Kitty's Commercial Grow Op-Bigger & Better Every Day!

Little Ms. Kitty, so sweet and pretty.
How does your garden grow?

With Ganja buds, and Fungi love,
and pretty little clones all in a row.

All I can say is how inspiring you are. My hat is off to you and Mr. Kitty, I watch anxiously for updates.
OH CANADA!!! (Sigh, I wish and hope your southerly neighbors government will catch on soon!):cry:
i hope ya u get a dark purple pheno out the Grape Fruits...
That would be some eye-candy for sure...

I hope so! 108 of the party cups that are finishing up rooting and starting veg are Grapefruit Diesel x Hijack. :) Impossible to replicate the strain as the initials are unknown and the supply is very limited. . . ... :) There's a guy on here who has some, I cant remember the thread name but his name is physics or something like that. Someone chime in with a link if you got one.......

So here's a question I've never really researched too much yet...... When I get that nice purple in flower, how do I get a mother from that plant at that point? Snip a branch off and root it and re-veg it? Re-veg the entire plant after harvest? I've really no idea........... The goal would be to have the next batch ALL be that nice purple-ish.
I hope so! 108 of the party cups that are finishing up rooting and starting veg are Grapefruit Diesel x Hijack. :) Impossible to replicate the strain as the initials are unknown and the supply is very limited. . . ... :) There's a guy on here who has some, I cant remember the thread name but his name is physics or something like that. Someone chime in with a link if you got one.......

So here's a question I've never really researched too much yet...... When I get that nice purple in flower, how do I get a mother from that plant at that point? Snip a branch off and root it and re-veg it? Re-veg the entire plant after harvest? I've really no idea........... The goal would be to have the next batch ALL be that nice purple-ish.

Yeah, you would clip a branch and clone it. It will take a while to re-veg but then you have a beautiful mother.
Yeah, you would clip a branch and clone it. It will take a while to re-veg but then you have a beautiful mother.

Easy enough. AeroCloner sittin in the corner collecting dust, will give it some use. ;-) When I clip the branch, would a lower, middle, or upper branch be best, and how many nodes deep?

Easy enough. AeroCloner sittin in the corner collecting dust, will give it some use. ;-) When I clip the branch, would a lower, middle, or upper branch be best, and how many nodes deep?


In veg, lower branches have more of the rooting hormone than the upper branches. I dont think that changes in bloom so I would cut a smaller lower branch.

The size of the clone would be dependent upon veg time before you want more plants but honestly I dont think it would matter much because once a clone takes root in an aeroponic type setup it just takes off in terms of growth. Personally I cut my clones between 6-8" and dont really count nodes. Then I usually clip off the lowest leaves and nodes to create a nice long stem for the cloner.

Added - I use a setup similar to stinkbuds 18 gallon rubbermaid roughneck setup for my clones and veg plants.
cant go wrong with an aerocloner. i do pretty much what NLX said and 100% of my clones have rooted and are ready for transplant in around 10 days. i just use straight, un-ph'd tap water.
I agree with you on the Kush strains Kitty... I had some Purple Kush and OG Kush (Chem Dawg 91) last batch and even though they were killer as far as taste and potency, they were low yielders. The purple was really dark purple buds and smelled like grape Jolly I have a new batch of seeds coming in the next few days... Dutch Passion Blueberry (my favorite) ..... Sensi Seeds Limited Edition Shiva Skunk (You gotta read the desccription...It sold me) and some more Barneys Farm Blue Cheese. Has anyone had any of these strains and have any input? Oh, one last thing Kitty..... I think I speak for everyone when I say...... "PICTURE UPDATE TIME" lol

I agree with you on the Kush strains Kitty... I had some Purple Kush and OG Kush (Chem Dawg 91) last batch and even though they were killer as far as taste and potency, they were low yielders. The purple was really dark purple buds and smelled like grape Jolly I have a new batch of seeds coming in the next few days... Dutch Passion Blueberry (my favorite) ..... Sensi Seeds Limited Edition Shiva Skunk (You gotta read the desccription...It sold me) and some more Barneys Farm Blue Cheese. Has anyone had any of these strains and have any input? Oh, one last thing Kitty..... I think I speak for everyone when I say...... "PICTURE UPDATE TIME" lol

i always grow OG, everygrow. this grow bannana og.
but i have chem as well, the and jack is the strongest
sativas iv toked. og was a very high yeilder though.
just always streches. and chem too, but really soft to touch
resinious flowers. very tasty, and kind of a fruity hash taste.
i like it, cloned the hell out of it.
Haha, denfensive, idc. as long as you say im wrong i am.
happy holidays brother, ill do what i do, and provide info as i will.
if im asked to do something nicely i do.
Honestly no body takes advise from people who blow
up like that, just saying. smoke a bowl man, chiiiilllll.
were all here to help.

People criticize your info SIR because it is incorrect, CS can give you herms i've seen it happen. I know what i am doing i dont produce seeds for other people i make them for myself and select friends i've used somas method i also prefer the CS method but what your are failing to do is properly inform people of what happens. Herms are possible however doubtful. You CANNOT i repeat CANNOT guarantee 100% non herm rate. Not even major breeders that use the CS method can do that man. Are you telling me your better than every other breeder in the world that uses CS? No shit making CS is not for a newb.... You act like i've never done it before.... I know what CS does you need to be careful with misinformation sir.
haha your funny you act like that was blowing up it was informing you that you are spreading mis information i dont care if you claim you havent had a single herm because i can garantee you you have and so can science when you have scientific data to back up your opinions maybe someone will listen to you. I never told you you were wrong man, im telling you your spreading mis information by not giving the whole story or picture. Maybe because you dont know the whole picture yet. Its nothing against you man im trying to stop the spread of misinformation if you want to keep spreading it go ahead. Your not really helping people by spreading mis information man im just saying.

Haha, denfensive, idc. as long as you say im wrong i am.
happy holidays brother, ill do what i do, and provide info as i will.
if im asked to do something nicely i do.
Honestly no body takes advise from people who blow
up like that, just saying. smoke a bowl man, chiiiilllll.
were all here to help.
ummm i didnt insult anyone im telling him he is spreading mis information if you guys dont want to believe it fine. If you would like i can post some scientific info and studies up for you to read about CS if you dont believe me this guy just wants to run his mouth about something without adding any backup to it. You wanna trust him and just throw a bunch of seeds you got from CS or Rodelization method into your flower garden and believe your not going to get a herm? Fine believe that you will be sorry when one of them herms on you and infests your plants with seeds when you didnt want em. Sure you could say 99% of my seeds dont herm. That i would believe but when you claim 100% i call bullshit and always will. Stop the spread of misinformation on this subject because im tired of people messing up our gene pool of herbs. Some people shouldnt be allowed to play with pollen before doing some research. Not saying that C Art is doing that but someone could come in here read what he posted and start trying to duplicate something they know nothing about because of MISINFORMATION that he said. Nothing personal its called doing research and knowing what your talking about before you post. If you guys have a problem with that please let me know kitty and i will gladly un sub from this thread.

A hermie is a natural part of the plants survival mechanisms. Just because you get a hermie, doesnt mean that its a bad batch of seeds. If you got more than 5% I'd say that's when there is something amiss..........

Try not to be so defensive. If you are polite and explain your reasoning instead of defensive and insultive......... Food for thought anyway. Please keep the bantering to zero in this thread. :) Bitch about stuff all you guys like in others, though and feel free to report any inappropriate posts to a moderator, that's what the button is there for. Stay on track and stay polite, please everyone. I dont know who is right or wrong, but lets be adults from it.
Respectfully, if you two dont quit arguing in the thread (STAY POLITE) I will just request you both be banned from it regardless of how helpful both of you are really trying to be. Be polite, be cordial, and stay on track. Disagree with each other all you like, but be polite about it. Thanks ;)

(Video update (!!) coming soon, video is resizing now for youtube formatting and then uploading)
I already gladly said i would leave kitty he is making it personal you did say 100% i can quote you on it. I also said i would be happy to post some studies but as kitty asked im trying not to crowd up her thread with bullshit if she asks me to post the scientific data i shall. You dont need to take it so personally man. Im on here to help and look out for people but you take things very personally obviously.

You say you haven't said one thing i said i could go back and quote every single post you have posted on here about CS its laughable honestly but hey im not going to post anything on here about CS because im not going to crowd up the thread unless kitty so asks me to post the scientific data that i refer to. If you would like it in PM form i could PM it to you. Im not sure what the problem is here im trying to sort out misconceptions of CS that you have only solidified.

You did not bring me here and i would appreciate it if you would keep the name calling out of it as i have not insulted you by calling you names. I came to this thread of my own accord and i choose to stay here on my own accord you going or coming isnt going to change that, lol i like how you believe you hold such a large impact on my life. Happy growing kitty i wont be talking about CS anymore in here unless you ask about it or if you would like me to post those studies i can. I dont take well to people spreading mis information about something that can severly ruin your garden if you dont know what you are doing. That is also why i dont go around telling people that CS is the greatest thing known to man because its so easy to mess up. I know you have a lot of money invested and it irked me that he was recomending CS to you without very much of a warning of what it can do if used improperly. Anyhow if i overstepped in trying to pull back the curtains on that issue a little bit i apologize. I could care less what C art thinks though.
Ya as long as everyone is polite, discuss and debate away =) Its healthy, and that's the reason the forums are here! Its the name calling and blah blahs that I cant stand.

So, since I'm posting might as well update a little bit with some random thoughts.

ELECTRIC: I'm very displeased with my electric panel. Its wired with the wrong circuit breakers on the wrong sized subpanel (I need double breakers, these are tandems, and I'd need 4 breakers, this box has room for 2). I figure I can sell the 240v timers and the 240v ballast cables and the breakers/subpanel for the same cost as buying the C.A.P. MLC-16DX. The MLC-16DX is a 16 light controller that has two timers on it that control two banks of 8 lights. All I have to do is screw in the 3 power wires (hot hot ground) and the panel does the rest. It was about $475 from HorticultureSource after shipping, the cheapest I could find. With the two banks of timers it'll be lighter on the generators initial load when that stuff gets installed months from now.

WATER COOLING: Everyone was whining about me using lake/river water as bad for waste and such, I just got the water bill. I used 1500 gallons of water in a month here from the water company. None of it was waste, as plants drank it all. Ok, some waste as I do pee in a toilet here too and like to flush that. :) My house has a 7000 gallon water bill and all I do there is shower and cook and such. Because I never "empty" a reservoir, and only top them off then balance the ppm, there's very little water waste. Electric bill this month was just over $400.

PLANTS: Topped all of the grapefruit diesels today, using the UncleBen method removing everything above the second node. The flower plants are nice, they are middle of week 5 and will be chopped at the end of week 8. Put another 48 or so plants under 3 new lights in Flower Room B on Monday, those all are looking very nice and healthy.

Video soon, should be up in a few hours.
sounds like things are moving a long kitty, i cant stand name calling either and if i did and didnt realize it like i said i am sorry for starting up an argument but it was not meant to be that way it was meant to be informative and keep anyone from making the same mistakes i have seen others and myself make when learning to play with pollen and im still learning every day i dont claim to know everything but i do stand behind what i know because its proven.

I knew you wouldnt be using that much water nice, way to keep that water bill low key.
Cant wait to c how those Grapefruit diesels come out... Is it Next Generations gear? I got some grapefruit x godbud from them goin now.