Aww, thanks sugarplum.

What was the light test your referring to? I cant remember that one.............
The Neem Oil seems to have nuked pretty much all the bugs. Horray. I'll hit em again this week once lights go out again and then every two weeks after that for preventative measures.
Today we are flowering four of the Endless Sky mothers (all of em!) and making new mommies from some of their clones just to get their size down again. We have about 350 plants in veg/clone stages right now so we have pleeeeeeeenty of plants for a little bit. Plus, the Bubblelicious and Snow White mommies have all been donating to the clone domes too, and we'll want to have a pile of that before we mix it up again too. Even though we dont plan to use all of the ES mothers that we're making today, they are fun to flower a huge plant by itself from time to time and we'll do that to some of these in a few months again..........