000 watt right now on 12 plants. I'm ballin on a budget and working with an 8x8 room. Not everyone can afford to go BIG like you Looking to buy a bigger house next summer and then I'll be able to expand. I'm a year into growing now and I've learned a lot. Gotta take baby

Shit yall's pockets run deep... the biggest i go is 400w on the electric bill...
with complementing cfl's...

Shit yall's pockets run deep... the biggest i go is 400w on the electric bill...
with complementing cfl's...

I run a Sun Blaze 8 bulb T5 54 watts each for a total of 432 watts for veg...I think it's the same light Kitty uses. I have a partner that helps me out with the electric bill. shit is expensive though. I upgrade when I can
bet it was awsome to be on the recieving end of Ms & Mr kitty's christmas gifts, I bet santa kitty gives great gifts...
I got an eight of grand daddy purp and a new chillum, how'd you do for christmas kitty
bet it was awsome to be on the recieving end of Ms & Mr kitty's christmas gifts, I bet santa kitty gives great gifts...
I got an eight of grand daddy purp and a new chillum, how'd you do for christmas kitty

I gave Mr. Kitty a synthesizer (Akai Miniak), World of Warcraft: Cataclysm, and we both play Starcraft II............ =) No pot gifts from anyone this year..... Gave a few pipes out though! :)
haha, BLACKOPS. what about blackops?? lol

Havent tried it yet......... for consoles xbox 360 with ixtreme lt. All I like on that console is Battlefield 2..... CODmw2 isnt as fun to me, nor was halo........... Despite being able to burn games for free on it as much as I like I just never use it much. The controls suck, I dig a keyboard/mouse any day over a thumb stick.
haha, thats why i found my boo at the med cannabis cup in frisco last year lol. no joke and battlefield is sick. just to much of a dedicated cod player.
i have it for s3 and 360.
but cod over welms it everytime. on my part atleaste.

i would kill for a chick like this... No really, kill...
People criticize your info SIR because it is incorrect, CS can give you herms i've seen it happen. I know what i am doing i dont produce seeds for other people i make them for myself and select friends i've used somas method i also prefer the CS method but what your are failing to do is properly inform people of what happens. Herms are possible however doubtful. You CANNOT i repeat CANNOT guarantee 100% non herm rate. Not even major breeders that use the CS method can do that man. Are you telling me your better than every other breeder in the world that uses CS? No shit making CS is not for a newb.... You act like i've never done it before.... I know what CS does you need to be careful with misinformation sir.

i didn get "fired". simply let go. i was volenterring to help friends out at first. then it just got pretty big.
and turned into something else. it was simply my friends being selfish. my job is bredding and hand rearing
parrots. And sorry bruv, no i dont get herms, i got em with somas method and soma only. somas is the easy way,
and so ungarenteed to get even 6 fems outta every 10 seeds. the cs is for FAR more advanced and complex then somas. huh??
somas is only over floweing 4-6 weeks. the cs is a chem coumpound made from running electricic currents though pure silver.
thats not for newbs bruv, sorry Cs is a ethnol producing harmone, which FOCES the plant to fork out your nanas. again not for new growers.
any ways this thread is not about fem seeds, sorry kitty once again.
people keeps critisizing my informatation, . grammer or not. lol next time im just gonna complety ignore them
looking forward to seeing the update pics.
People criticize your info SIR because it is incorrect, CS can give you herms i've seen it happen. I know what i am doing i dont produce seeds for other people i make them for myself and select friends i've used somas method i also prefer the CS method but what your are failing to do is properly inform people of what happens. Herms are possible however doubtful. You CANNOT i repeat CANNOT guarantee 100% non herm rate. Not even major breeders that use the CS method can do that man. Are you telling me your better than every other breeder in the world that uses CS? No shit making CS is not for a newb.... You act like i've never done it before.... I know what CS does you need to be careful with misinformation sir.

A hermie is a natural part of the plants survival mechanisms. Just because you get a hermie, doesnt mean that its a bad batch of seeds. If you got more than 5% I'd say that's when there is something amiss..........

Try not to be so defensive. If you are polite and explain your reasoning instead of defensive and insultive......... Food for thought anyway. Please keep the bantering to zero in this thread. :) Bitch about stuff all you guys like in others, though and feel free to report any inappropriate posts to a moderator, that's what the button is there for. Stay on track and stay polite, please everyone. I dont know who is right or wrong, but lets be adults from it.
Lol not that im trying to turn this into a wow thread but i used to play up until about 6 months ago,
The only thing i have played wow for in the past 2 years is arena, no other game has such intense pvp and actual fair teamplay combat..

Bah, i figured its too life consuming to keep up and i would just play really bad because i was constantly high which pissed me off :P

anyways when shall we expect the next update?
I just read all 40 pages in 4 hours. HOLY COW that took forever!! there is so many things i want to say about your OP but people have already said it! this is just plain beautiful HANDS DOWN! you have put countless hours of effort into this and its really paying off. Compared to the first page and the 40th they look like completely different places the way you and you Mr. have arranged it. i could only wish one day to have half the of the grow you have. i have a few quick questions if you dont mind. how many strains would you like to have? i remember you saying you like bubbliciuos and kandy kush, but what is your favorite strain if you could have any in the world? how many strains of mush are you planning to grow? and last need any part time help??haha but seriously im cheap
Lol not that im trying to turn this into a wow thread but i used to play up until about 6 months ago,
The only thing i have played wow for in the past 2 years is arena, no other game has such intense pvp and actual fair teamplay combat..

Bah, i figured its too life consuming to keep up and i would just play really bad because i was constantly high which pissed me off :P

anyways when shall we expect the next update?

Installed the WoW expansion (Cataclysm) last night and played for a bit............ More of the same, kill 20 blah blahs, collect 8 pieces of meat, kill 20 ravagers etc........... Not sure if I'll get to 85 in it and hit up the dungeons or not............ At level 60 I had full Tier 1 and Tier 2, and most of Tier 3........ At 70, full set all the way, 80 I resorted to casual play and just spending justice points on gear.

Starcraft II is very fun -- its a top down real time strategy game that's got a lot of good attacks and for everything there is a counter to it. I'm currently in the Silver league, stayed in Bronze for about 3 games. :) Usually I play it for about 1-2 hours a day right now. Its currently my 'top game'....

I just read all 40 pages in 4 hours. HOLY COW that took forever!! there is so many things i want to say about your OP but people have already said it! this is just plain beautiful HANDS DOWN! you have put countless hours of effort into this and its really paying off. Compared to the first page and the 40th they look like completely different places the way you and you Mr. have arranged it. i could only wish one day to have half the of the grow you have. i have a few quick questions if you dont mind. how many strains would you like to have? i remember you saying you like bubbliciuos and kandy kush, but what is your favorite strain if you could have any in the world? how many strains of mush are you planning to grow? and last need any part time help??haha but seriously im cheap

Thanks much........ Is this thread really up to 40 pages now? It's 10 on my screen but it shows a lot of posts per page................. I think the Mr. did something there :) Best strains so far are Bubblelicious. It may be 'old school' but you know what? EVERYONE always wants it. Especially when it looks dank and hairy and smells like bubblegum gasoline. :-) I havent been impressed by the Kush strains so far because of their substantially lower yield. This is a CGE (Commercial Grow Environment) so the goal here is the maximum amount of weight in the shortest period of time while maintaining the highest quality humanly possible................... I also like White Widow (Nirvana) as another favorite. Over time I want to grow all of the strains, but there's only so many one little human can do :) the way, I want to try Endless Sky ( Endless Sky) -- It's a 42 to 45 day flowering strain with MONSTER buds. I'll probably give in to Greenthumb's extortion pricing and get a few mommies out of it........... 45 day flower means 8 harvests a year (per light) instead of only 6! So 25% shorter flowering times means 33% more profit from the time saved I think. Check my math haha :)

Every report says its solid, except to be cautious of nutrients and stay at most around 1300ppm-ish....... Anyone else tried it? the way, I want to try Endless Sky ( Endless Sky) -- It's a 42 to 45 day flowering strain with MONSTER buds. I'll probably give in to Greenthumb's extortion pricing and get a few mommies out of it........... 45 day flower means 8 harvests a year (per light) instead of only 6! So 25% shorter flowering times means 33% more profit from the time saved I think. Check my math haha :)

Every report says its solid, except to be cautious of nutrients and stay at most around 1300ppm-ish....... Anyone else tried it?

Your link took me to 747, not Endless Sky. Just need to move that "[/url]" over a couple words in your link. :)